Finding Her Destiny

By Gracie182702

5.1K 785 14

"As his tongue slid in between mine I felt as if I could have melted into his arms. Just from his touch my mi... More

Running Late
Come Find Me
I Found You
Going Up Against The King
Glass of milk
The unexpected guest
Playing a dangerous game
The necklace
The carriage ride
A new friend
Metting the king
Stain glass
The little box
Can I have this dance?
Journal Entry
Blood magic
Don't loose control
Candle Light
Left alone
Secrets of the past
Blood stain
Playing with knife's
I know your secret
You must leave
Old Friend
Golden Festival
The Ball
A simple touch
Making a plan
Star Light
Making a plan
The Voice
Part 2
Cold Water
Its time
My world
A little laugh
The letter
Never to return
A simple glance
A desperate kiss
Don't leave
Just a dream
The gift
Tea time
What have you done
Old friends
Private dinner
Wondering around the castle
The demon of the night
Star light
The small room
Pleasure and Pain
Your mine
Between the walls
Our love story Part 1
Our love story Part 2
The ball
The Loss Princess
New Identity
Alone At Last
Be bold
A new day
Midnight run
Going to war
Fire and Death
Finding Her Destiny


23 6 0
By Gracie182702

4 day later

I have spent most of the days  in the cave with Jamie, since that eventful night. However Izzy stops by with the girls and visits with me during the day and returns back to the castle by noon.

Everytime I see Adeline leave it breaks my heart that I can't follow her or tuck her in at night......

I was lost in thought when I began to hear Izzy speak."Do you still love him?" Izzy asked while picking off the clothes off the clothes line.

"Of Course I do. I never stopped loving him. However I don't know how he truly feels." I said as I let out a deep breath while looking at the girls playing in the dirt beside the cave.

"What do you mean?" She said as she began to put the close into the basket.

"He will show all his emotions or none at all. It can be quite confusing." I admitted in a shy tone.

"Oh that's all men. My husband has to be drunk to show me his true emotions." She said while giggling.

"Girls, you must not get so dirty!" She shouted with the basket of my clothes dangling in her arms.

"Here gather your toys. Izzy is ready to get back to the castle." I said as I giggled at the silly faces the girls made to Izzy's comment.

"Mommy will he ever awake from his deep slumber?" Adeline asked me while I held on to her.

I paused for a moment and looked towards the cave. "I will give him exactly two more days. If he doesn't wake up by then I will return to the castle with you."

I said while placing a smile on my face hoping deep down she wouldn't see how broken I was.

I waved goodbye as they sped off on the horse and managed to hold back my tears as I picked the basket up that Izzy left by the cave.

"Why must my life be so confusing!" I shouted while entering the cave. Jamie hadn't awoken to any noises yet so I was fully ready to let my anger out. As he sleeps in a comma state.

I began shouting and cursing as I paced back and forth in the tinny cave. I then started to notice that my heart rate and breathing became erratic.

I slowed my pace and halted at a mirror that was small but I could see behind me to unravel the corset.

I became quite irritated with the damn thing. I started feeling as if I was having a panic attack mixed with my lungs feeling like they were collapsing.

No matter how hard I pulled the string, it felt as if it was becoming tighter and tighter. I slammed my fist on the glass mirror and began to curse once more.

"Damn this stupid thing! I don't want to return! I want to go home!" I began to scream over and over again.

All the while my wolf was yelling in my head to make me stop, but I ignored her until I felt a warm breath upon my mark on my neck.

The warm sensation made me weak at the knees. I couldn't quite explain the feeling of it. All I knew was my underwear was drenched in wetness. At this simple gesture.

I looked up towards the broken mirror and saw the face behind me. "Jamie!" My wolf howled in my mind. I was shocked by his appearance.

When he was in his coma he looked peaceful. However now he seemed as if he had been through hell all this time.

I spun around and wrapped my arms around his neck. He took the time to inhale my scent near my neck. That sent my body into a frenzy.

However I stayed calm and released him. We began to gaze at one another until he finally broke the silence.

"I am quite glad to see you after you said I hope you wake up so I can kick your ass for leaving me alone for 4 days." He said with a smirk growing on his greek god-like face.

"You heard all of it, didn't you?" I asked while redness began to cover my entire face.

He nodded and told me to turn around. I tried to ask why but he refused to explain himself.

"I hope he takes us. I would prefer any way.... Maybe it will be gentle or rough." My inner wolf said. "Stop thinking like a slut!" I spat at her and flinched when I felt his hand on my back.

I looked up at the miiro to find him with a kind smile on his face. "Calm down Charlotte I see you having trouble with the corset I am only helping."

He admitted as he began to undo the notes I made in my frantic state. "I have been out for a few days, I hear." He stated as he glanced up at me. I quickly removed my gaze from the miiro to the floor.

"Indeed. Izzy has been watching over Adeline for me. I wanted to be here when you awoke." I said as I felt my corset begin to fall.

I quickly placed my arms around my breast so my body wouldn't be showing. I thanked him and walked towards the basket that had my clothes.

I made sure he had turned around fully before I let my dress drop to the ground and slipped into my make shift nightgown. I had told Izzy to bring me a few of Jamie's shirts and cut it down the middle.

Then I sewed on some strings so I could tie it. I wanted to feel as if I was around him. Although he was near me, at the time he was in a coma-like state.

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