Chapter 43: We Interrupt This Program

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Third Person POV:

Y/n's been missing and everyone's going crazy. The last person to see her was Wanda and no one knows where she is either. Pepper tried tracking both their phones but their locations glitch every time, popping up in different places and disappearing. Ned and Peter decided to try to track y/n's phone themselves and Ned figured out how to stop the glitch and get a more accurate location. They discovered that she's somewhere in New Jersey. Now Peter needs a ride but can't ask May because she's got work and he doesn't want to worry her even more. Pepper has Morgan to worry about and he'd like to be the one to bring her daughter home to her. There's only one other person he could think of that wants y/n back as much as he does and would probably be willing to give him a ride.

Peter knocks on the door and impatiently waits. A few seconds later, it's opened by Jonathan Byers. He looks at the teen quizzically. "Peter? Uh, what are you doing here, is there an update on y/n?"

"I think I know where she is."

Jonathan's eyes widen. "Really? Well, where?" he eagerly inquires.

"Well, I have a vague idea but New Jersey... and I thought you'd want to come to check it out," Peter answers. Jonathan gives him a knowing look.

"You need a ride," he assumes. Peter goes awkward for a moment and nods his head.


"Yeah, that's fine. I'll go with you," Jonathan sighs.

"Great, let's go," Peter urges, starting to walk to the car. Jonathan is taken aback. He didn't think he meant right now but he's not complaining. He wants to find y/n too.

"Yeah, let me just get my keys," Jonathan says, running inside. He tells Nancy where he's going and says goodbye before grabbing his keys and exiting the house.


Most of the ride consists of awkward silence, with the exception of Jonathan asking how much time is left until they arrive. The last time he asks this, Peter lets him know that they're close. Something has been on Jonathan's mind the entire ride but he didn't dare bring it up until now. "So, uh, you and y/n are close, huh?" he asks. Peter nods in confirmation.

"Yeah, we're best friends," he responds. There's a few seconds of silence until Jonathan speaks up again.

"Just best friends?"

Peter turns to him confused. "What do you mean?"

Jonathan slightly shrugs and answers, "well, I can't help but notice the connection you guys have... you like her, don't you?" Peter is taken aback by this. Damn, it's that obvious, he thinks.

"Uh... I, uh..." he clears his throat, making Jonathan chuckle.

"I thought so," he replies. The look in Peter's eyes when talking about y/n and the fear he portrays for her reminds him of himself. It reminds him of when he was secretly in love with her all those years ago. "Does she like you back?" he questions again.

Peter thinks about their first and only date. "I think so," he claims. Jonathan just nods. This is so weird to him but he knew it would happen eventually.

"Good," he finally says. Peter glances at him in surprise. He expected Jonathan to react more negatively.

"Good?" Peter repeats.

"Yeah. I told her to not stay stuck in the past, to move on. To be honest with you, I thought it'd take way longer but this is good. I just want her to be happy," Jonathan replies. It's going to take some getting used to but he only wants to see her happy. Now they just have to bring her home so that can happen. Peter ponders on his words. He never knew that Jonathan encouraged her to move on from him. If anything, he thought that he wouldn't let her move on. His phone beeps, making him look down at it.

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