Chapter 13: Captain America & Wanda Maximoff

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Y/n's POV:

Peter was sent to the principal's office for skipping detention, among other reasons. Luckily, he was let off with a warning. Frankly, I feel like Ned and I were more relieved about that than Peter himself. He still seemed to be pretty bummed out about getting the Spidey suit taken away. I doubt Tony will have a hold of it forever like he claimed. I know Peter will find a way to redeem himself.

Today has been a regular unexciting school day. I spent the first 15 minutes of lunch time with the boys in the band hall until they decided to build their lego Death Star. I know building it was something they looked forward to doing together, so I thought I should leave myself out of it to give their bromance some space. I hung out with MJ for the rest of the lunch period in the photography classroom, where we messed around and took silly pictures. After the day finally ended, I felt happy about going home to the new Avengers facility.

I shut my locker and turn around to walk out of the school when I suddenly see Peter eagerly speed walking down the hall. As he's getting closer, I notice that he hasn't seen me and isn't coming up to me like he normally does.

"Hey, Pete?"

"Hey," he replies, quickly glancing at me before facing forward again. That's odd, he just zoomed right past me. He didn't talk my ear off like he always does. He had a wide smile on his face, I wonder what that's about. I shrug and walk out of the building,

The Avengers Facility

I set my backpack down on my desk and flop onto my bed, sighing in satisfaction when my body hits the mattress. Just as I'm completely comfortable, FRIDAY's voice booms throughout the room.

"Ma'am, your presence is requested in Mr. Stark's office."


"Yes, ma'am. Mr. Stark says it's urgent."

I groan, annoyed that I have to get up when I was feeling comfortable, and hop off my bed. I trudge out of my room and towards the stairs, making my way down to Tony's office.

"What's so important that I have to get out of bed?" I sarcastically ask as I stride into his office. I freeze when I see two other people standing across from Tony. The two individuals turn to look at me upon hearing my voice.

"Oh my God," I breathlessly whisper.

"Ah, there she is," Tony announces. "As you can see, we have visitors. Y/n, meet Roger and Jessica Rabbit."

The man rolls his eyes and walks up to me with his hand out. "Steve Rogers," he introduces himself. I shake his hand as I continue to stare at him, starstruck.

"You- you're Captain America..." He slightly grins and nods his head. I rip my eyes away from him to look at the woman standing behind him.

"A-and you're Wa-."

"Wanda Maximoff," she says, shaking my hand as well.

"Y/n Sinclair."

I redirect my stare back on Captain Rogers. I can't believe that he's standing right in front of me. He's even more handsome in person. It's so incredible that he's here, I've always wanted to ask him about his experience of getting back into the world after being gone for so long.

"I asked them to come since you have something in common with both of them. I thought a little mentoring and advice from people who understand what you're going through might be good for you," Tony mentions.

"I thought you guys were on the run, and that you two weren't on speaking terms," I first address Steve and Wanda, then refer to Tony and Steve.

"We aren't but Cap is the only person I trust, besides you, who has been defrosted, so I figured that he's the right person to talk to you... So I put everything aside and just called," Tony admits.

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