Chapter 11: Dreaming Of You

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Peter insisted that I sleep over at his place, so I called Tony and he gave the okay. He was a little wary about letting me sleep over at a boy's house at first, but then remembered how respectful Peter is. Aunt May was fine with it too, she was excited, in fact. The bus pulled into the parking lot of Midtown Tech and everyone filed out the door. Parents were already waiting for their kids and ran up to them as soon as they saw them. Witnessing all these kids reuniting with their parents made me miss mine. I would love to hug my mom and dad right now; hopefully I will get the opportunity in the near future. May suddenly came into view and quickly jogged up to Peter, pulling him into a hug. I smiled at the sight, she looked so relieved to see her nephew. May's eyes landed on me and she let go of Peter, and gave me a hug as well. This took me aback but I hugged her back.

"Oh, thank God, the both of you are okay! Y/n, you were in that elevator, are you hurt?" she asks while holding my face and checking for signs of injury. I wrap my hands around her wrists and gently remove her hands from my face.

"I'm perfectly fine, May. Don't worry," I respond with a small giggle.

She calms herself down and smiles at me before addressing the both of us, "okay, now let's go home."

The Parker's Apartment

I sit on the floor of Peter's room, listening to music through my earphones and looking through old photographs. Some were of me with my family or Nancy, but the majority were of Jonathan and I. I studied those pictures longer. I switch the one I was looking at to the back of the stack I'm holding to view the next photo. I smile when I see a picture of the Byers'. We were sitting on their couch, Joyce with her left arm around Will, and I leaning into Jonathan, whose arms were wrapped loosely around me. This feels like it was taken yesterday. "Dreaming Of You" by Selena starts playing through my earphones as I move onto the next photo. It's a photo of Jonathan in a white shirt, looking into the camera with a smoldering look. I set down the stack of photographs in my hand and just examine this one in particular. This is my favorite picture of him.

I remember the day this was taken. We were having a mini photoshoot, taking turns to take pictures of each other. He fought me a little because he wanted to take so many of me, but didn't like getting his picture taken. I tried my best to convince him that he was perfect for pictures but he was just so stubborn.

"Babe, you should consider modeling because whew, the camera loves you!"

Jonathan rolls his eyes and smiles. "You know I prefer to be the one taking the pictures... besides, you're a better model," he says with a smirk.

I slightly laugh and respond, "whatever, I still stand by my statement. It's just like you always say, 'people don't really say what they're really thinking, but when you capture the right moment, it says more."

"But I always tell you what I'm thinking," Jonathan counters.

I tilt my head and lift my eyebrow as I look at him. "Always?"

"Always," he answers, slowly inching closer to me. "Like right now, I'm thinking about how much I want to kiss you," he flirts as he places his hands on my hips.

The sound of a door swinging open startles me, breaking me out of the memory. I rip my eyes away from the photo and see Peter standing in the doorway.

"What are you doing?" he asks as he comes closer and sits down on the floor in front of me.

"Reminiscing," I simply state.

He nods and gazes at the stack of photos on the ground. "Can I see them?"

"Go ahead," I say, never turning away from the picture I'm clutching in my hand.

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