356: Shouldn't you be in bed?

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December 22nd - Prompt: Santa


Lucy snuck into the main hall where the huge Christmas tree was, wrapped in her dressing gown and holding a candle tightly in her hand.

She peered around the room, before grinning when she spotted him.

Santa turned, raising an eyebrow at the young Queen. "Shouldn't you be in bed?" He asked quietly.

Lucy gave him a sheepish smile, wandering over. "I wanted to see you." She said.

Santa chuckled quietly. "I'm flattered." He said jokingly.

Lucy giggled, placing her candle down on the floor. "Are they all for us?" She asked, staring at the presents under the tree.

Santa smiled at her. "Well, who else would they be for?" He said.

Lucy looked beyond happy. "Thank you." She breathed.

Santa couldn't keep back another jolly chuckle, and bent down in front of her. "You really should be sleeping though." He told her. "You'll be too tired for Christmas tomorrow."

Lucy bit her lip, but nodded slowly, before she flung her arms around Santa's neck. "Merry Christmas Santa." She whispered.

Santa smiled, hugging her back. "Merry Christmas Lucy."


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