Chapter 39: For the Children

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My eyes shoot open and I jolt up, awakened by a loud growling noise. "What was that?" I whisper-shout, using my powers to turn the lamp on. It's dead quiet so I turn the light off and lay back down. Another growl sounds throughout the room, making me sit up and turn the light on again. I wait for a few seconds then turn it off.


I gasp, turning the light on again. It goes quiet. That's interesting. "Hmm." I decide to do a little experiment. I turn the light off and the noise returns. As soon as I switch it back on, it stops. It goes on like this the next few times I try it.

*Off* Grrrr.

*On* ....

*Off* Grrrr.

*On* ....

I huff, frustrated by the situation. "Oh, that does it. This ends now!" I claim, climbing out of bed and exiting my room. I tiptoe into the hallway cautiously with my mouth agape and eyes wide. I bump into the wall next to me and jump back, bringing my hands up to defend myself.

"Oh," I mutter relieved. I keep walking and hear the growl. I gasp, "there it is again!" I sneak down the hallway following the sound. It gets louder and I stop, pressing my ear against the door. "Ohh, I got you now!" I whisper-yell before swinging the door open. I flip the light switch and bellow, "aha!" I tilt my head and furrow my eyebrows in confusion at the sight in front of me.

Tony stirs awake, startled by my scream. He rubs his eyes before gazing at me. "Y/n? What are you doing?" he inquires.

"I-I heard a noise and it was coming from here!"

"What noise? I haven't heard a thing," he replies.

"Like a growl. I thought there might've been an animal in here," I answer. He furrows his eyebrows.

"It's just me in here, sweetie," he claims. I look away, not fully convinced.

"Well, alright... goodnight, dad," I voice, switching the light off and exiting the room. Tony immediately falls asleep again, releasing a loud snore. I quietly and slowly open his bedroom door, staring at him with a look that says: really? He was the growling animal the whole time. I shake my head and go back to my room. I stop in my tracks when I hear another loud snore.

"Jeez Louise, he's loud!" I snap my fingers, making earmuffs appear over my head, covering my ears. I grin in satisfaction, not being able to hear Tony anymore, and climb into bed.

(Obviously, just imagine yourself and Tony somewhere in the intro lol)

"...And 5, 6, 7, 8!"

Tony and I strike our ending poses. We're practicing our routine for the talent show. "Excellent job, sweetie. I think we really nailed it," Tony speaks. I purse my lips and place my hands on my hips.

"Mm, yeah, we're good... but we're missing something," I disclose, staring into space in thought.

"I know what you mean. It does feel a little off doesn't it?"

I nod in agreement. "Maybe if we added someone else, it would balance it out," I suggest, making Tony shrug.

"Where are we gonna find someone on such short notice?" he inquires. I swat my hand through the air, brushing off his question.

"Oh, I don't know. I'm sure it'll happen if it's meant to be," I state, grabbing my clutch. "I'm gonna go buy some shoes to match with my talent show outfit. I'll see you at curtain call!" I announce, heading out the front door.

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