Chapter 78: Take Off Your Clothes

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The bus finally stops in front of a beautiful black house or shop... or whatever it is. I have no clue where we are. Everyone climbs out of the vehicle, Peter and I being the last ones to get off. Right as I hop off the last step, Dimitri sticks his arm out to stop me. Peter bumps into me from behind, making me slightly stumble forward into Dimitri's arm. "What?" I ask. He points in a specific direction, making us turn to see a blonde woman standing in an open doorway in the distance. She disappears inside the building so I turn around to face Peter. "I guess I'll see you later," I sigh.

Peter nods, obviously disappointed about this. "Okay, bye," he responds.

"No," Dimitri chimes in. We turn to him with baffled looks.

"No?" I question.

"Both of you," he states, pointing toward the building again. Peter gives me a surprised look. I'm not too surprised, I had a feeling Fury wouldn't let Peter go.

I merely shrug before walking off. Peter follows suit and we enter the room, which seems to be a bar. When we walk through the door, we see the tall blonde woman dressed in all black. "Hello," Peter awkwardly greets.

"Close the door," the woman commands. I see she's a straight-to-business type of gal. Peter obeys and shuts the door before we walk further inside.

"Um... I'm y/n Sinclair and this is Peter Parker," I introduce ourselves, not knowing what else to say. Peter politely sticks his hand out for her to shake.

"Take off your clothes," the lady simply orders him. Peter uncomfortably retracts his hand. I just stare at the lady in shock as a bitter feeling bubbles up in my chest. What did she just say to my boyfriend?

"Excuse me?" Peter uneasily asks.

I pull Peter back behind me and take a small step toward the woman. "Yeah, excuse me??" I sass.

"Not you," she addresses me before switching her eyes to Peter. "You told Fury Spider-Man cannot be seen in Europe. So I made you this, another suit," she explains, picking up a neatly folded black suit from the table beside her to show Peter. The bitterness in my chest begins to melt away. Thank goodness this is about the suit.

"Oh, uh, thank you," he responds, walking up beside me and taking it from her hands. "I'm sure it fits fine, I don't really need to try-"

"Take off your clothes," the woman commands again in a more authoritative tone.

Peter's eyes widen and he glances at me. I can tell this lady is scaring him so he wants to listen but he doesn't want to make me uncomfortable either... and he's shy to undress in front of two women. I personally don't like the thought of this woman watching him undress.

"Does it have to be in front of yo-" I begin to ask before she cuts me off.

"Now," she strongly voices.

She's a little scary. "Okay..." I mumble before turning to my boyfriend. "Do you want me to cover you or... turn around?" I ask him.

"Um... I mean, you've never seen me... you know..." he timidly trails off.

I nod, getting what he means. "Gotcha. I'll just stand over there and stare at the wall," I tell him, pointing to the corner to the far right of the front door. He nods and I stride away, standing in the corner. Miss European Super Model better be facing the other way too. I can hear Peter setting his backpack down.

"Um... This is a little embarrassing," I hear him remark. Aww, my poor baby.

"Now. Hurry up!" the woman snaps at him.

"Maybe you should turn around to make him more comfortable," I pipe up. There's no response but I can feel her eyes burning into my back.

I hear the sound of a zipper and the ruffling of clothes. I assume he's taking his pants off. I don't know if she turned around but if she didn't, I can't believe this woman is seeing him pantsless before me. "This is weird, heh," Peter mutters. All of a sudden,  I hear a door opening and Peter freaking out. "No, no, no, uh- don't!" he shrieks.

I furrow my eyebrows. Should I turn around? Is he naked? What happened? "Woah!" a new voice exclaims. Who is that? Is that Brad?

"Uh..." Peter trails off. Okay, I'm going to turn around. When I do, I see a wide-eyed Peter standing next to the woman with his pants around his ankles. One arm is behind the woman's back while he holds his other hand up. I look over at the doorway, seeing Brad standing there. He hasn't spotted me yet, he's too focused on Peter. I can't let him see me, this whole situation already looks iffy enough.

"Sorry? Uh- I thought this was the bathroom," Brad pipes up.

"This is not what it looks like! Just-" Peter tries to clarify, still keeping his hand up so Brad doesn't get any closer.

"Yeah," Brad responds, clearly not believing him as he snaps a picture with his phone.

"What are you doing? Brad!" Peter calls out.

"I'll leave you two alone," Brad claims before exiting the room.

"Oh, my God," Peter freaks out as he scrambles to pull his pants up. The woman instantly draws out her gun, aiming it at Brad.

"Don't shoot anybody!" Peter and I hiss at the same time.

Third Person POV:

"Brad! It's not what it looks like, buddy!" Peter shouts as he stumbles out the door, pulling up his jeans.

Meanwhile, y/n approaches the woman. "Maybe shooting him was a good idea..." she comments.

Peter zips his pants up when he steps outside of the building. "Hey, man, look, that's..." he commences before Brad talks over him.

"Look, Peter, I'm not here to judge your life choices, dude. If you want to hook up with some random European chick on our school trip, that's on you," he claims as he walks backward.

"That's not what that was, honestly!" Peter tries to argue.

"I can't pretend I didn't see what I just saw. You're cheating on y/n and I like her too much to let her keep being with you after this," Brad claims. He thinks he finally has what he needs to break them up. Now he has a chance to swoop in and mend y/n's broken heart. This is too perfect for him.

I knew he liked her, Peter thinks, becoming irritated. "Fine. Show her. She's not gonna believe you anyway because she knows what was actually going on," he retorts. He's not going to let Brad think he won, that he can take his girl.

Peter's confidence doesn't sit well with Brad. It makes him afraid that y/n won't believe him. "Oh, did I only say y/n? Yeah, no, I meant everyone," he fires back.

Peter's unfazed expression falters, concern replacing it. "Wait a minute. Hey, hey, you cannot show everyone that photo, dude, come on," he states.

"I'm sorry, man, I have to. She deserves better," Brad retaliates before walking off. Just as he does, Mr. Dell comes out of the shop behind him.

"Okay, put your one foot in front of the other and everybody back on the bus!" he announces as the students begin to come outside as well.

Y/n exits the bar at the same time, approaching Peter, who has a terrified look on his face. She grips his arm and pipes up, "Hey. What'd you tell Brad?" He meets her eyes and she takes note of the fear in his.

"What? What's wrong?" she asks.

"Brad's gonna show everyone that photo," he quietly voices.

Y/n furrows her eyebrows. "What? Why?" she questions. She doesn't understand why he would do that.

"He thinks I'm cheating on you and I told him you wouldn't believe him so he said he's gonna show everyone," he explains as they walk toward the bus.

Y/n cringes. "Okay, yeah, that's bad," she reacts.

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