Chapter 22: I Feel Stronger

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Some more Wanda and Y/n content in this chapter 🥰



My eyes flutter open as I feel someone shaking me. I hear people calling my name in the distance. The voices sound clearer when I finally come to. I fully wake up and see three faces above me. I realize that I'm on the floor and that Tony is cradling my upper body. I sit up, moving out of his arms, and glance at everyone. "What happened?" I ask.

"You touched the orb and it caused an explosion... do you feel okay?" Lucas speaks.

I give him a baffled look then shift my gaze to the ground. I think I only remember touching it before everything went black. "I feel fine," I respond as I stand up. "In fact, better than fine."

They stare at me skeptically. "Maybe I should run some tests just in case-" Tony begins before I interrupt.

"No, no, I'm fine, really. Don't worry about me," I protest. Tony shakes his head.

"I understand but we don't know if the blast could've changed something in you and I just want to make sure that all is well," he conveys.

"That's really not necessary, Tony. I've encountered the white sphere before... not like that but I have."

"Exactly," Dustin chimes in. We all look at him. "They extracted energy from the orb and injected it into you, but you were never directly exposed to it."

"Yeah?" I shrug. 

"How often would they do that?" he asks.

"Uh, I don't know. It was like three times a year for five years," I respond. It wasn't that often that the sphere's energy was exposed to me. I remember there were other chemicals involved.

"Wait, you think that directly touching it might affect her powers?" Lucas asks Dustin.

"It's possible," Dustin confirms.

"We should test that theory," Tony suggests. "Alright, y/n, why don't you try out your telekinesis or something."

I sigh and nod. If something did change, I don't think it'll manifest so quickly but whatever. My hands feel warm as they form purple energy. Yep, still got that. I lift my hand and look at a pen on the table beside me. It elevates in the air for a second before I let the pen drop. Nothing new. I try again, this time without my hands. I focus on the pen and tilt my head to the left. It flies off the table.

"What about something bigger?" Tony suggests.

"Let me try something," I voice. I step in the middle of the room and hold my arms out in a W shape with my palms facing up. I think about lifting everything from all the tables in the room. Everything floats in the air, purple energy surrounding them. I hear rumbling and Tony starts to freak out. "Okay, okay, you can put it all down now," he says.

I look around and notice the computer screens that are connected to the tables are being pulled upward. Oops. I set everything back down and glance at Tony. "Sorry," I apologize.

"It's fine. Do you feel tired?" he asks.

"No," I answer, kind of shocked.

Dustin points to my face with wide eyes. "Your nose... you're not bleeding!"

I touch my nose and check my hand. I gasp and beam at them. "I'm not bleeding! I don't feel tired!" I excitedly yell out. So all this time, all I had to do was touch the Stella Alba to get rid of the limitations? That's kind of ridiculous yet relieving at the same time. If Brenner wanted to "help me reach my full potential" as he claimed, why'd he only give me small doses of the sphere's energy?

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