Chapter 12: She'll Be Ready One Day

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Tony texted me during my last class of the day, claiming that he wants to talk to me, so he sent Happy to come take me to the Tower. When the bell rings, I exit class and head straight to the front of the school to meet Happy. He's already waiting for me, so I hop in and he drives off.

When we arrive, I walk into the tower and hop on the elevator. "FRIDAY, where's Tony?"

"Mr. Stark is in the common area. Would you like me to take you there?"

"Yes, please."

The elevator moves upward and stops at my desired floor. I get out and walk into the common area to see Tony lounging on the couch with a CocaCola can in his hand.

"You wanted to see me?" I skeptically question.

He looks up at the sound of my voice and gestures for me to sit down. "Yes, I did. Come on, sit."

I shuffle over to the couch across from him and sit down, waiting for him to start the conversation. He takes a sip of his beverage then sets it down on the coffee table in front of him. I just eye him nervously while fidgeting with my fingers. "What's this about," I impatiently ask.

"I wanted to talk to you about this," he proclaims as he grabs his little device and flicks his wrist. A holographic image appears in front of me. It's a CCTV tape of an alleyway, showcasing a hooded person telekinetically attacking a man who tried to rape a young girl. Well shit.

"Uh, I don't underst-"

"Before you try to lie straight through your teeth, I know it's you, so don't even bother denying it... and I already wiped the tape, so I'm the only one in possession of it," Tony interrupts.

I close my mouth and stare down at my hands. I was hoping he wouldn't find out about that. "I can explain-" I start before being cut off by Tony again.

"No need. It's very clear to me what went down in that alley. It's on the video," he sternly states.

He pauses and stands up. He walks around the couch he was previously sitting on and stands behind it, facing me. "You saved a girl's life."

I finally make eye contact with him. "W-what?" I stammer in surprise.

"You saw evil being done so you sprung into action and used your powers to stop it... and I know about Washington too. How you saved all those kids."

"How do you know about that?"

"Parker told me. Well, he left 5 voicemails for Happy about it and Happy passed along the message," he answers as he walks back around and takes a seat. A small smile forms on my face. That is so sweet of Peter, especially considering how badly he wants Tony to notice him.

"Peter helped too," I assert.

"I know, and I'll throw him a parade later but we are not done with this conversation," Tony replies as he reaches for his Coke and takes a sip. He places the can back down and folds his hands together, leaning forward.

"When you first started training, I told you that it was so you can learn how to use your powers for the greater good, in case you ever want that. You've already used them to save people in the short amount of time that you've been here."

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time," I note.

"What? Whose lives were you saving before pulling a Capsicle?" Tony asks, confused.

"Uh... it's a long story," I respond.

He nods before getting back on track. "Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I had a hunch about you... and you proved me right." I blink, taken aback by his words. "You have the hero instinct. The one that tells you that you need to act when something's wrong or when someone's in trouble, and with these abilities you were gifted, you do just that... I think you should know that I'm proud of you."

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