I'm Fine

By JLB_18

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{IN NEED OF HEAVY EDITING} Asha grew up with a verbally abusive mother that constantly put her older sister a... More

Part 1: Chapter 1
Part 1: Chapter 2
Part 1: Chapter 3
Part 1: Chapter 4
Part 1: Chapter 5
Part 1: Chapter 6
Part 1: Chapter 7
Part 1: Chapter 8
Part 1: Chapter 9
Part 1: Chapter 10
Part 1: Chapter 11
Part 1: Chapter 12
Part 1: Chapter 13
Part 1: Chapter 14
Part 1: Chapter 15
Part 1: Chapter 16
Part 1: Chapter 17
Part 1: Chapter 18
Part 1: Chapter 19
Part 1: Chapter 20
Part 1: Chapter 21
Part 1: Chapter 22
Part 1: Chapter 23
Part 1: Chapter 24
Part 2: Chapter 25
Part 2: Chapter 26
Part 2: Chapter 27
Part 2: Chapter 28
Part 2: Chapter 29
Part 2: Chapter 30
Part 2: Chapter 31
Part 2: Chapter 32
Part 2: Chapter 33
Part 2: Chapter 34
Part 2: Chapter 35
Part 2: Chapter 36
Part 2: Chapter 37
Part 2: Chapter 38
Part 2: Chapter 39
Part 2: Chapter 40
Part 2: Chapter 41
Part 2: Chapter 42
Part 2: Chapter 43
Part 2: Chapter 44
Part 2: Chapter 45
Part 2: Chapter 46
Part 2: Chapter 47
Part 2: Chapter 48
Part 2: Chapter 49
Part 3: Chapter 50
Part 3: Chapter 51
Part 3: Chapter 52
Part 3: Chapter 53
Part 3: Chapter 54
Part 3: Chapter 55
Part 3: Chapter 56
Part 3: Chapter 57
Part 3: Chapter 58
Part 3: Chapter 60
Part 3: Chapter 61
Part 3: Chapter 62
Part 3: Chapter 63
Part 3: Chapter 64
New Book!!

Part 3: Chapter 59

2.8K 176 4
By JLB_18

Asha took off down the hall once the elevator opened. She searched around the pediatric unit for room number 332. When she didn't see it at first glance, she got the attention of a nurse walking in the opposite direction of her.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for room 332."

"It's just down this hall and to the right. It's at the very end," the nurse said. Asha continued in the direction she was already going until she made it to suite 332. She swallowed past the lump in her throat and wiped her sweaty hands on her pants. She took several deep breaths before shaking off her hesitation and slowly pushing the door open.

The first thing Asha noticed was Penny and some guy she didn't recognize. The guy stood looking out the window while Penny was now standing from her seat by the bed. Asha continued into the room, not paying either of them any more attention. Penny quickly shuffled out of the way as Asha slowly made her way in.

"I've been keeping an eye on her," Penny said. Asha nodded, her eyes immediately locking on Imani's small frame once she made it to the bed. After so many days, Asha was finally laying eyes on her daughter. But the whole situation felt too surreal—almost as if Asha was stuck in another dream. She instinctively pinched herself just to make sure.

"She's been out of it ever since we found her this morning," Penny said.

"Is she okay?" Asha asked, her eyes never leaving Imani.

"Yes, for the most part."

Asha reached out and caressed Imani's cheek, careful not to touch any of the oxygen tubing around her nose. Asha was trying to keep it together, but seeing her daughter like this made her heart hurt.

Penny grabbed Tony and they left the room to give Asha some privacy. And as soon as the door closed behind them, Asha buried her head into the bed and cried. She didn't want to disturb Imani, but she also had to let it out. Her tears were a mix of relief at finally being able to see her daughter alive, but also immense guilt for what had happened. Asha could only imagine what Imani had to endure this past week, and because of that, Asha was afraid that Imani would never be the same little girl from before the abduction. Asha was also afraid that Imani would forever resent her for what happened.

"I'm sorry," Asha mumbled, trying her best to compose herself. "I'm so sorry."

Asha slightly jumped when there was a knock at the door. She said nothing as someone walked in.

"Ma'am?" Asha lifted her head at the unfamiliar voice.

"You must be the little one's mommy?" Asha only nodded, lip quivering as she forced herself to talk.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" Asha asked.

"Yes of course." The nurse went to go stand on the opposite side of the bed.

"My name is Jess and I am serving as your daughter's nurse for the duration of my shift, and everyday that she is here. Imani was initially sent to the ER, and since she was brought in unconscious, our first priority was to make sure she didn't have any life threatening injuries, especially to her head. We took her vitals, did some standard blood work, and we assessed her ABCs: airway, breathing, and circulation. We also did a physical survey, checking for bruises and any open wounds or lacerations. Unfortunately, we found some bruising around her wrists, a lot on her back, and some others in sporadic places around her body. We did a CT scan for her head and her back. Most of everything came back fine, but we found some irregularities in her blood work."

"What kind of irregularities?"

"Things that would indicate high levels of stress and dehydration, but nothing too major. We also gave her an oxygen tube because she was having troubles breathing. We think she might have been exposed to large amounts of dust, mold, smoke, or chemical fumes—all of which are not good for a child her age."

"Will she be okay?" Asha was overwhelmed by the information.

"Yes, but we have to observe her for a few more days to see if her respiratory issues get better. We also want to monitor the bruising as well," Jess said.

"What can I do?"

"The only thing you can really do is be patient while her body heals. And I know she'll be happy to see you when she wakes up," Jess smiled softly at Asha before checking Imani's vitals once more and then leaving. Asha spent the next few hours watching over Imani while Jess did her rounds every so often.

Penny and that other guy never came back, but Asha didn't mind because it was kinda awkward between her and Penny anyway.

Asha also hadn't seen Meech since he dropped her off after picking her up from Iris's house. Initially, he only told her that he wanted to take her somewhere. He didn't reveal where he was taking her because he didn't want her to be anxious the entire drive. But Asha fell asleep within the first hour and didn't wake up until they arrived in Tennessee anyway. It wasn't until they parked six hours later that the questions started rolling. Asha had no clue that the reason they were suddenly in Tennessee was because Imani had been found and they didn't want to risk taking her back to Georgia without knowing her condition first.

When Meech revealed why they were there, Asha couldn't contain herself and ran inside the building. She was still unaware of the details of what happened, but it was almost as if it didn't matter as long as Imani was okay.

The nurse kept reassuring Asha that Imani would wake up soon, so instead of worrying herself to death, Asha decided to rest her eyes some. And she was halfway asleep when she heard a noise. Her eyes snapped open.

Imani stirred a bit and started coughing. Asha jumped up from her seat and tried to soothe her.

"Imani?" Imani scrunched her face up and started to whine.

"Baby, can you hear me? It's mommy." Imani only continued to cough. Asha took her shoes off and slid into the bed. She then called out Imani's name over and over in hopes that Imani would realize that she was in a safe place. When calling her name didn't work, Asha resulted to planting small kisses on her face to try and fill her with as much love and warmth as possible. Asha also rubbed at Imani's chest to slow her heaving chest. When that actually started to work, Imani settled down, but she was still not aware of her surroundings.

Asha looked around for the call button. When she found it on the side of the bed, she pressed it. After about five minutes, Jess came back in.

"Is there another option instead of the oxygen tube?" Asha spoke up. "I think she's still working too hard."

"I can change the tube to a mask. It might actually be better for her so that she can get more oxygen flow."

"Yes, I think that would help." The nurse went back out to find a mask, and when she got back, she took a few seconds to change out the tube. The difference was immediate.

"I want to let you know that my shift is almost over, but before I go I'll make sure to leave notes for the next nurse that comes in after me."

"But do you mind if I also check her?" She asked. Asha moved away from Imani and climbed out of the bed. Asha thought Jess was just about to check Imani's blood pressure, but she moved the covers to the side instead.

"What are you doing?" Asha questioned.

"I have to change her. I didn't want to bother you earlier, but she's a little past due for a change."

"A change?"

"It's not ideal, but since she is not able to get up and move around, it's either a bedpan or this," Jess then revealed a diaper. Well, technically it was a pull-up, but a diaper nonetheless. Asha cringed knowing full well that Imani would have a fit if she knew she was wearing a diaper.

"I can do it," Asha volunteered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Asha smiled to herself. "It wouldn't be the first time." Jess gave Asha a pack of wipes and a set of clean diapers.

"I know you asked if you could stay past visiting hours, so I went to check our policies. As a parent you are allowed to stay overnight with your child, but make sure you also get some sleep and let the nurses do their job." Asha nodded in response.

"Oh, and I'll have some more covers brought to you. I can also see about getting you a portable bed. It's small, but we do have some available," Jess continued. Asha nodded again even though she probably wouldn't use it.

Jess left when she was done. Asha spent the next twenty minutes changing Imani and also using the bath wipes to give her a quick cleaning. Asha found some bruises during the process, which made her even more sad, but she tried not to think about it. She would soon learn about how Imani got those bruises, but until then she had to be patient. When Asha was done, she repositioned Imani's clothes and threw the soiled diaper in the trash.

After awhile, Asha heard a knock at the door. She thought it was the nurse, but when no one walked in, Asha got up to answer it.

It was Penny. Her hands were full as she carried multiple bags. Asha stood to the side to let her in.

"I just wanted to drop these off for you. We went to a Walmart down the street. I got you some feminine hygiene stuff, sweatpants and sweatshirts, underwear, a phone charger, coloring books for Imani, and colored pencils. You left your phone in Meech's car so I go that for you as well," she hauled everything over to the empty chair.

"Where is Meech?" Asha asked her.

"I can't talk about—"

"Of course you can't," Asha interrupted. Penny let out a deep breath before turning to her friend.

"I can't talk about it here. This hospital wasn't the best option for Imani, but it was our only option. There are eyes and ears everywhere, so I really can't talk about it. We will leave as soon as Imani is well enough to be discharged, and only then can I tell you everything." Penny walked closer to Asha and got close enough to speak directly into her ear.

"Hospitals are very sneaky, especially when it comes to Black people. Be careful what you say because they could use it against you."

"What do you mean?" Asha lowered her voice as well.

"They've seen all those bruises on a five-year old child. That's more than enough to raise anyone's suspicions. And the last thing we need is for them to call the police or child protective services."

"But I didn't do anything," Asha said.

"I know, but they don't know that. Just don't answer any unnecessary questions." Penny gave Asha a quick kiss on the cheek and backed away.

"I'll see you tomorrow Asha. And please answer your phone."

Penny left after that. And Asha was now paranoid. She was so worried about Imani's safety that she didn't pay much attention to how others could perceive the situation. Someone could definitely look at Imani and call foul play. Hopefully that won't happen, but like Penny said, "hospitals are very sneaky."

Hey everyone!! There is about four more chapters left in this story. I'm really trying to get more than one chapter out a week, but I've been really slow for some reason. I was also kinda busy this week, but I'll do better. This chapter is not anywhere near as good as I wanted it to be, but I tried. I can't wait to be done with this book though.

Then I may or may not have a juicy surprise that is unrelated to this story.

I promise the next chapter will be better and we may finally get to see the interaction between Asha and Dashawn. 😬

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