Chapter 4: 32 Years?

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I stare at him in bewilderment.

"What do you mean I've been asleep for 32 years?"

He gave me a sympathetic look. "Follow me," he insisted.

He walked out of the room and I followed. I couldn't help but observe everything as we walked through the huge building. We stepped into an elevator and the doors shut once we were both inside.

"To the lab," he called out. I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering why he just said that. The elevator begins to move then comes to a stop. The doors opened and the man stepped out. My eyes widened. Woah, what a cool elevator.

We walked into what I assume is his lab and I gasped. I've never seen technology this advanced before. The man goes to sit on a stool and watches me look around in amazement.

"Cool, right?" he voiced.

I turn to him and nod. Then I remember all the questions stirring inside me.

"What is this place," I ask him.

"Oh, how rude of me. I never introduced myself or answered any of your questions," he says, hitting his head with the palm of his hand. He comes up to me and sticks his hand out, "My name is Tony Stark and we're at the Avengers Tower."

I shake his hand and question, "you own this facility?" He folds his hands together as he says, "yes."

"B-but where in the world are we?"

"Manhattan, New York."

My eyes widen. I'm so confused right now.

"I know you're confused, and that's okay. I'll explain everything and answer all your questions," he spoke. I took a deep breath and nodded. I felt oddly safe around him.

Mr. Stark told me that I was involved in an inexplicable plane crash back in 1985 and that it was nationwide news. He also explained how I was found in the ice.

"Wait what? You're saying that I was frozen in ice for 32 years and survived," I questioned in disbelief.


I shook my head. "How is that possible?"

"Well, you're not the first person to go in the ice and wake up in the future."

"This happened to someone else? Who?" I pressed.

"Captain America."

My mouth dropped. "Captain America, as in the star spangled man with a plan? Didn't he die in the 40s?"

"I love that you just called him that. Yeah, that's him. He crashed an aircraft into the ocean to stop it from hitting New York and woke up almost 70 years later. In the exact same way as you and in the exact same location."

Wow, so Captain America is alive and unaged. I thought he was hot when I saw his picture in my US history textbook, so that's good to know. Wait-

"Did you say in the exact same location?"

"That's right," he confirmed. "Which brings me to why you were brought here after being pulled out of the ice," he stated. I waited for him to proceed.

"The circumstances of the accident are a mystery. No one has been able to figure out what happened and the identities of the dead bodies found were never known. What we do know is that there were seven passengers, two flight attendants, and one pilot on board. The man who piloted the plane didn't have a pilot's license and wasn't employed at that airport. Best guess is that the man hijacked the plane and flew it into the water."

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