288: I'm so glad I could save you

217 17 6

October 15th - Prompt: The archer



Susan lowered her bow, turning away from the targets and smiling when she saw Edmund, stood a little way behind. "Hey Ed." She said, wondering over. "You okay?"

Edmund nodded a little. "Yeah." He breathed.

"You not sword training with Peter?" Susan asked, placing the arrow she had back in the quiver.

"I was." Edmund murmured. "But he mentioned something, and I wanted to talk to you."

Susan frowned a little, but quickly changed it into a small smile. "Sure," She replied, placing a hand on his shoulder and steering him to walk with her. "What's up?"

Edmund walked beside her, his head down a little, before he sighed. "Peter said you - you shot Ginabrik..." He murmured.

Susan nodded slowly, knowing what he was on about. "Yeah." She breathed. "But - he was gonna kill you Ed, I couldn't let that happen."

Edmund smiled weakly. "Still, I know how much you hate violence." He breathed. "So, thank you, truly."

Susan squeezed his shoulder. "Don't mention it Ed." She told him. "I'm just glad I didn't miss."

Edmund chuckled softly. "I didn't see him when I woke up and went back to camp," He explained. "But Peter said you got him right in the chest."

Susan let out a shaky breath. "I was so scared I would miss." She admitted.

Edmund smiled at her. "You'll be the best archer in Narnia before you know it." He told her.

Susan looked unsure, but didn't let Edmund see the look. "I was praying so hard I wouldn't miss, and I'm so glad I could - save you." She mumbled.

Edmund swallowed hard. "So am I." He whispered.

Susan smiled sadly. "He - He was almost as worse as the witch, wasn't he?" She guessed, her voice soft.

Edmund laughed nervously. "How did you guess..." He murmured, his forced smile eventually disappearing as he swallowed hard, shuddering after a second. "The - The last night, the witch left me alone for most of the time, but he didn't..."

Susan sighed when he trailed off, pulling him close and into a quick hug. "Well, he's gone now." She said, slowly pulling away and smiling at him. "As is she, you're completely safe."

Edmund nodded a little, giving his older sister a gratful look, before smiling at her. "Thank you." He whispered.

Susan nodded. "Don't mention it." She told him. "Now come on, I reckon lunch will be ready soon, we should find Peter and Lucy."

Edmund agreed, and the two headed off towards where Edmund had left his older brother.

Half way there, Edmund slipped his hand into Susan's, and the two shared a smile, Edmund letting her know how truly, truly thankful he was.


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