Ending 1: Be My Last ~ Peter

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Y/n takes a deep breath, trying to settle her nerves as she stands outside of the Parker's apartment. She finally made up her mind, she knows what her heart wants... and she's 100% certain that this is the right decision. "Okay," she mumbles before lifting her fist. She knocks on the door before dropping her hand to her side. After a few seconds, the door opens to reveal Peter. His lips slightly part as he gazes at the girl, shocked to see her here. Normally, he's overjoyed by her presence but this time he's terrified.

He has a feeling he knows why she's here. "Y/n... hey," he greets.

A small grin tugs at the girl's lips as she stares back at him. "Hey," she quietly returns.

Peter just continues to stare at her before eventually snapping out of it, realizing he hasn't let her in yet. "Uh... come in," he insists, stepping aside to let her through.

"Thanks," y/n replies, walking into the apartment. The boy closes the door after she enters while she makes her way to the living room. Peter follows shortly after, slowly approaching the couch where the girl is standing. "Is May home?" she questions.

"Uh, no. She's at the store right now so..." the boy trails off nervously. Y/n merely nods, slowly lowering herself onto the couch. Peter stays where he is, afraid to get closer. "So... what's up?" he awkwardly asks, not knowing what else to say.

Y/n straightens her back as she fixates her eyes on him. "I have the answer," she firmly states.

Peter tightly grips his sleeves with his sweaty hands as his nerves go haywire. "The answer?" he repeats, staring at the girl dumbfounded.

Y/n nods. "To your question... 'What am I gonna do?"

The brunet gulps, feeling his anxiety only increase. He knows exactly what she's referring to, and he's terrified of what she's going to say. There's a possibility that she'll leave and he's never going to see her again, and she's never going to know how he truly feels about her... Perhaps now is the time to finally confess. He might as well do it, it could possibly help convince her to stay. Or if she's deadset on leaving... at least the truth will finally be out there and he won't live with the regret of hiding his feelings from her. Screw it.

"I did a lot of thinking, and I mean a lot of thinking," the girl commences, raising her eyebrows on "a lot." "And I realized that my life–"

"Wait, no, just– Before you say anything, there's something I need to tell you. I just... I– I– I need you to know," Peter interrupts as he goes to sit next to the girl on the couch.

Y/n is astounded by this. "Oh... okay," she accepts, now intrigued by what he has to say.

Peter's anxiety is through the roof right now but he powers through. He can't chicken out again like every time he's tried to tell her before. It's now or never. "Okay, um– Remember when I gave you the necklace in London after the whole drones attack thing? And I told you that I had a whole plan?" he mentions.

The girl nods. "Yeah, of course," she affirms, touching the broken glass pendant hanging over her chest.

Peter averts his gaze, staring down at his lap as he twiddles his fingers nervously. "Step one was to sit next to you on the plane," he starts. Y/n slightly knits her eyebrows. "Step two was to buy a dual headphone adapter and watch movies together the whole ride. Step three: buy the (y/f/f) necklace in Venice. Step four: take you to the top of the Eiffel Tower to give you the necklace... and tell you how I feel." Peter finally lifts his head to lock eyes with the girl, whose face softens, taken aback by his last claim.

"I wanted to make the trip as memorable and romantic as possible to show you that I could be an amazing boyfriend too, that I was worthy... of your love," he reveals. He shifts his body on the couch to face the girl, gently taking her hands. Y/n's heart thumps in her chest as she gazes at the boy with her astonished eyes. "I'm in love with you, y/n. I've been too scared to tell you, I almost did on the bridge by the hotel and in London but I backed out... I was scared that you wouldn't feel the same because you still love Jonathan..."

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