Chapter 8: 2010s' House Party

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I spend an hour trying to find an outfit for the party tonight. I know I agreed to go to make fun of everyone but hey, might as well look good for that, right? Plus, I may want to dance, so I need something I'm comfortable moving in. I attempted to put together a modern day outfit but gave up and went for a more oldschool one instead. I can't believe what I used to wear every day is considered "vintage" now. Whatever, I heard the 90s are back, so why can't I bring the 80s back too?

Once I'm satisfied with my appearance, I run out of my room to find Pepper, who generously offered to let me borrow her car. I'm so glad she did, I hate having to ask for rides.

"You look nice! That outfit makes me nostalgic," she comments upon seeing me.

"Thanks," I answer, nearing her desk. She opens a drawer and pulls out her car key.

"You haven't forgotten how to drive in 32 years, have you?" she cautiously asks.

"Nope," I assure her. She nods and extends her arm out, handing me the key. "Drive safely," she tells me as I walk out of her office.


I arrive at Liz's house and head inside. Boy, am I nervous. I haven't been to a party since the Halloween party Jonathan and I went to in '84. The loud music blares through the speakers and there's people either socializing, dancing, or eating. I scan the room for MJ and spot her by the stairs. I come up to her and tap her on the shoulder.

"Hey," I greet as she turns around.

"Hey, you made it," she pauses and eyes my apparel. "Love the outfit."


We begin conversing and she tells me a little bit about her favorite things about New York, and I tell her about Hawkins. Of course, I leave out some major details. A few minutes pass by and I excuse myself to go to the bathroom.

After using the bathroom, I go back into all the commotion to look for MJ. I find her at the kitchen counter and meander over to her. As I get closer, I notice Peter and Ned standing about three feet away from her.

"Sorry I took so long, and what the hell is this music? Do all parties have music like this in 2017 or is this DJ just trash," I ramble to MJ as I point at Flash. "I wouldn't know, I don't go to parties... and yes, he is trash," she cooly replies. She glances behind me and states, "I'll be back, I'm gonna go say hi to someone I know," before taking off. I turn to acknowledge Peter and Ned.

"Hey, guys!"

"Y/n," says Peter, sounding surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here with MJ," I nod my head towards MJ. "And Stark wants me to keep an eye on you," I disclose, leaning close to Peter's face so only he can hear me. He slightly shivers when my face nears his.

He sighs. "Yeah, of course he does," he claims, annoyed.

"Oh my gosh. Hey, guys! Cool hat, Ned." A perky voice makes me look behind me.

"Hi, Liz," says a happy Ned.

Peter gawks at her and nervously says,"hi, Liz."

She then looks at me. "Hi. You're y/n, right?"

"Yeah, I am," I answer with a smile. She grins and examines my clothes.

"Cute outfit. I love the vibe," she compliments me.

"Thank you, I like your shirt," I compliment back. She thanks me and smiles. She seems nice but I still wouldn't be friends with her. There's something about her that just makes me distrust her.

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