Chapter 73: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy

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Please listen to the song 🥰^

(Y/f/f) = your favorite flower



Third Person POV:

The class got off the plane and are now in the airport in Venice, Italy. Y/n stands next to Brad while MJ and Ezra are behind them having a conversation of their own. Peter passes by, watching Brad smiling and talking to his girlfriend. He can't help the jealousy that grows in his chest. He saunters over to Ned and chats, "Hey, man. Did you see Brad and y/n on the plane? They were watching movies and laughing the entire time."

In a completely chill voice, Ned replies, "dude, don't worry, okay? I'm sure that's nothing." Meanwhile, y/n slips away from Brad and approaches the two boys.

"Hey," she cheerily greets Peter, grasping his arm. He turns his attention to her, his whole face lighting up when he spots her.

"Y/n, hey," he returns. The girl slides her hand down his arm until she reaches his hand, interlocking their fingers. Ned's right, I've got nothing to worry about, Peter thinks as he smiles adoringly at her.

Y/n looks between the two boys. "So what are you guys talking about?"

The question causes them to become nervous but luckily, Betty nears them before either of them has time to answer. "Hey, babe," she says, setting her hand on Ned's arm. "Can you hold this for me, please?" Peter and y/n furrow their eyebrows in bewilderment, exchanging a look before switching their attention back to the pair in front of them.

"Yeah, of course," Ned responds, taking the item from her.

"Thanks," Betty voices, kissing his cheek. Peter and y/n are more confused than ever. What the fuck did I miss? y/n wonders as she gives them a weird look. They just stare at each other with puppy-love eyes and Ned boops Betty's nose, making her giggle. She saunters off and y/n and Peter's eyes follow her. They share a baffled look, both questioning the other with their eyes. Y/n shrugs, insinuating that she knows nothing about this. They turn back to Ned, who's just watching Betty with a cheesy grin before shifting his gaze to the couple in front of him.

"What was that?"

"Did I accidentally create a new reality again?"

Peter and y/n speak at the same time, and the girl's question makes Ned chuckle. "Uh, well, we actually got to talking on the plane and it turns out, we have a lot in common. So, uh, we're boyfriend and girlfriend now," Ned explains with a giddy smile. The confusion remains evident on Peter's face while y/n slightly grins at the innocence of it all.

"Whatever happened to being an American bachelor in Europe?" Peter questions.

"Peter, those were the words of a boy. And that boy met a woman. A very strong and powerful woman. And now that boy's a man," Ned conveys, slightly chuckling at the end.

"Babe?" Betty calls.

"Coming, babe," Ned answers, walking away in her direction. The couple stands there in pure confusion. They look at each other and y/n starts laughing.

"I mean, it's very sweet... fast but sweet," she comments. Peter chuckles and shakes his head. They link arms and grab their luggage before walking off. As they pass by a few officers, they're stopped and a police dog sniffs Peter's suitcase. They approach a woman and Peter props his suitcase up on a table.

"There's nothing in there. I swear," Peter speaks up as the woman unzips the suitcase. She just gazes at him with a dull expression. She opens it up, revealing his Spider-Man suit with a sticky note attached to it, reading: "You almost forgot this!! 🤍 May." Y/n and Peter's eyes widen upon seeing it and they glance up at the lady. Peter looks to the side before returning his focus to her, not knowing what to do. The lady just stares at him sternly.

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