Chapter 30: Another One Bites the Dust

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Thor hacks the dogs around him as I stand nearby, blasting and flinging them around. I form purple forcefields around two groups of about five dogs each and lift them into the air. Thor throws his ax and it flies through them, slaying them all and I let them drop to the ground. He turns to me as Steve approaches us. "New haircut?" he asks.

Thor glances at him and notes, "noticed you've copied my beard." Cap wearily nods. Somebody grunts behind us and I turn to see the tree guy piercing his arm through three dogs. Damn, that must hurt.

"Oh, by the way, this is a friend of mine: Tree," Thor presents Cap to the tree. He whips around to look at him.

"I am Groot!" he pipes up.

"I am Steve Rogers," Cap replies, gesturing to himself. He turns back to Thor and introduces me, "This is a friend of mine, y/n Sinclair."

"Hi," I say, waving at Thor, who nods. "Pleased to meet you, Lady Sinclair. I am Thor," he returns. I smile before we return to battle. Suddenly, the earth begins to quake and I look up, seeing the trees and the ground moving like an ocean wave. It moves into the dome and giant spiky wheels emerge from underground. "Shit!" I shout.

Everyone begins to run away and T'Challa yells, "fall back! Fall back now!" I take off, flying over them so I can get in front of them. They begin to move toward Natasha and Okoye and I land in front of them and spread my arms out, lifting the wheels into the air. I turn around and see a swarm of dogs coming my way from both sides. I harshly swing my arms down, making the wheels crash on either side, crushing the aliens.

I look back at the women behind me. Natasha grins at me while Okoye gives me a look. "You couldn't do that before?" I shrug.

"There were no giant wheels before."

Everything starts to rumble again and another set of spiky wheels roll into the dome. You've got to be kidding me. I raise my arms again and exert my power when I feel someone land beside me. I look to my right and notice Wanda doing the same as I am. We both easily lift the wheels and throw them in the direction where there are more dogs. You'd think that that would kill them all, but they just keep on coming from the spaceships. "Thanks for the assist," I tell Wanda.

"Of course," she answers.

"Why was she up there all this time?" Okoye exclaims in the background. We continue to fight off the dogs, with Wanda's help this time.

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here," Sam informs.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Cap adds.

"I got him," Banner answers.

"On our way," I say into the comms. I grunt in pain as something clobbers Wanda and I in the head, making us fall into the ditch. The alien lady turns Wanda over and taunts, "he'll die alone. As will you..." She turns me over and adds, "and you."

"They're not alone," I hear Natasha say. I feel super disoriented and can barely move, but can hear a fight happening around me. I can barely see Wanda through my spotty vision but can tell that she's the same way. After a moment, I finally start to feel better and sit up. Wanda grasps my arm, making me face her.

"Go find Vision, I got this," she instructs. I nod and straighten up before taking flight. I hover over the violent scene and don't see any sign of him so I move more outside toward the trees. I land on the ground and glance around, finding Cap fighting an alien. I sprint toward them and see the creature throw him to the ground and choke him.

"No!" I yell, bringing my hands up to lift the alien off of Cap. I peer behind the alien and spot Vision holding up a staff and giving me a look. I get the hint and fling the alien back in his direction. He lands on the blade, which pierces through him. Vision tosses the alien's body to the side and collapses. Cap and I help him stand.

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