Chapter 95: Digging Up the Past

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Hey, guys! There's an important author's note at the end that explains what I'm going for with this and future chapters! Bear with me, please <3



Y/n, Pepper, and Morgan are sitting at the table having dinner. Pepper and y/n grin fondly at the child as she goes on about today's playdate with her friend. "Dana's mom felt bad that I fell so she gave me ice cream," she describes before sticking a forkful of food into her mouth. The two women hum and nod as they listen.

"What kind of ice cream?" Pepper asks her.

"Rocky Road," Morgan answers.

"Oh," Pepper and y/n both react, sharing an amused look "Well, that must've made you feel better instantly," the older woman remarks.

"Yeah, I mean, we all know how much you love Rocky Road," y/n playfully adds. Morgan giggles at this, leading the other two to laugh. "You didn't get too hurt when you fell, right? No bruises?" y/n questions her little sister, who's drinking juice. Morgan sets her cup down and shakes her head. The teen quirks her eyebrow. "You sure? Not even a scratch?"

When the child utters, "mm-mmm" and shakes her head, y/n continues.

"Not even here?" she teases, tickling the little girl's armpit. Morgan flinches away as she giggles and shakes her head. "What about here? Here?" y/n voices as she pokes her tummy and side, knowing how ticklish the kid is. Morgan bursts into laughter and pushes her sister's hand away, which makes y/n laugh. Pepper chuckles, smiling at her two daughters. It fills her heart with joy to see how well they get along. She just wishes Tony could see them like this. He always knew that Morgan and y/n would absolutely love each other.

After dinner, y/n helps Pepper with the dishes before heading to her bedroom. As she's walking, her eyes land on a certain door, causing her to halt. She stares at the door, debating whether she should go into that room or not. She finally takes a deep breath and makes her decision. Y/n slowly steps toward the door and stops in front of it, glancing down at the doorknob. Her hand hovers over it for a few seconds before she grasps it and twists it, pushing the door open. She looks inside, gathering up the strength to enter before stepping through the doorway.

She flips the switch on the wall, illuminating the room she's been scared to enter for a while: Tony's office. She strides further inside, studying everything in sight from the pictures on the walls to the items on the desk. She walks around the desk and stands next to the rolling chair, setting her hand on top of it. A small sad smile forms on her face as she thinks about the fact that Tony used to sit here and work. Now, all that's left are his belongings, proof that he was once here. Y/n scans the desk and her eyes are pulled to the top drawer in front of her.

She opens it, confused when she finds a long thing black box sitting inside the drawer. Curiosity takes over so she takes the box out and opens it. Her eyes are met with a neatly folded paper inside, which she picks up. A small gasp escapes her mouth when she sees what's underneath it: A silver bracelet with a heart-shaped lavender gem charm. She wonders why this is in Tony's desk. She squints her eyes as she examines the gem more closely. Is this an amethyst gem? She places the box on the desk and unfolds the paper in her other hand, revealing a note.

For Stark 2.0,

I saw an amethyst stone in a jewelry store two months ago and it reminded me of you. You know... because "Amethyst." So it gave me an idea... to make you a bracelet. I know it was ridiculous to make you something when you were long gone, but I guess I wanted to pretend that you were still here. I guess I always had hope that you'd get to wear this bracelet somehow... Plus, it's not really my style, I'm into flashier jewelry. It would look better on you anyway.

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