Wicked Game || CURRENTLY EDIT...

By Mendesmycam

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Stranger Things x MCU IMPORTANT: This book is undergoing major changes so I wouldn't read it just yet. Y/n i... More

Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Chapter 2: Never Ending Romance
Chapter 3: If You Leave
Chapter 4: 32 Years?
Chapter 5: 80s Chick
Chapter 6: Screwed Over By Time
Chapter 7: Friends
Chapter 8: 2010s' House Party
Chapter 9: Stranger Things
Chapter 10: Protective Spidey
Chapter 11: Dreaming Of You
Chapter 12: She'll Be Ready One Day
Chapter 13: Captain America & Wanda Maximoff
Chapter 14: CA & WM Pt. 2
Chapter 15: What I Need to Say to You
Chapter 16: Hard to Say I'm Sorry
Chapter 17: Homecoming?
Chapter 18: The Lady In Red
Chapter 19: The Vulture
Chapter 20: The New Avenger
Chapter 21: A Strange Reunion
Chapter 22: I Feel Stronger
Chapter 23: Peter, You Precious Boy
Chapter 24: Memory Lane
Chapter 25: Jonathan Byers
Chapter 26: Newfound Feelings
Chapter 27: The Power of Love
Chapter 28: From An Infinity Stone?
Chapter 29: Wakanda Forever
Chapter 30: Another One Bites the Dust
Chapter 31: So This Is Hawkins
Chapter 32: Endgame
Chapter 33: The Funeral
Chapter 34: Thank You, Steve
Chapter 35: All Thanks to Morgan Stark
Chapter 36: SWORD
Chapter 37: 50s Suburbia
Chapter 38: 50s Suburbia Part 2
Chapter 39: For the Children
Chapter 40: For the Children Part 2
Chapter 41: Now in Color
Chapter 42: Now in Color Part 2
Chapter 43: We Interrupt This Program
Chapter 44: We Interrupt This Program Part 2
Chapter 45: The 80s Are Back
Chapter 46: The 80s Are Back Part 2
Chapter 47: The 80s Are Back Part 3
Chapter 48: Sister, Sister, Brother
Chapter 49: Sister, Sister, Brother Part 2
Chapter 50: Breaking the Fourth Wall
Chapter 51: Breaking the Fourth Wall Part 2
Chapter 52: And That Makes You...
Chapter 53: And That Makes You... Part 2
Chapter 54: That's a Wrap
Chapter 55: That's a Wrap Part 2
Chapter 56: That's a Wrap Part 3
Chapter 57: Back in the Real World
Chapter 58: You Remember That?
Chapter 59: Like We're Stupid Teenagers
Chapter 60: Could I Get a Copy?
Chapter 61: Strange Surprises
Chapter 62: There Are Stranger Things
Chapter 63: You Are a Freak
Chapter 64: The Star-Spangled Man
Chapter 65: Head Games
Chapter 66: The Real Slim Shady
Chapter 67: Freaky Friday
Chapter 68: That's My Captain America
Chapter 69: I Could Fall in Love
Chapter 70: Peter's Plan
Chapter 71: New Attitude
Chapter 72: Airplane Bathroom
Chapter 73: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Chapter 74: Man of Mystery
Chapter 75: AmethystSpider
Chapter 76: You're a Good Person
Chapter 77: Hey, Peter... I Miss You
Chapter 78: Take Off Your Clothes
Chapter 80: This Is Causing Me Stress
Chapter 81: Night at the Opera
Chapter 82: Were They Wrong?
Chapter 83: Nothing to Say
Chapter 84: How Does He Do This?
Chapter 85: I'm Not Amethyst
Chapter 86: Mysterio Is a Fraud
Chapter 87: You Don't Know What's Real
Chapter 88: If You Were Good Enough
Chapter 89: I Just Really Miss Him
Chapter 90: The Dream Team
Chapter 91: Mind Game
Chapter 92: You're Done, Beck
Chapter 93: Psychofreak
Chapter 94: Chiquitita
Chapter 95: Digging Up the Past
Chapter 96: Back to the Future
Chapter 97: Did You Feel Anything?
Chapter 98: Live Your Life
Ending 1: Be My Last ~ Peter
Ending 2: Back to You ~ Jonathan
IMPORTANT!!! - Please Read

Chapter 79: Peter the Cheater

241 18 11
By Mendesmycam

Anyone else still emotionally destroyed from NWH? 😅 Like now I'm thinking about Peter and y/n's future and I just... Why can't my boy ever catch a break? :(



Y/n and Peter sit in the front row of the bus, Peter in the aisle seat and y/n by the window. "Okay, wait, I'm confused. Why would Brad want to show everyone just because I may not believe him?" she asks her boyfriend.

Peter gives her a pointed look. "Come on... how do you not know?" he asks. Y/n just sends him an oblivious look. Wow, and I thought I was the clueless one, Peter thinks. "He likes you," he states.

Y/n makes a weird face, finding it hard to believe. "What? No, he doesn't," she scoffs.

Peter shakes his head. "Seriously, y/n? He constantly flirts with you, even when I'm right there. And he straight up told me he likes you too much to let you keep being with me," he informs her.

Y/n's face falls as she processes the information. Peter wouldn't put words in somebody else's mouth to prove a point. She reflects on all her past interactions with Brad, realizing that Peter's claim makes sense. The flirting, cheesy smiles, unnecessary compliments, interrupting moments with her boyfriend. Oh, my God, Brad likes me, she thinks. She gawks at Peter, who quirks an eyebrow at her. "Oh..." she trails off.

"Yeah," Peter returns.

Y/n shakes her head, dismissing the topic. "Okay, well, that's not important. We need to figure out a way to erase the photo from his phone," she declares.

Peter nods in agreement. "Right, uh..." he responds. "Oh, EDITH!" he suggests, taking the case out of his backpack.

"Yes, that's a great idea!" y/n agrees, watching him open the case. Peter takes the glasses out and hands them to her before putting the case back in his backpack. He then turns over his left shoulder, peeking at Brad, who's at the back of the bus staring at his phone.

He turns back around and takes the glasses from y/n before putting them on. "EDITH?" he asks, activating the AI.

"Hello, Peter. How can I help you?" EDITH asks.

"Hey. Um, there's this guy in my class who's gonna humiliate me in front of the whole-" Peter starts to ramble before the AI interjects. I don't think EDITH needs the whole story, y/n thinks.

"Peter, I'm having difficulty hearing you. Can you please speak up?" the AI claims.

"Um, Brad Davis. He has a photo of me," Peter slightly raises his voice.

"Brad Davis? Is he a target?"

"Is Brad a target? Um..." Peter repeats. He glances at his girlfriend, who quickly nods her head. He then whirls around to look at Brad again, who's nervously looking around the bus, encouraging himself to send the picture to everyone. The lenses show Peter the photo that Brad has on his phone. He turns back around and confirms, "Yeah, he's a target. He's a target." Y/n nods, thinking EDITH will easily delete the picture.

"Copy that. Target is Brad Davis. Initiating strike."

Concern fills Peter's veins. "Initiating what now?" he asks in shock.

This baffles y/n. "What?" she asks, noticing his worried face. Peter doesn't reply as he listens to EDITH's voice.

"Intercept point determined. Releasing kill vehicle."

"EDITH," Peter calls the AI's name, realizing that it misunderstood. His head snaps to y/n and he stares at her with wide eyes.

"What? What did you do?" she asks, now concerned.

"We all might die," Peter remarks before turning around. Y/n's confused by this. Peter looks out the window of the back of the bus and slowly removes his glasses. "Oh, my God..." he mumbles. Y/n turns her body to look in the direction he's staring in and her eyes widen as well as she spots a drone in the sky. Oh, shit, she thinks.

Out of nowhere, Flash snatches the glasses from Peter's hands. "Dope glasses, Parker. How'd you pay for these? Was it y/n?" he teases as he puts them on.

Peter reaches for the glasses. "Flash, give them back. Give them back!" he repeats, trying to convince Flash to return them.

Flash talks over him. "No, no, no. I'm really paying you a compliment."

"Please, give me-" Peter freaks out before accidentally slapping him in the face. Flash instantly blacks out. Y/n's mouth forms into the shape of an 'o' as she slightly chuckles. Peter gapes at the unconscious boy with wide eyes as he stands up. "I'm so sorry," he mutters before ripping the glasses off Flash's face. He straightens up and rapidly puts the glasses on. "EDITH, don't kill Brad," he commands. Y/n whirls around, seeing Brad getting out of his seat. 

"Peter, do you want me to cancel the drone strike?" EDITH asks.

Before Peter could answer, a girl asks him, "did you just punch Flash?"

"No," Peter acknowledges her.

Understanding that the answer was for her, EDITH states, "firing."

Peter immediately turns around, shooting a web at the steering wheel. He pulls on it, making the bus's tires screech as it harshly maneuvers to the side. The drone shoots the exterior mirror on the driver's side off and everyone's bodies are thrown to the right. The bus skirts toward the railing and Dimitri quickly turns the steering wheel to get them back to the middle of the road. He gives the couple a stern glare, knowing this is their doing. I need to do something but they can't see me, the girl thinks.

Peter straightens back up once the bus is steady and calls, "EDITH." He realizes he's not wearing the glasses and scans the area, spotting them on the steps of the entrance. He picks them up before putting them on and facing the back of the bus again. Y/n stands up as well, moving toward the boy.

"Commencing second strike," EDITH voices.

"Y/n, Peter, plant your fannies and buckle up right now!" Mr. Harrington scolds them.

"Look at the baby mountain goats!" y/n blurts, hoping to distract everyone.

"Baby mountain goats??" Harrington asks excitedly. Everyone gathers around the windows to look for the goats. They are easily distracted, the girl thinks. Peter is about to leap into action when y/n stops him.

"I got this," she tells him before flying through the sunroof. She spots the drone, which is getting ready to shoot again. She forms a lavender orb in her hands and fires it at the drone, causing it to fly back and explode. She gets back into the bus and shuts the sunroof right before everyone returns to their seats and stares at her. Peter sighs in relief as he looks at his girlfriend. She stares back at everyone, feeling awkward under all those eyes.

"I don't see any baby mountain goats," Mr. Harrington pipes up.

"You missed them," y/n claims.

"I know you think none of us have noticed, y/n and Peter..." Betty suddenly speaks up. The couple shares a worried look.

"What?" they simultaneously ask.

"But your hair... I love it. Windswept looks good on you," she tells y/n. Y/n smiles, feeling her body relax. Betty looks at Peter and adds, "and I love your new look." Peter grins and thanks her. "Right, babe?" Betty asks Ned.

Y/n tiredly plops down into her seat and closes her eyes. Peter drops into the seat next to her. "Yeah. Sophisticated, classy, very European," they hear Ned compliment.

"That was a close one," y/n breathes out.

"Yeah... sorry about that," Peter apologizes.

Y/n sighs and takes his hand. "It's okay, no one died. Just try it again... without calling another drone strike," she suggests.

"Okay," Peter whispers, squeezing her hand. He's as clear as possible this time when he asks EDITH to delete the photo from Brad's phone. He and y/n are relieved when the AI successfully completes the task.

"Yes!" y/n celebrates, sticking her hand up for a high-five. Peter chuckles triumphantly, high-fiving the girl. She props herself up and turns around to look at Brad. He's looking off into space in thought, his leg shaking nervously. You know what, I'm just gonna show y/n first and see what happens before showing it to everyone else, he decides. He shoots up and the couple quickly turns back around, acting like they weren't watching him.

Brad makes his way over to them and acknowledges the girl. "Hey, y/n, can we talk?"

Y/n looks at him with a faux clueless expression. "Sure," she responds before glancing at Peter. "Do you mind?" she innocently asks him.

"No," Peter replies before getting up. He just purses his lips as he makes eye contact with Brad before going to sit in the empty seat next to an unconscious Flash.

Brad takes Peter's seat and tells the girl, "okay, uh... I hate to be the one to tell you this but..." he trails off. Y/n just gives him an expectant look, waiting for him to continue. Peter rolls his eyes as he eavesdrops. Oh, please, he loves being the one to tell her.

Brad leans closer to her and whispers, "Peter's cheating on you."

Y/n raises her eyebrows. "Uh, what?" she asks, pretending to be shocked.

Brad gives her a sympathetic look and nods. "Yeah... and I have proof," he claims, unlocking his phone. He's confused when the first image to come up is a photo of a trash can. He scrolls through his camera roll, furrowing his eyebrows when he can't find the incriminating picture. "Um..."

Peter smirks, enjoying the fact that Brad's plan is backfiring. "Well? Where's the proof?" y/n taunts.

"Uh, this is so weird. It was right here on my phone. I-I- I...," Brad claims, slightly stuttering.

"Yeah, weird," y/n remarks. She eyes Peter and smirks. He smirks back, getting so much entertainment out of this. "Oh, by the way, I should mention that I know Peter well enough to know that he'd never cheat. I knew exactly where he was and with who when you took that photo, and we don't owe you an explanation," she sternly states. "But thanks for looking out for me!" she adds, smiling snarkily.

Brad ogles at her, his mouth agape. He remains speechless, not knowing what to say. He defeatedly stands up and walks back to his seat. Peter watches him with a satisfied smirk, returning to his seat next to his girlfriend. "That was... very fun to watch," he comments, making the girl giggle. He gazes at her with a soft smile and voices, "thanks for defending me..."

Y/n smiles back, setting a hand on his cheek and leaning in to capture his lips in a sweet kiss. A lovestruck smile takes over the boy's features when they pull away. "I'll always defend you," the girl softly assures him. If this were a cartoon, Peter would melt into a puddle right there. He sends her an enamored gaze, wondering how he got so lucky. 

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