203: Sunburn

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July 22nd - Prompt: You're going to regret this


"Is it a good idea to lay in the sun with your shirt off?" Lucy questioned, sounding a little worried as she stared at her brother.

Edmund shook his head. "I'm wearing suncream don't worry." He told her.

"They have suncream in Narnia?" Lucy questioned, chewing on a sandwich.

Edmund nodded. "Or some equivalent to it." He said with a small shrug. "Anyways the sun isn't that strong today anyway."

"Alright," Lucy breathed. "But you know how easily your burn, and something tells me you're going to regret this."

Edmund chuckled. "I'll be just fine." He breathed.

Lucy smiled. "I guess if you're wearing suncream." She said with a shrug. "That'll protect you."

Edmund nodded. "Exactly."


"I was wrong." Lucy murmured. "It didn't protect you.

Edmund took a deep breath from where he was stood looking at himself in the mirror.

His shoulders, chest, neck and back had all gone a bright red thanks to the sun, he was well and truly burnt.

"Susan's gonna kill you." Lucy murmured after a moment of silence.

"Forget Susan's lecture." Edmund grumbled. "It's Peter's teasing I'm gonna get annoyed by."

"We'll say we both thought you'd be fine." Lucy told him.

"That'll just up Peter's teasing." Edmund replied, before sighing. "Gosh it hurts so bad."

Lucy thought for a moment. "I could try my cordial?" She suggested. "I've never tried it on sunburn but maybe it works..."

But Edmund shook his head. "Don't be silly Lu." He said with a small smile. "It's only sunburn."

"It is bad sunburn though." Lucy pointed out.

"I'm not dying so save you're cordial okay?" Edmund said gently, turning to smile at her.

Lucy hesitated but agreed in the end, before sighing. "Perhaps the healers have some sort of aftersun?" She said slowly. "Like we used to have back home..."

Edmund shrugged. "Im sure they'll have something." He said. "They seem to have cures for everything under the sun."

Lucy giggled a little. "Trust you to get burnt." She said after a while. "A nice relaxing day down the beach and you somehow manage to get hurt."

"Only me eh..." Edmund breathed, joking around despite the pain he was in.

The two turned around when the door opened, Peter walking in and stopping dead at what he saw.

"What happened?" He asked quickly, hurrying over.

Sure, the protective side came out now, but... "I got sunburnt because I was laying in the sun too long..." Edmund answered slowly.

Peter stared at him for a long time, before he smirked. "Seriously?" He murmured.

Edmund rolled his eyes. "Yes, seriously." He replied.

Peter was silent for a minute, before laughing. "You idiot." He teased.

Edmund sighed. "If I have to deal with your teasing for the rest of the week I will end up punching you."

Peter chuckled quietly. "If only you tanned like some people." He said with a grin.

"Yeah well you're lucky." Edmund grumbled.

"We're gonna see if the healers have anything to help the pain." Lucy stepped in. "Like aftersun."

Peter nodded slowly, growing serious. "It does look painful." He breathed. "That's probably a good idea."

"I'm never going outside again." Edmund muttered as they all headed from the room.

Peter smirked. "You say that every time this happens..."


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