Ending 2: Back to You ~ Jonathan

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Peter shifts his body on the couch to face the girl, gently taking her hands. Y/n's heart thumps in her chest as she gazes at the boy with her astonished eyes. "I'm in love with you, y/n. I've been too scared to tell you, I almost did on the bridge by the hotel and in London but I backed out... I was scared that you wouldn't feel the same because you still love Jonathan..."

"And– and it took me a while to figure out how I feel because... well, I've never been in love before," Peter timidly admits, lightly shrugging. His eyes glisten as tears begin to prick them, and his voice trembles as he speaks. "But now I'm 100% sure. I know that I love you, and– and that's why I don't want you to go. I don't want you to go, I want you to stay here with me," he cries, speaking fastly. He sniffles before continuing, "But I can't control you, so if you'll be happier–"

"Peter," y/n cuts him off, squeezing his hands. The boy ceases his rambling, staring at the girl with his big scared eyes. He's preparing himself for heartbreak, although he knows that no amount of preparation will ease the pain. The girl's eyes shimmer with tears as she gazes into his eyes. She hates this part so much but it has to happen. "Remember when I barely came out of the ice and was freaking out about how everything was so different?" she mentions.

"Yeah," the boy confirms, wondering where this is going.

"You told me that everything happens for a reason... Well, I figured it out," the girl states. Peter stares at her in confusion. "The reason I was dropped into that point in time– well, reasons– are people. Like Tony and Pepper, Wanda..." y/n continues. She takes a breath before proceeding. "I think I was meant to find you. You had a lot to teach me, stuff I needed to learn... But I was never meant to stay here," she claims. The boy's lips slightly part as he gawks at her, his heart dropping to his feet. Y/n's chest hurts upon seeing the pain in the boy's eyes.

She hates how much she's hurting him right now. Peter hangs his head, not wanting the girl to see the tears welling up in his eyes. He doesn't utter a word, so y/n decides to continue. "Peter, I fell in love with you, I did... But I never stopped loving him either. It wouldn't be fair to you if I stayed. You deserve someone who can fully give their heart to you. I can never do that," she explains in a trembling voice, tears rolling down her cheeks. Peter keeps his head down and sniffles, not being able to stop the tears from pouring.

"I'm so sorry..." the girl cries. "Just know that I will always love you, you'll always be in my heart..." she trails off. A quiet sob escapes the boy's throat, he's never felt such heartbreak. Y/n reaches her hand up to cup his cheek. Peter closes his eyes, leaning into the girl's touch. This will be the last time he'll ever feel her hand on his face again. "I'll never forget you, Peter Parker," she whispers. And it's true. Peter was such a special person in her life, she could never forget him even if she tried. She's thankful for everything she went through with him.

Peter slowly opens his eyes to meet y/n's (y/e/c) ones. His heart breaks even more upon realizing that he's never going to look into those beautiful eyes again. He hates this with every fiber of his being, but he knows that he needs to let her go. He just wants her to be happy... even if it isn't with him. He loves her with everything he's got, which is precisely why he's letting her go. Y/n's heart churns as she studies the boy's broken facial expression. I'm doing this to him. I'm hurting him, she thinks. She can't stand being the reason for his suffering.

"Please don't hate me," she quietly cries, more tears cascading down her face.

Peter musters up a distraught smile, his eyes shining as he gazes at her with a mixture of love and sadness. He lightly shakes his head and whispers, "I could never hate you."

Y/n's lips curl up into a sorrowful grin as she stares back into his eyes. His words stir a mix of emotions. It's a comfort to hear him say that but at the same time, it's like a knife to her chest. She shoves her hand into her jacket pocket, pulling out a certain item. Peter's frown deepens when his eyes land on the item: the broken glass necklace he gifted her. Y/n holds it in her palm, just studying it for a second before finally reaching toward the boy. She takes his hand and opens his palm, placing the necklace in it.

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