324: I didn't forget

186 13 1

November 20th - Prompt: Twenty Two


"Happy Birthday Peter."

Peter smiled a little, looking up to see his brother walk into the kitchen. "Thanks." He breathed.

"You okay?" Edmund asked as he went to pour himself a glass of milk.

Peter nodded, "Yeah I'm fine." He mumbled.

Edmund frowned a little, sitting at the table next to his older brother. "Susan not home yet?" He murmured.

Peter bit his lip, shaking his head. "No," He grumbled. "You think she would've stayed home last night in the first place, It's my birthday! I'm twenty two."

Edmund nodded a little. "Maybe she'll be back soon." He told him.

Peter snorted. "If she does come home," He said. "She'll probably be hungover."

"Peter." Edmund sighed sadly.

Peter ran a hand through his hair. "Fine, maybe she won't be that bad," He said. "But she'll have a headache which will put her in a bad mood."

Edmund stared at him for a moment, before they heard the front door open and close quietly, and then Susan appeared in the kitchen doorway.

"Oh, you're both up." She said quietly.

Edmund nodded. "It's 9am." He said slowly, frowning a little.

Susan took a deep breath, before heading over to put the kettle on. "Where's Mum and Dad? And Lucy?" She asked.

Edmund glanced at Peter, who was staring at the table, before sighing. "Dad's at work," He said. "Mum and Lucy went to the bakery down the road to get some breakfast."

Susan turned and frowned. "The bakery?" She asked. "Feeling generous is she?"

Edmund raised an eyebrow, "Well yeah," He said. "It's Peter's birthday."

Realisation grew on Susan's face, and she took a deep breath. "Oh yeah," She breathed. "Happy Birthday Peter."

Peter looked up. "You forgot?" He muttered.

Susan rolled her eyes. "Course I didn't." She muttered. "I've just got a lot on my mind at the moment."

Peter snorted. "Sure," He mumbled, taking Edmunds glass and having a sip of his milk.

Edmund just watched him, before sighing and turning to Susan. "You around today?" He asked.

Susan nodded. "I've got nowhere else to be." She said.

"What were you up to last night?"

"Peter..." Edmund murmured.

"If you must know, I was out with some friends." Susan told him. "Now if you could stop berating me that would be great, I've got a banging headache."

Peter glanced at Edmund, raising an eyebrow, almost saying "I told you so" before he stood. "I'm going to get changed." He said. "I'll be back down in a sec."

"Okay," Edmund whispered, and when he was gone he stood and walked over to Susan, who was pouring milk in her tea. "Tell me you got him a present."

Susan rolled her eyes. "Of course I did." She muttered. "I didn't forget his birthday."

Edmund nodded slowly. "Can you please just... be yourself today?" He all but whispered.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know what it means," Edmund said. "It's his birthday Susan, he's only gonna turn twenty two once."

Susan sighed, but after a while nodded. "Okay." Was all she said, before she gave Edmund a tiny smile and left the room.

Edmund sat back down at the table, running his hands over his face and taking a deep breath.

Something told him that today was going to be a long, long day.

He sat there for a while, before he headed up to the room he shared with Peter, knocking on the door just incase Peter was still changing. "Pete?"

"I'm dressed." Came Peter's voice.

Edmund opened the door, finding Peter sat at the end of his bed. "You okay?"

Peter nodded. "Yeah I'm okay." He breathed.

"If it helps, Susan told me she'd try be herself today." Edmund said gently, closing the door and joining him on the bed.

Peter took a deep breath, "I hope she keeps that promise." He sighed. "I miss the old her."

Edmund nodded in agreement. "So do I." He murmured, before patting Peter's shoulder. "Come on, Mum will be back in a minute, we'll eat breakfast and then do presents."

Peter smirked. "What did you get me?" He asked.

Edmund raised an eyebrow. "You'll have to wait and find out." He said.

"Oh come on," Peter grumbled playfully.

Edmund shook his head in amusement. "If you keep going on at me, I'll make you wait till your next birthday." He told him.

Peter grinned. "Who says I'll be here for my next birthday?" He asked, joking.

Edmund rolled his eyes. "You're such an idiot." He muttered.

But neither of them knew how much truth there was to Peter's joke...


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