Chapter 53: And That Makes You... Part 2

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Agatha creates a glass door on the tree trunk next to me. I sigh as I approach it. Here we go again. I enter a new room and feel my heart stop when I see Tony, Lucas, and Dustin.

"Oh, wow, another lab?" Agatha comments.

"It's the Avengers compound... they were trying to fix the side effects of my powers." We watch the incident where I curiously approach the Stella Alba and touch it. A white burst of energy erupts, sending my past self flying back. As she's falling, she sees an image of a woman in the white light. What the fuck? Why don't I remember the woman? I can only recall falling and passing out.

The setting changes to my bedroom and I view myself sitting on my bed watching The Nanny. I really miss this room, I miss the compound. Someone knocks on the door and past y/n calls out, "come in." The door opens and Tony walks in.

"Hey, kiddo."

"Hey," past y/n replies.

"It's been a few days since your powers enhanced. Has training with Cap and Wanda helped you out?" he asks as he sits on the bed. Past me grins and nods her head.

"Yeah, it has. Wanda's been teaching me how to fly," she responds.

"Oh, that's great. Now I don't have to waste money on gas for you," Tony jokes, making her laugh.

"Like you care about that. You got money to burn," past y/n retaliates.

"That... is very true," Tony answers, making her laugh again. "But in all seriousness, if you ever feel different, like sick or something, don't hesitate to let me know. I just want to make sure you're okay."

My past self smiles warmly at this. "I will, thanks." Tony smiles and looks down at his hands as if he wants to say more.

"It's kind of a big change," he pipes up.

"What is?"

"This," he replies, motioning to my past self's hands. She nods in agreement.

"Yeah, well, my whole life's consisted of big changes so..." she trails off, making Tony give her a sympathetic look. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so passive-aggressive," she softly speaks. Tony nods and grins kindly at her. "It is a big change. The powers, this," she says, gesturing to the room.

"It feels like everything's happening so fast... and I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I wish I could go back to my old life. You know, everything was simpler. I mean, it was super crazy but in a way, it was still simpler. But at the same time, it feels like a blessing to be here. To live in the compound, to be an Avenger, have new friends, improved powers, and to have you and Pepper... I don't know, maybe I sound crazy."

Tony slightly chuckles and slings his arm around past y/n's shoulders. "No, you actually sound completely sane, which is a first," he jokes. My past self chuckles and shakes her head. "Look, I get it. If I was in your shoes, I'd probably feel the exact same way. No one is expecting you to be completely fine with where you're at right now. You're allowed to feel resentment. I just want you to know that Pepper and I are really happy you're here. I'm happy you're here. Okay?"

He gives past y/n the most sincere smile ever, causing a genuine smile to form on her face. "Yeah," she answers. At that moment, there's an unexpected knock at the door. Past y/n waves her hand and the door swings open. Peter walks in but awkwardly stops when he sees Tony.

"Hey, y/n- uh, hello, Mr. Stark."

"Kid, what are you doing here?" Tony asks him.

"Oh, I just came to hang out with y/n if that's okay," he nervously replies. Tony turns to past y/n and she softly grins and nods her head, letting him know that she wants to hang out with the boy.

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