Chapter 89: I Just Really Miss Him

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Ahhh, we're getting closer to the end of FFH! I'm so excited to show y'all what I have planned hehe.



Y/n's POV:

My eyes shoot open and I lift my head from what feels like someone else's head. Feeling a weight on my shoulder, I look to my right, seeing an unconscious Peter with his head on my shoulder. He looks in pretty bad shape, I'm guessing I look the same way. I look down, noticing an orange soccer jersey covering us both. Light snores leave his mouth, letting me know he's alive. I notice a man on the other side of Peter with an orange cap with horns that says "Netherlands." He smiles brightly and waves at me. "Hello," he voices.

I turn to my left, seeing two men next to me. One sports an orange soccer jersey and hat while the other's body is just painted orange. Based on that and the flag painted on their faces, I'm guessing they're fans of the Netherlands soccer team. "Hi," the one in the hat cheerily pipes up.

"Uh... hi," I respond, confused. How did I get here? I turn to Peter and start shaking his arm to get him to wake up. "Peter. Pete. Peter!"

A snore leaves his mouth before his head abruptly snaps up and he wakes up. He turns to me with a stunned expression before looking at the men around us. "Hi," the man beside me greets as they all smile.

Peter just stares at him, utterly baffled. "Where are we?" he asks.

"Municipal holding facility," the shirtless man answers.

The man next to me nods and adds, "they said they found you two unconscious at the train yard. Very dangerous." He grins, looking impressed.

The man with the horned hat beside Peter speaks up, making the boy flinch. "And we gave you the shirt because you two seemed cold." I nod at his words. It is a little cold in here.

"Thanks," Peter and I both respond. We turn to each other before glancing at the two men beside me.

"You guys are nice," I comment. They chuckle at this. It's rare to find people like this. Others wouldn't greet us with huge smiles and give us a shirt for warmth.

"You speak really good English," Peter adds, impressed.

"Welcome to the Netherlands," they all announce in unison. So we are in the Netherlands... I thought so. I turn to Peter, who looks displeased.

"We're in the Netherlands right now?"

"Yep," the bald man confirms while the others nod. Peter and I share a look, knowing it's time for us to go.

"Bye!" he voices as we shoot up from the bench.

"It was a pleasure to meet you all," I claim at the same time, making the men grin and nod.

Peter groans as he limps to the bars. "Guard!"

"Ah," I grunt when I feel pain in my hip when I walk forward. That train really hit me good. Peter notices and sets a hand on my back.

"The guard is on a break," one of the men informs us. "Probably talking to his wife."

"Yeah, she's pregnant," the bald man states.

"Oh, yeah?" the one with the Netherlands cap asks, smiling excitedly.


They all start speaking in Dutch and I knit my eyebrows together, wondering why they care so much for the guard's personal life. Although that is thrilling news, so I get the excitement at the same time. Even I'm a little happy for him. I turn to Peter when I hear a clang, seeing that he broke off the lock. He opens the door and grabs my hand. "Come on," he utters as we hurriedly walk out.

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