Chapter 28: From An Infinity Stone?

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All the students wait by the bus lane for the school buses to arrive. Well, some of the students, Peter and Ned aren't here yet. I stand with MJ as we wait and she's telling me about a book she's reading. All of a sudden, she stops rambling and looks behind me. "Peter's coming," she informs with a smirk. I whip around and see him and Ned coming in our direction.

"Hey, guys," Ned energetically greets as they approach us. Peter stands in front of me and just smiles timidly.

"Hey," he breathes out.

"Hey," I return, grinning kindly. We just remain like this, staring at each other until MJ interjects.

"Hey," she says, alerting us of her presence. We snap out of our trance and the buses arrive.

"Okay, guys. Let's get on the buses!" Mr. Dell shouts at everyone. The four of us get in the line for the first bus.

When MJ and I finally get on, I ask, "where should we sit?"

"I'm gonna sit back there... you are going to sit there," she voices, pointing at a certain seat. I glance in the direction she's pointing in and see Peter sitting by himself, with Ned in the seat in front of him.

I chuckle. "Are you sure? I thought we were going to sit together," I mention. She nods her head.

"Go," she orders before going to the back of the bus. I do as she says and approach Peter.

"Mind if I sit here?"

He glances up at me in shock, but soon beams. "Y-yeah, yeah, go ahead," he answers, scooting closer to the window. "Okay," I utter and sit down next to him. The bus starts moving and Peter stays quiet, letting me know that he doesn't know what to say. Wow, this boy is awkward. I guess I'll be the one to address the elephant in the room.

"So I was thinking, for our next date we can go out to eat or something... maybe go see a movie," I pipe up. Peter turns to me with reddened cheeks.

"Second date?"


His eyes sparkle as a gigantic smile makes its way onto his face. "Y-yeah, dinner and a movie sound awesome," his voice slightly cracks.

"Cool," I respond, smiling.

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and asks, "wanna watch 'The Office?"

"Yes!" I enthusiastically answer. He plugs in his earphones and hands me one of the earbuds before opening Netflix and clicking on 'The Office.' We sit close together as we watch. We laugh every so often at a joke, completely invested in the show. Suddenly, Peter raises his head and looks out the window.

"What are you looking at?" I question. He doesn't respond as he continues to stare out the window, making me lean over him to take a peek as well. My eyes widen when I see a giant ring-shaped spaceship in the air. Peter looks back at me and we both know what we have to do at that moment. He looks at the students behind us and reaches his arm toward Ned, tapping his shoulder and face.

"Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction."

Ned spots the aircraft when he turns around and shouts, "holy shit. We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!" He instantly jumps out of his seat and moves to the back, making the other students follow suit. Wow, that was fast. While they're all distracted, Peter and I reach into our backpacks. I take out my mask while he pulls out a web shooter and slaps it on his wrist. He fires a web at a window, pulling it open. He climbs out and sticks to the side of the bus to pull on his mask.

"What's the matter with you kids? You've never seen a spaceship before?" the bus driver pipes up. I put my mask on and grab my backpack before flying out of the open window. As soon as I fly out, Peter starts swinging and we make our way toward the spaceship. We drop into an alleyway to change before nearing the spaceship again. When we get closer, Peter shouts, "I see Mr. Stark!" We rush toward him.  

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