I Am No Jedi: Ahsoka x Reader

By darkprevalence

358K 9.1K 1.7K

Male Jedi reader insert #10 in Ahsoka #2 in starwarsfanfiction #1 in theclonewars #10 in starwars /// y/n and... More

Author's Note and Disclaimer
Y/N Bio
Author's Note #2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
ThAnK yOu'S & sHoUtOuTs
Author's Note #3
Chapter 6
Thx + Shoutouts + Other Stuff 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Valentine's Day 'Game'
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
U da best guys
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Untitled Part 55
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note #3
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 40

2.6K 62 28
By darkprevalence

This is the last chappie of the Onderon arc! I'm sorry if y/n and Ahsoka don't get much interaction, they will in the next parts. I wanted to stick to my idea of keeping the original canon timeline without changing the story (so therefore y/n doesn't appear in any scenes that you will see in the TV show Onderon arc unless it's unseen or as the rebel shown in previous chapters) Anyways, I also wanted to create tension and pressure between the two so yeahhhh...basically enjoy! Vote if you likey :D

The shape of a Ruping in the distance grew larger, its distinct orange wings flapping against a light blue sky and barren, dusty highland terrain. The creature flew gracefully across rocky plateaus of various shape, size and height, sprinkled here and there with clusters of purple forestry. Eventually it reached the makeshift rebel camp, a stronghold erected atop a tall mesa, made of resources scavenged from the nearby landscape.

The Ruping descended, landing on the wooden stick railing of one of the platforms. Lux and Ahsoka dismounted, the former rushing to deliver his excited report to Saw, who had watched them arrive.

The Togruta, meanwhile, took off her cloak, an odd, grimaced look on her face. Inside she was battling emotions, having finally come to an epiphanous decision, one that was hard to accept but essential to stick to.

"The people are turning against the droids," the senator grinned. "There's rioting in the streets now."

"That's a beautiful thing," Saw replied, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

From the other end of the platform, Steela was stroking the head of another Ruping, and looked up at their exchange. "We need to keep the battle to the outskirts of the city," she said, walking towards the two.

"Less structures, and people," Lux agreed, putting his hands on his hips.

"But less clankers. Their main force is in Iziz," Saw debated. "We should join the fight down there and take it straight to King Rash."

"We all want victory, but not at the cost of innocent lives," his sister fought back. "If we fight door to door, no one is safe."

"This is war, Steela," he shot back, gesticulating with his hands.

"She's right." Dendup had ascended the platform with Tandin and interjected the siblings' argument.

"I agree," Ahsoka chimed in. "The more you draw the droids from the city to the highlands, the safer the people will be."

"My men await your command, my Lord," the General bowed to Dendup.

"I believe there's a new contender," the older man said with a smile, and turned to Steela. "You will lead our forces, including the Royal Army. Steela is now the commanding general!" Her face practically glowed from the honour, surprise and excitement, whilst Lux grinned like an idiot at her achievement.

"A great choice," Ahsoka nodded quickly, the same pained expression returning to her face, though no one noticed.

"As you wish, my Lord," Tandin nodded and bowed once more.

"You and your rebels renewed my faith in myself," the old king told Steela, approaching her and putting a hand on her shoulder. "Now, I'm putting my faith in you."

"Thank you, your Majesty," she beamed, though an air of maturity, respect and seriousness surrounded her. "Let's ride."

Lux made an effort to speak to and congratulate her, but she had already turned away. Embarrassed and shy, he chose not to call her back and instead whistled for his Ruping. The creature flew down to him and the Togruta, landing on the railing once more as it waited for them to mount.

Steela turned from preparing her animal to look back at Lux. A smile appeared on her face as she gathered the courage and walked towards him. He had been checking the head of the Ruping when Steela roughly grabbed his jaw with one hand and jerked his face towards her. Pulling him in, she kissed him, one hand cupping his cheek, before pushing him away.

"Just in case," she smiled, whilst Lux's face remained shocked and delighted. The two climbed their respective Rupings, and he looked back to Ahsoka.

The latter was smirking, gave him a grin and then punched his shoulder. It was surprisingly easier than she had expected to let go, and there was even a hint of happiness for him.

With that, they flew up into the sky.

"The droid army is almost here," Steela announced, hopping off her mount from the scouting mission. "Everyone, get ready."

She, Lux and Ahsoka were perched atop a rocky spire. Meanwhile, Tandin was at the head, leading a group of ground forces and animals. Half a klick ahead, a seemingly more organised and much larger army of droids marched mechanically towards them.

"Ready!" the old general grunted, and Steela immediately said into her commlink, "Saw, begin your attack."

Four Rupings flew into the sky, screeching loudly as if they were uttering war cries. Their riders swooped down, hands clutching explosive grenades, before tossing them straight into the Separatist ranks. A large portion of the droids were blown up, and at this point the machines were in firing range.

The rebels began shooting at them, and the blaster bolts were also returned. Tandin led a group of Dalgos into the fray, the large animals trampling the remaining droids of the first squad. From above, another rebel operated a huge laser canon, whilst Steela worked at them with her sniper rifle, both dispatching more of the Separatists.

The machines continued to advance, but with every step they took one of them was destroyed.

y/n was stationed in the undergrowth that grew on both sides of the path that was being marched. He expertly dispatched droids with headshots, perched in the leafy shadows of the trees. The machines never knew what hit them.

Though, he hated to admit that he was still distracted as ever. He did notice the change in Ahsoka's behaviour towards Lux, but it still didn't stop his jealousy and the hopelessness he felt in believing that she would never have feelings for him. Every time he pressed the trigger it would be with so much force that it turned his knuckles white, and he imagined he was sniping the little shards of his heart.

Saw led the Rupings in for another round, targeting the tanks. As the animals and their riders flew past, rebels half stopped to cheer their successes. But suddenly, disc shaped flying droids zoomed into the battle. The laser bolts they fired out hit one of the animals, sending the smoking carcass and its rider falling from the sky.

Next, the HMP gunships targeted the Onderonian operating the laser canon. She, along with the weapon and part of the rock formation, was blasted to bits.

"No!" shouted Steela, seeing her comrades falling.

"Where did that come from?" Lux frowned, looking around and readying his rifle to try and take down the machines.

"There!" Ahsoka pointed as two of the gunships came into view. The two rebels began shooting at the droids, but none of the blaster bolts penetrated as there was a ray shield protecting them.

"Any ideas?" Steela grunted, as the machines flew closer and closer towards their position.

"Yeah," answered the Togruta. "Run!"

They barely escaped the onslaught, leaping to their feet and scrambling up to reach their Rupings. Beneath their feet, the rocks turned to dust as the gunships fired laser bolts. Reaching the safety of their creatures, they flew into the air, though the Separatists still chased after them.

"Kriff!" y/n cursed to himself as the flying droids spotted the rebels' hidden positions amongst the undergrowth. The machines zoomed towards them, and he rolled out of the way just as the first volley of bolts were fired, killing a few of the soldiers beside him. Pushing the remaining ones out of harm's way with the Force, he rushed behind a rock. There was, however, nothing for him to do. The pulsing energy blasts from the droid vibrated through the stone into his back as the gunship whittled quickly away at his defense.

"Kriff kriff kriff kriff," he repeated under his breath. He couldn't do anything without using his Force powers, revealing his identity and further involving the Jedi in the war. Suddenly the firing stopped. Warily, he peaked out from behind the half-eaten rock to see that the machine had turned its attention elsewhere, dealing even more damage to more rebel ranks.

Meanwhile, Ahsoka was having an urgent conversation with Anakin and Obi-Wan, trying to get the Council to send in troops to help the Onderonian situation. The two were unable to grant her request, but in Coruscant the two began to formulate a plan to involve a third party to rescue the surviving rebels from the war.

Now the rebels began to retreat, beaten back by the advancing, seemingly never-ending supply of droids, having lost many of their men to the attacks of the gunships.

"We'll have to regroup at the nest!" Tandin ordered his troops back, and the surviving soldiers rushed out of the danger.

"The highlands might slow down the droids, but they won't stop the gunships," Saw sighed. They were back at their makeshift base, momentarily safe.

"We have to move," Steela posited.

"Any word from Master Skywalker?" Lux asked, preferring to take part in the strategic placement of the rebels.

"Not yet," answered Ahsoka, an almost regretful look on her face. Hearing these words, they all looked down, deep in thought with only the last dregs of hope remaining.

"We're not giving up yet," declared Steela suddenly, mustering up enough courage and leadership as she could. "Stagger our defenses to the camp. Secure the approach. Stay in small teams. Make use of our training."

"You really are the best leader among us," Saw smiled genuinely. "Couldn't be more proud of you, my sister."

She returned the smile and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I learned from the best, big brother."

"Let's go, General," he grinned and exited to prepare the troops.

"You have to help us," Lux murmured to Ahsoka, almost as if he were begging.

"I'll do all I can to protect you, but I can't fight this war for you," the Togruta answered.

His gaze hardened and he turned to follow Saw without another word.

Steela was much more supportive. "We wouldn't have made it this far without you."

"I wish I could do more," she answered. "Wait..." they looked up to the sky as the sound of an engine filled the air. "Looks like we have company."

A large ship landed, immediately a boarding ramp lowered and pirates emerged in pairs, carrying crates weighed down with unknown materials. The rebels had already surrounded the craft, weapons ready.

"Don't shoot!" Ahsoka ordered as she and Steela rushed out behind Lux and Saw.

Hondo Ohnaka descended the ramp, and chuckled when the senator drew a blaster, which he aimed at the pirate.

"Well, you could be my new favourite spice," he grinned, addressing Steela.

"Yeah, I don't think so," she shook her head and frowned, putting a hand on her hip once she recognised that he didn't pose any danger.

"Careful, pirate," Lux threatened, moving the blaster closer.

"Hondo, what are you doing here?" Ahsoka asked accusingly.

The Weequay clicked his tongue and tutted. "Oh, no, no, no. You should thank me, child. I have brought you a gift from Skywalker and Kenobi," he said, flourishing his hand at the crates as the pirates removed the lids to reveal shining weapons. "The latest from Sienar."

"Rocket launchers?" she narrowed her eyes in surprise and distrust.

"Shoulder fired. Very expensive," Hondo replied.

"Paid for?" Ahsoka eyed him suspiciously, knowing full well what the pirate did for his job.

"Very handsome-"

Suddenly a blaster bolt whipped through the air, hitting his ship. "Oh! Oh, my, look at the time," he muttered, turning his gaze to where the shots had originated from. A couple of commando droids were leaping around whilst rebels tried to detain them.

"Well, my work here is done," Hondo said, gesturing for his men to reboard the ship. He moved with surprising calmness despite the bolts whizzing through the air. Before the droids had been dealt with, the pirates' ship had already ascended back into the sky.

"Ugh, they must have seen Hondo's ship," Steela muttered.

"It was only a patrol," the Jedi reasoned.

"We have to get these down to the others," Lux said, already crouched down beside the crates. He slung two of the rocket launchers over his shoulder. "Load them up."

"I hope they work," Steela half sighed.

"There's only one way to find out," the Togruta replied with a grin.

Flying down to the conflict once more, the familiar sound of blaster bolts, explosions and shouts filled the air. Suddenly a tightness and guilt filled Ahsoka, and she remembered y/n. She had completely forgotten about him amidst the fighting and chaos. Hoping he wasn't hurt; she beat herself up in her mind for not caring about him.

Landing, her thoughts were pushed out once more, though she made an urgent reminder to look for him in the battle. On the ground, rebel troops were positioned behind cover, many of them attempting to make shots but unable to due to the heavy Separatist fire.

Saw turned to them. "We've tried everything, but we're target practice for those gunships."

"Now it's their turn," Lux smiled smugly, handing the nearest soldier his rocket launchers.

"Thank the Jedi," Steela said to her brother as Saw admired the new weapon. With a grin, he rushed out into the field, not caring about the danger or his sister calling his name, before raising the barrel to his shoulder and firing at the nearest gunship.

Despite its strong ray shield, the machine erupted in flames, spewed smoke, and crashed to the ground where it promptly exploded, undoubtedly destroying some of its own forces.

Saw chuckled and gazed at the weapon with a twinkle in his eye. "I love this!"

The soldiers around him cheered, grinned and laughed at finally being able to destroy the bane of their fighting.

Ahsoka heard a familiar chuckle, and immediately whipped her head to spot y/n on a rock only a few metres beside her, pumping his fist into the air in celebration with other rebels around him. He probably sensed her, because he turned around and despite the bandanna over his face, she could tell he was smirking at her. All at once, the previous panic ceased, and she knew she would be able to focus on the fighting without any distractions.

"Distribute the rocket launchers and take out those gunships," ordered Steela. Just after she had finished talking, her radio buzzed to life.

"Steela, they're attacking the nest!" a voice exclaimed through the commlink. "They're after the king!"

"Come on," she beckoned, jumping aboard her Ruping without another look back.

"She sure leads by example," Ahsoka watched her fly into the air.

"What good will that do us if she gets herself killed?" Lux replied as they climbed onto their own ride.

They neared the nest, already hearing the mechanical droning and columns of smoke rising into the air. Steela swung her rocket launcher off her back and fired at the gunship, but missed. The machine now raced after her Ruping, laser bolts flying everywhere but fortunately missing the creature.

She jumped off, fall cushioned by a tarp roof, before landing on the ground and taking another shot at the gunship. This time, she had a clean view and hit it.

But the danger wasn't over yet. Two commando droids were now pursuing Dendup and a couple surviving royal guards, who had run out of their hiding place to escape. Steela grabbed her sniper rifle and rushed after them.

Just then, Lux and Ahsoka landed, in time to counter a wave of B1 battle droids that had arrived. They were too busy dealing with the new threat to help the old king.

Dendup ran as fast as his age and body would allow him. Behind him, his two royal guards tried to protect him by shooting at the commando droids, and one of both sides were shot down.

To his horror, Dendup found himself with nowhere else to go. The route he had taken led him straight to the edge of a dizzying cliff, whilst the remaining machine continued to advance quickly.

A shot pierced the air. The last soldier collapsed on the ground, dead. Then the Separatist fell to the ground, a steaming hole in its metal head. Steela looked up from the crosshairs, walking towards the king who was shielding his face, ready to take the droid's blaster bolt.

"Are you alright, Your Majesty?" she asked, helping him up away from the cliff's edge as Dendup realised what had happened.

"Thanks to you."

Before Steela could reply, a rocketed gunship gyrated towards them. It had been shot down by Saw and his rebel troops but was now posing a dangerous threat with every second it wheeled towards them.

"Get down!" she shouted, pulling the king with her to the ground. The gunship hit the edge of the rock, lurched forward with its momentum, before smashing onto the plateau whilst Lux and Ahsoka barely jumped out of the way.

Without warning, a crack appeared at the edge of the cliff, right where Steela and Dendup were standing. She only had enough time to process what was happening and push him onto stable ground, but her own feet gave way as the rock split and began to fall.

Desperately, she made a last attempt to leap to safety, her hands clutching unsuccessfully at the cleft of the cliff, but the stone was too smooth. Instead, she slid down the lip of the rock, falling down but somehow managing to hang onto a small ridge that protruded from the cliff. Below her, the slab that had separated from the precipice was smashed to dust.

Lux leapt to his feet and made his way as close to the edge as he could before lying on his stomach, reaching down with his hand to try and grab her.

"Hang...on!" he said through gritted teeth, trying to extend his arm more than what was humanely possible. It felt like his shoulder was going to pop out of its socket.

The movement, his angle and the instability were too much. With a yell, he fell forwards, almost tumbling over the edge, but something held him up.

Ahsoka gently guided him back onto the rock with the Force, and focused her attention on doing the same with Steela.

"I'll handle this," the Togruta said, rushing towards the edge. Stabilising herself, she slowly pulled the rebel upwards. A look of pure concentration and exertion formed on Ahsoka's face. She grimaced and clenched her teeth, and steadily the distance between Steela and the ground below grew smaller.

It was so close, the Jedi could almost touch her outstretched fingers-


Shock, then heat, then pain flooded Ahsoka's senses. She lost her focus and grip on Steela.

As the Togruta fell back, collapsing on the rock, Steela plummeted down, limbs flailing helplessly as a strangled scream forced its way out of her mouth.

Lux whipped into action, grabbing her discarded blaster rifle and firing a shot at the gunship. Despite being hit by the rocket launcher and crashing to a vicious halt, the machine hadn't been completely broken. Its working laser turret whirred towards him, but the senator hit the droid before it could fire again.

Clutching her shoulder in pain, Ahsoka only processed what had happened. Immediately she stumbled back to her feet and rushed towards the edge, Lux right behind her.

Shock plastered both their faces as they looked down.

Steela's broken body lay lifeless on the rocks below.

Flying down to her position, the Togruta and the rebel ran towards the loose circle the rebels had formed around her figure. Saw held his sister gently in his arms, grief and sorrow on his features.

"It was my fault," he whispered hoarsely as Lux kneeled down beside him. "I shot that gunship down, and it crashed into her position."

"Saw, it's not your fault," the senator replied, his voice soft. Stroking Steela's cheek with the back of his fingers, he continued. "She knew what the risks were. We all knew what it would take to free Onderon."

Ahsoka watched solemnly, her head down. The pain in her shoulder was killing her now that the initial adrenaline rush was over. Her eyes then narrowed and she frowned when she realised something.

Once the circle had broken and the rebels dispersed to their duties, she pulled y/n aside.

He wrapped her tightly in a hug before she could speak and whispered, "I'm sorry," into her ear. The Togruta pushed him off and hardened her gaze, staring resolutely at his confused face.

"What?" he asked, pulling off his bandannas to reveal his sweat and dirt-streaked face. A trickle of blood ran from his temple.

"Where were you when...when Steela fell?" she demanded.

"I...I was with Saw and the ground troops..." he replied, looking down at his feet, moved at the loss of the rebel leader." he replied, looking down at his feet, moved at the loss of the rebel leader.

"You could have saved her then," Ahsoka muttered, poking a finger at his chest, and ignoring how hard it was. "You could have saved her, but you didn't."

It seemed like the whole of Onderon, or at least every citizen of Iziz, was present. They were packed on every street closest to the royal palace, clustered in front of the very steps that Dendup was to be executed at. Everyone was here to pay their respects to the fallen.

There was a solemn silence as Saw, Lux and Ahsoka climbed the steps to her shroud. They took their time to stand and reflect before her coffin, and then moved to one side.

"This has been quite a journey for our Padawan," Obi-Wan remarked to Anakin. The two Jedi had finally returned to the planet following Onderon's freedom from Separatist rule.

"Steela will be a powerful spirit in their lives," he replied.

"Yes," the older man nodded. Though, it was not quite what he had meant. True, the losses in the rebel ranks, especially their leader, had been a hard hit, but the emotional struggle would have also been immense. Looking away from the rebels, now dressed in civilian uniform, who were standing respectfully behind Steela's resting place, Obi-Wan turned back to the funeral. "For all of us."

To the side, Ahsoka addressed the sombre looking Saw. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thanks, but it's over now," he replied with a shake of his head. "Let's just leave it at that." Without another word he stalked off.

She and Lux watched him walk away with understanding, but sorrowful looks on their faces.

"Steela would be glad," Lux spoke. "Her sacrifice gave Onderon its freedom."

"But at what cost? It's like you once said. Many lives get caught between the Republic and the Separatists."

"I did say that once. But after watching your heroics and the selflessness of the Jedi, I do believe the Republic is the right side to be on."

"What do you mean?"

"Dendup has appointed me the new Senator of Onderon. I will follow in my mother's footsteps, and I will bring us back to the Republic," he announced.

"Remember this day," the King's voice then rang out to every citizen watching. "the day Onderon became free again."

He spread his arms out wide, and in response the crowd cheered, a sound so powerful and uniting that it continued on in each citizen's proud heart.

sorry, maybe i didnt make it clear. dont hate on ahsoka guys...basically y/n was near enough and most likely had the time and opportunity to rescue steela as she fell. but he didnt because he didnt want to reveal his identity, which was the instruction from the order. so ahsoka is mad at him for not breaking/bending the rules to save someones life, which, in my opinion, she has a reason for doing so. hope that made it clearer.

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