Chapter 45: The 80s Are Back

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Sorry to those who've been waiting. Every time I tried to write, I kept getting interrupted by something lol. 



I exit my bedroom and go downstairs to the kitchen to see Tony sitting at the table drinking coffee. "Morning, kiddo. I made eggs," he voices, pointing to the stove.

"Oh, yum," I react as I go to grab a plate. "Hey, Dad, where's..."

"Good morning," Peter cheerily greets as he enters the kitchen. I grin when I spot him.

"There he is," I finish. Tony told me what Agnes said about Peter not having a home so I convinced him to let him stay here. I'm glad he didn't ask too many important questions. I prepare a plate for myself and for Peter and set them down on the table.

"Good morning, Mr. Parker, how'd you sleep?" Tony asks him, peeking at him over his newspaper.

"I slept well. Thank you for letting me stay here, Mr. Stark," Peter answers. His gaze switches to me as he softly grins. I return the grin as I sit down.

"Of course," Tony replies, folding up his newspaper. He takes one last sip from his mug before standing up. "Well, I'm gonna go across the street now, I'll see you there in a bit, sweetie," he announces, kissing my head before walking out of the kitchen.

"Okay, see you later, Dad," I respond. Peter and I stay quiet as we eat our breakfast.

"I really like your dad, he's cool," Peter suddenly claims. My heart slightly breaks at this, knowing how much he admires Tony in real life. I plaster a kind smile on my face.

"Yeah... he likes you too, I can tell," I respond, making him smile.

"So, uh, about our date..." he trails off. "I had a lot of fun," he shyly admits.

"Me too," I giggle. "We should do it again sometime," I add with a smirk. He becomes noticeably nervous as he smiles at me. When we finish eating, I put our dishes in the sink and we go into the living room. "Wanna watch tv?" I ask him as I walk to the couch.

"Sure," he responds before sitting down next to me. He glances at the coffee table and slightly furrows his eyebrows. "What's this?" he asks, picking up the object.

"Oh, that must be my dad's. It's probably a part for some new invention," I reply, taking it from him. I stand up and head to Tony's lab. I saunter in and set the object down on a table and am about to turn around to leave when I notice something, making me freeze. Oh, my gosh, is that what I think it is? In front of me is a clunkier-looking version of the Iron Man suit. Even in this reality, he wants to be Iron Man. It seems that his subconscious is peeking through.


I gasp, startled by the voice, and spin around to see Peter at the door. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he apologizes as he steps inside the room. He gazes behind me at the suit. "Woah... what is that?" he asks, analyzing the suit.

I shrug and answer, "my dad's new project, I guess."

"Huh... your dad's building a robot?"

"Uh... I don't know, maybe," I reply, not wanting to confirm or deny anything. "Um- let's go watch tv," I nervously laugh, pulling him back to the living room. I shut the lab door before approaching Peter. I smile at him and ask, "well, what should we watch?"

"Uh, something funny?" he suggests. I nod and walk over to the coffee table to pick up the remote. I turn to him and notice a hesitant look on his face.

"What?" I question.

"Nothing..." he says unconvincingly. I nod and we sit on the couch. I turn on the tv, which is showcasing an episode of 'Family Ties.' We sit in silence for a minute until Peter speaks up again. "He's building the Iron Man suit..." he says in realization. My body goes cold when I hear this but I keep my eyes on the tv and don't say anything. "Mr. Stark is Iron Man... y/n?" He looks around before looking back at me. "Y/n, what's happening? What is this?"

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