Chapter 47: The 80s Are Back Part 3

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"Sit, Sparky, sit. Good dog," Billy instructs, giving Sparky a treat. "Speak." Sparky barks and Billy praises him. "Nice, Sparky. Now spin. Good boy!"

Wanda, Tommy, and I clap from the couch as we watch Sparky. "Oh! Bravo, Billy! You weren't so bad either, Sparky," Wanda cheers.

"I guess talent just runs in the family," I comment.

"That was radical. Where's dad? We gotta go show dad," Tommy enthusiastically claims as he jumps up.

"Oh, he's... he's at work," Wanda informs them. The twins stop in their tracks and their smiles drop.


"It's Saturday," Billy points out.

"No, it's not. It's Monday," Wanda replies.

"This morning was Saturday," Tommy states.

"There was an emergency at the office and your father had to go in. End of story," Wanda utters. The twins give each other a strange look.

"Well, what about Tony? Can we show him?" Billy asks. Tommy eagerly nods.

"Oh, he went to drop off your dad's lunch. They're probably together right now," I respond. Their smiles disappear and are replaced with disappointed expressions.

"Look, he just... He needed a distraction," Wanda tells them when she notices their faces.

"Both of them? From what?" Tommy asks.

"From us?" Billy cuts in.

"No! No way! No!" Wanda assures them.

"Of course not!" I say as we quickly approach the boys. We walk them to the couch as Wanda lectures them.

"Sometimes your dad and I aren't on the same page, but that's just temporary," she commences as we sit down. Wanda sits in the middle with the twins are on either side of her, while I sit on the arm of the couch next to Billy. "Like the two of you, you might fight over toys, but he's always going to be your brother. And he's always going to be yours. Because family is forever."

I listen to her little speech and smile. "Do you have a brother, Mom?" Tommy suddenly asks. I can tell the question hurt Wanda.

"I do... Yeah. He's far away from here and that makes me sad sometimes," she answers.

"What about you, Aunt y/n?" Billy asks me. I didn't expect to be asked about that.

"Yeah, I do. And two sisters. They live somewhere else... but that's okay," I sadly speak. Sparky begins to bark and he jumps off of Billy's lap and runs to the door.

"Hey, Sparky, what's up, boy?" Billy addresses the dog. Sparky growls at the door. "Something's scaring him."

I hear a whirring sound in the distance and furrow my eyebrows. "Stay here," Wanda orders as we get up and head to the door. Sparky runs out when Wanda opens the door, causing the boys to call after him and run outside. The boys stand behind us as we stare up at a drone in the sky.

"Wanda, y/n, this is Captain Monica Rambeau. Can you hear me? I just want to talk. That's it," a voice sounds from the drone. I just observe the drone, wondering who Monica is and what she wants. I look at Wanda and notice her eyes glowing red. Uh oh. It's about to shoot but Wanda quickly causes it to malfunction before it could hurt us. I watch the drone fall to the ground in shock. Oh, so that's the kind of talk they wanted to have.

"Boys, go inside. Mommy and Auntie will be right back," Wanda tells the twins. They obey and Wanda takes the fried drone, and we rush to the barrier. I have no idea what's going on but I guess I'm about to find out.

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