276: Together

235 19 5

October 3rd - Prompt: Stand by you


Edmund ran up to Peter, gasping for air. He gripped his sword in his hand, he had a gash on his cheek, and he was slightly sweaty, his hair scruffy and sticking up a little, but he still looked every inch the warrior Peter knew he was.  

Peter turned to his younger brother when he stopped beside him, swallowing hard. "Maybe you should go." He choked. 

Edmund snorted, not even looking at his brother as he scanned the battlefield. "Not likely." He muttered, taking a deep breath and wiping the stream of blood off his face. 

"Ed there are too many of them." Peter pleaded. "I don't want you getting hurt."

"You think I can't protect myself?" Edmund teased, quickly cutting down an enemy that came charging at him before swinging around to face his older brother. 

Peter rolled his eyes. "You know that's not what I mean." He grumbled. "We're outnumbered greatly-"

"We always are."

Peter turned to his left when Susan appeared, holding her bow and arrow out as she shot at a nearby enemy. "Well, not always, but mostly." She added with a small smile as she lowered the bow and grinned up at Peter. 

Peter sighed. "You should leave too." He said, pushing her behind him and cutting down an enemy. 

Susan rolled her eyes, glancing at Edmund. "You would've thought he understood this by now." She muttered. "Peter, we do this together." 


Peter glanced up when Lucy came over, her sword in her hand as she took her spot next to Edmund. 

Peter stared at his eighteen year old sister, biting his lip as he let go of Susan. 

"We stand by you, Peter." Edmund said. "That's how it's always been, and that's how it will always be." 

"Edmund's right." Lucy said firmly. "Now what do you say we finish this?" 

Susan nodded. "I'd say that's a very good idea." She agreed. 

Peter glanced at Edmund, staring into his eyes for a while, before smiling weakly and nodding. 

"Together Peter." Edmund said firmly.

Peter took a deep breath, glancing at all his siblings before nodding. "Together."


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