Chapter 15: What I Need to Say to You

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I think this song embodies Y/n's feelings for Jonathan pretty well 🥺



I sigh as I look at the clock, waiting for class to end. I can't wait for the school day to be over, I've got places to be... people to see. I haven't been able to concentrate in my classes because all I can think about is Jonathan. We haven't talked since I visited him and then he decides to text me out of the blue. I read his message over and over for about 2 minutes before finally texting back last night. I said yes to meeting up, so we agreed to meet at a cafe at 7:00.

I'm really nervous to see him again, especially since I basically ran out of his home the last time. The bell rings, pulling me out of my thoughts and signaling that the third period is over. Man, I can't believe that only three classes have gone by, I feel like I've been here forever. I walk through the hallways, making my way to my fourth period when I suddenly feel someone bump my shoulder. I turn my head to the left to see a tall brunette boy walking beside me.

"Hey," he says.

"Hey," I return with a smile. I've seen this boy before. We have three classes together, including PE. He's on the soccer team, so he usually hangs out with the other soccer players or with some of the popular kids. I don't know much about him but he seems nice enough. We never talk, so I'm confused as to why he's speaking to me now.

"Um- your name is y/n right?" When I nod in confirmation, he continues. "I'm Ezra, we have a few classes together."

"I know. I've heard the teachers call your name during attendance."

"Cool... so, uh, I know we don't really know each other but I'd like to change that," Ezra expresses. Oh gosh, is he doing what I think he's doing? "And homecoming is coming up so... I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go with me?" he finishes asking.

I stop walking, making him stop as well. I internally panic as I think of ways to turn him down nicely. Since I first woke up, I haven't given the topic of dating a single thought. I never considered finding someone new after having the kind of love I had with Jonathan. I mean, how could I? Will I ever experience love like that again? I don't think I can be with anyone else.

"Uh listen, Ezra. You seem like a really nice guy but... I'm sure you've heard my story before and I'm not in a place right now where I can-"

I'm cut off by Ezra's sigh. He looks down in defeat, then looks up at me, trying to mask his disappointment. Ah man, I feel really bad. "It's alright. I just thought I'd shoot my shot... if you change your mind, you know where to find me," he discloses before walking off.

I watch him as he walks away, feeling guilty for rejecting him. "Man, this is heavy," I think aloud before heading to class.


I went straight home since I had training with Wanda and Steve. School today was... interesting. It was kind of awkward seeing Ezra during class after I rejected him. Besides the whole Ezra thing, something's up with Peter but he won't say. He seems pretty chipper for someone who was devastated after getting the Spider suit taken away. Although when I ask him about it, he changes the subject. Ned isn't talking either, which sucks because he's always talking. I'm so tempted to read their minds but I know that's wrong. Whatever, I'm sure they'll tell me sooner or later.

6:45 PM

I finish getting dressed after hopping out of the shower and do my hair. I have to be at the cafe in 15 minutes, yet here I am, still doing my hair because training ran a little longer than I expected.  Today's training session was way more intense than yesterday's. Cap and Wanda really mean business.

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