351: Narnia is home

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December 17th - Prompt: This doesn't feel like home


"Is something bugging you?"

Peter hesitated, glancing at Susan for a moment before looking away and taking a deep breath. "This - This doesn't feel like home Su." He muttered, gesturing out the window. "Narnia is home now, not - not England."

Susan sighed sadly, walking over and sitting beside her brother. "I know," She breathed. "But you remember what the professor said, we'll go back one day."

"Yeah, one day," Peter muttered. "When though? Next week? Next year? In ten years?"

"I don't think it'll be that long." Susan murmured, before taking a deep breath. "Listen Peter, I know this is hard, but we're going back to London tomorrow, can you at least try and act a little happy. Lucy's really excited to be going home, excited to see Mum again, even Edmund is, try not to dampen their spirit."

Peter looked a little guilty, so he nodded in agreement to Susan's request. "I can do that." He breathed, before smiling gently. "I am happy we're gonna see Mum again, I've missed her."

Susan nodded slowly. "So have I." She breathed. "But this time tomorrow we'll be with her."

Peter smiled at her. "I'm gonna go check if Edmunds all packed." He told her. "No doubt he's been distracted by another book he found in the library."

Susan chuckled. "Make sure he hasn't snuck any into his suitcase," She reminded him. "Yes the professor said he was more than welcome to, but there's only so many he can actually fit in there."

Peter nodded. "Wish me luck." He said jokingly, heading from the room.

Susan laughed gently. "Good luck."

IMPORTANT!: Okay so, tomorrow I am going to France, I'll be away until after Christmas and will have no WiFi. Me updating completely depends on whether the data works or not. If it does, thank GOD! If it does not, I will cry because I won't be able to publish a one shot every day. BUT I have pre written all the one shots up until I'll get back, SO it still counts as completing the challenge and I will just publish them all the day I get back. If some days I don't get data but somedays I do, I'll just do a catch up. But everybody PRAY I'll have data and can continue posting each day.

I'll update tomorrow like normal before I leave my country, but after that... we'll see I guess. 🥺😂

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