281: I've missed him so much

221 17 5

October 8th - Prompt: Friendship



Lucy glanced up from where she was sitting in a patch of grass, her orange dress spread out around her.

"You okay?" Edmund asked, straightening his blue tunic as he wandered over to his little sister.

Lucy nodded a little, but didn't say anything.

"Where's Susan?"

"She went for a wander." Lucy replied quietly. "Where's Peter?"

"Still getting changed." Edmund replied, before sighing. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Lucy bit her lip, she wanted to say yes, but in the end she slowly shook her head. "I can't belive they're all gone." She whispered.

Edmund sighed sadly, slowly sitting beside her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I know." He murmured. "It's - hard to wrap your head around."

Lucy nodded slowly, before taking a deep breath. "He was my best friend." She choked out.

Edmunds heart ached, he knew who she was talking about. "Yeah." He whispered. "But - But it's alright, you'll see him again one day."

Lucy sniffed and buried her face into Edmunds shoulder. "I hope so." She whispered. "I've missed him so much, and now that we're finally back... he's gone."

Edmund hugged her tightly. "Your friendship with Tumnus was truly beautiful, you two were so close." He murmured. "And one day, it will be beautiful again, trust me."

Lucy smiled weakly. "Thank you Edmund." She whispered. "You always know just what to say."

Edmund laughed nervously. "I do?" He breathed.

Lucy nodded. "You do." She repeated. "I love you Ed."

Edmund smiled softly, tightening his grip around his little sister and placing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "Love you too Lucy." He whispered. "And Tumnus still does too, I promise."


A year as a Narnian || 365 Narnia one shots (Part two)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt