Chapter 10: Protective Spidey

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MJ and I lean against the schoolbus as we talk. Flash decides to be annoying and randomly comes up to us. We try our best to ignore him but he just keeps spewing a bunch of bullshit. Just as I'm about to blow my top, something catches Flash's attention.

"Hey, it's Peter!"

Everyone turns and we see Peter jogging up to us. "I was hoping I could rejoin the team," he says.

Flash immediately walks towards him and exclaims, "No, no way. You can't just quit on us, stroll up, and be welcomed back by everyone."

"Hey! Welcome back, Peter! Flash, you're back to first alternate," Mr. Harrington says as he steps out of the bus. I snort, it's just so funny when someone throws a tantrum and things don't go their way.


"He's taking your place," mocks Abe.

This time I accidentally let a laugh escape and I high five him. This dude makes a joke out of everything and I'm here for it.

MJ suddenly interrupts the conversation, "excuse me, can we go already? Because I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner."

"Ooo, let me join you," I insist and she smirks at me.

"Protesting is patriotic. Let's get on the bus," responds Mr. Harrington.

I laugh again when I view Flash angrily throw his jacket into Peter's chest. The team boards the bus and MJ and I sit together towards the middle. Peter walks up to the seat in front of us.

"Hey," he tries to talk to me.

I look at him with a blank expression and flatly reply, "hi."

He purses his lips awkwardly and sits down. "What was that about," MJ asks me.

I shrug, "nothing." She rolls her eyes but decides to leave it alone. Truthfully, I'm upset at Peter. I offered to back him up tonight when he goes to stop the vulture guy but he said no. His reason was that he doesn't want me to get hurt or exhaust myself too much. I call bullshit on his reasoning. Is he really going to pretend like he doesn't know about how I closed the gate or stopped the Mind Flayer's fleshy body from killing everyone? A man in robotic wings is nothing for me.

Liz starts quizzing the team with flashcards, and I snap pictures of her and other team members. I even got a shot of MJ reading her book next to me. Peter suddenly stands up and asks Liz if he can take a phone call.

"Yeah, fine," she answers, making a weird face like she didn't give a shit or something. She seems to make faces like that a lot.

I eye him as he walks to the back of the bus, curious about the phone call but stay in my seat.

*Time Skip*

I sigh as I exit my hotel room with my camera strapped around my neck. A door opens and Peter walks out with a dark blue sweater on.

"Y/n," he says, surprised when he spots me walking in his direction.

"Off to find the bird man?" I remark.

"Uh yeah... Are you still mad at me," he warily asks.

"Peter, I wasn't mad."

He raises his eyebrows at me.

"Okay, fine, I was mad, but can you blame me? Tony put you in my path so we could look out for each other and I'm trying to do just that, but you won't let me. This guy dropped you into a lake, I want to back you up so something like that doesn't happen again."

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