Finding Her Destiny

By Gracie182702

5.1K 785 14

"As his tongue slid in between mine I felt as if I could have melted into his arms. Just from his touch my mi... More

Running Late
Come Find Me
I Found You
Going Up Against The King
Glass of milk
The unexpected guest
Playing a dangerous game
The necklace
The carriage ride
A new friend
Metting the king
Stain glass
The little box
Can I have this dance?
Journal Entry
Blood magic
Don't loose control
Candle Light
Left alone
Secrets of the past
Blood stain
Playing with knife's
I know your secret
You must leave
Old Friend
Golden Festival
The Ball
A simple touch
Making a plan
Star Light
Making a plan
The Voice
Part 2
Cold Water
Its time
My world
A little laugh
The letter
Never to return
A simple glance
A desperate kiss
Don't leave
Just a dream
The gift
Tea time
What have you done
Old friends
Private dinner
Wondering around the castle
The demon of the night
Star light
The small room
Pleasure and Pain
Between the walls
Our love story Part 1
Our love story Part 2
The ball
The Loss Princess
New Identity
Alone At Last
Be bold
A new day
Midnight run
Going to war
Fire and Death
Finding Her Destiny

Your mine

26 5 0
By Gracie182702

The next morning we were back on the road towards King Franklin's kingdom. We arrived around dinner time. Once our carriage was parked Jamie helped Adeline and I down the large Carnegie steps.

"Do you hear that?" I asked as I grasped Jamie's hand while he helped me out of the carriage.

"It sounds like a large crowd in the main hall." He mentioned as we walked towards the loud noise.

Jamie went ahead of us to get a better idea of what was happening when I turned towards the nurse.

"Will you take Adeline to my chambers and get her ready for bed. I will send for someone to bring our dinner." I said as I hugged Adeline and watched them walk away.

I turned my attention back towards the crowd trying to see what the commotion was. Jamie's disapproved face told me something was happening.

I pushed past the crowd as he grabbed my arm and began pulling me in the opposite direction. "The king is drunk. Saying horrible things about your kingdom ." He said as he let go of my arm.

I manage to push a few more feet into the crowd to be able to hear.

"Lord's and Lady's at court I would like to show off one of my trophies I have found on my victory run this past week." King Franklin said as he gestured towards something covered up by a cloth.

When the guards removed the white cloth it was a large glass box with my coronation dress in the center. It had a few more of my belongings in it however my dress was the centerpiece.

"The so-called Queen of the Crescent Pack is dead! I am the ruler of two kingdoms now!" He screamed over and over again.

I began to walk swiftly through the crowd when I felt my arm being pulled back. "Lady Rose." I heard Benjamin say behind me, making me relax.

I swiftly turned around to find him looking at me with concern in his eyes. "I am happy your home." He said as he engulfed my entire body in a warm and inviting hug.

I quickly pulled away from him and began to pull him towards a quieter place."Where are we going?" He asked in a confused tone.

"You have a lot to inform about." I said through my teeth.

What the king said had angered my wolf and someone was about to lose their head.

I quickly found a corner and pulled him in. "What has your father been doing since I left?" I asked while trying to calm down.

He took a deep breath and then began explaining how his father took over 5 out of 14 territories in my domain.

"My council should have dealt with him!" I spat.

"Clam down. Or someone might hear us." He said as he looked around the corner to see if anyone was around.

Benjamin pulled me out of the corner and into the light in the hallway as he began to smile at someone behind me.

"Thank you King James for watching over Lady Rose for me on her journey." He said as I turned around to find Jamie standing in front of me.

"I shall be leaving to get my father under control. Tell Adeline I will see her for our little family picnic tomorrow evening." He said as he placed a kiss on my cheek.

It felt like someone had punched my stomach. I pulled away and managed a fake smile as he left Jamie and I.

I could see Jamie's eyes begin to turn bright yellow as Benjamin walked away.

He grabbed my arm and began to speed walk down the hallways. "Stop it Jamie you're hurting me." I mumbled so the others in the hallway didn't see my fear.

"You're mine!" He growled as he opened his chamber door. Thankfully I had enough time to make sure no one saw us before he pulled me in.

"Damn it Jamie!" I screamed as his claws had begun to extend when we were walking in the hallway. He quickly let go as he saw my arm drenched in blood.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." He said as he fell on the floor landing on his knees near my arm.

"I am fine, but you need to learn how to control yourself." I said as I pulled him up so his face would be near my neck.

He began to calm down as he smelt my scent. Then his eyes filled with lust as he pushed me up against the wall.

His quick motion hitched my breath and I couldn't wait for him to plunge into my deep crefest. He pulled my dress up as he began to unbuckle his pants.

He wasn't being gentle like he was the other days we made love. However I liked his hard core version of sex I was experencing.

"You mine.... Say your mine!" He said as I was in an orgasmic mess of pleasure. I pulled him closer as my claws extended and ripped at his back.

"Ahhhh.....I am yours Jamie.... Only yours!" I moaned as he began to plug harder and further into me.

Within moments we both were milking each other in our own warm juices. He pumped a few more times in me then slowly pulled out.

I couldn't help but wish he could always be embedded between my legs. I catched my breath as I walked into his bathroom to freshen up.

Once I was done making sure I didn't look as if I had mind blowing sex 5 minutes ago I walked into his seating room where he was waiting for me.

"I noticed some of the crowd was cheering in fear they might lose their heads. However others looked as if they were on his side. I believe we will have some people here that could help you win back your kingdom."

He said while looking down at the ground.

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