Chapter 19: The Vulture

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(_).S. = (first name initial) Sinclair



Third Person POV:

The building collapsed on top of Peter, leaving him stuck under all the rubble. He panics and cries for help, feeling desperate and afraid. It isn't until he sees his reflection in the puddle in front of him, making him remember Tony's words, that he finds the motivation to try. "Come on, Peter. Come on, Spider-Man," he encourages himself as he begins to push. His chants grow louder as he triumphantly continues to lift the heavy object off of him.

"Come on, Spider-Man!"

"Come on, Spider-Man!"

He manages to stand up, still pushing upward with his knees bent. Right as he's about to fully straighten and toss the rubble off of himself, it unexpectedly starts to feel lighter. The weight lifts off of his body and the giant object suddenly flies from on top of him. It's like a magnet pulled it away. He coughs and pants, trying to catch his breath, before fully standing. He's baffled by what just occurred until he looks around and spots the one responsible.

Y/n stands there, a drop of blood oozing from her nose as she smirks at him. She wishes she had gotten there sooner to prevent Peter from getting crushed in the first place, but she's just happy to see him alive. He stares at her in shock, delighted yet surprised to see her. He runs up to her and scoops the girl into his arms. She hugs back and runs her hand through his hair in a soothing manner.

"What are you doing here?" he asks when he pulls back.

Y/n smiles at him and reminds him, "I told you. We're defeating him together."

Peter feels his heart flutter as he adoringly gazes into her eyes. "I'm really glad you're here," he sighs.

"Me too. Now let's go get this son of a bitch."

Peter smirks then looks up, making y/n follow his gaze. They view the winged man perched on the corner of a billboard. This guy really takes the whole bird persona seriously, y/n thinks. She turns to Peter, knowing that he'll have to go up without her. The ability to fly would be really useful right now, she thinks. "I'm sorry... but if he flies off, I have to go," he says. She nods her head and replies, "go."

The man suddenly takes flight, causing Peter to spring into action. He fires a web and pulls himself up on the billboard then shoots more at the winged man, whooshing through the air as the Vulture flies after the plane he means to rob. The plane becomes invisible to her, so she studies the flying guy, paying attention to what general direction he's going in. She climbs out of the debris-filled hole and scans the view in front of her, seeing Stark tower in the distance. That way, she decides before hurrying to find a way across.


Peter holds onto the plane, thanks to his sticky fingers and feet, and kicks the high altitude seal off, leaving an opening on the bottom of the plane. This causes an alarm to go off, catching the winged man's attention. He observes a screen, seeing Spider-Man outside. Thus, the battle between the two commences. As the Vulture tries to murder him, Peter notices that the jet is nearing the city.

"Oh my God," he panics as he starts trying to steer the aircraft away from the bustling city.

Meanwhile, y/n is arriving on the beach, closely watching the now visible jet. She made it right on time, relieved that her hunch about the plane heading in this direction was correct. If she hadn't stolen a random car and driven through the streets like a maniac, she wouldn't have made it. The falling jet approaches the pier and y/n sticks her hands out toward the sky, feeling the energy run through her. I know you haven't done this in a while but you can do it, she inspires herself.

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