Chapter 21: A Strange Reunion

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I stare at Tony in shock. It couldn't be... could it? "The- the white sphere?" I curiously ask. He nods his head.

"How did you find it?"

"Well, I figured that the thing that gave you your powers would be the thing to fix them. So I did a deep dive, you know, hacked into different databases until I found one white sphere at a company in Houston," Tony explains.

It instantly clicks when he mentions Houston. "You don't mean..." I trail off. Tony nods in confirmation. "That's right. The thing we need to fix your powers is in the hands of your dear brother and his friend."

"Lucas and Dustin??" I ask in disbelief. My head starts to spin. What are the odds? Tony nods in confirmation.

"I called and they kept refusing to hand it over until I mentioned you. Once they knew what I wanted to do for you, they insisted on personally bringing it themselves... They'll be here tomorrow."


I rub my eyes as I wake up. I went to bed early so I could wake up with energy but it took me hours to fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about today. After 32 years, I'm finally going to see my little brother... well, older brother now. I'm going to see Dustin. Holy shit, I hope I'm prepared for this. What's going to happen when they see me? Will we pick up where we left off or will it be awkward? They are adults in their mid-40s now, so I doubt they're anything like they used to be. I get out of bed and get ready for the day. Once I'm good to go, I go to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I pour some Cinnamon Toast Crunch and milk into a bowl and sit down to eat. Right when I sit, Wanda walks in.

"Good morning," she greets.

"Good morning," I return with a tired smile.

She grabs a bowl from the cabinet and retrieves the milk jug from the fridge. She prepares her own bowl of cereal before sitting down next to me. "Couldn't sleep?" she inquires as she eyes me.

"Barely," I sigh. "My brother and his friend are coming today. I haven't seen them since... you know."

Wanda nods and gazes at me sympathetically. "Do you know what you're going to say to them?" she asks. I think about the question but can't come up with much.

"I don't know... 'thanks for fixing my powers?"

Wanda almost chokes on her food as her eyes widen and she swiftly turns to me. "Wait, what?"

"Yeah, they own a tech company and as it turns out, they have the thing that gave me my powers. So Tony called and now they're coming to help."

I shovel another spoonful into my mouth and glance at Wanda. A smile slowly forms on her face. "That's great!" she claims, setting a gentle hand on my arm. "I'm so excited for you!"

I return the smile. While I agree that it's exciting, I can't help but also feel worried. Not that I don't trust Tony, Dustin, and Lucas, but there's always the possibility of something going wrong. All of a sudden, another voice joins in. "It is great."

We turn around and see Cap standing there with his arms crossed. He strolls over and stands across from us. "So you're one of those nosy old people, huh?" I tease him. He rolls his eyes and places his hands on the table.

"Look, whatever concern you may have about this, just push it aside. You're in the best hands." He says, looking directly into my eyes. "It may work, it may not but whatever happens... we'll be right here."

I smile at his words. How does he always manage to be so optimistic? "Thanks, Cap."

He grins and nods. "You're a part of the team now... Teammates always look out for one another."

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