Chapter 14: CA & WM Pt. 2

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I love this gif 😂 ^



"Throwing myself into my work distracted me from the sadness as well, but it can get pretty lonely if you don't have those you trust beside you," he adds. I nod in understanding.

I suddenly blurt out, "thank you."

"You're welcome. If you ever need more advice, just ask-"

"No, not for that. I mean, yes, I'm thankful for the advice but that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?"

I start playing with my hands, suddenly feeling nervous. "Um- for everything. For the advice, for telling me your story, and for coming here despite being wanted by the government. You didn't have to do any of that."

"Yes, I did. When I heard about you, I knew you had to be having a hard time. I was in your shoes once, so I get it. So when Tony called, asking me to help you, I jumped at the opportunity. I wish I had someone who understood what I went through when I first came out of the ice."

"You do now," I say, flashing a kind grin. He smiles back at me and pats my shoulder. I giggle before questioning, "you and Tony had a special bond before falling out, didn't you?"

He sighs and looks away in thought. "Yeah, I guess you could say that... it seems like you get along with him well."

He looks back at me and I grin. "Yeah, I do. He's been great. He put a roof over my head and helped me get back into the world and it honestly means so much." My words make Steve smile. Maybe he's glad that I've had someone in my corner since day one. I know I sure am.

"So how did you wake up? Was there anyone in the room with you? Did Tony put you in an 80s themed room to ease you into the news?" Steve asks with a small chuckle at the end. I laugh at the last question.

"No he didn't. I woke up in a big bedroom and I was wearing a Stark Industries t-shirt and sweatpants. Now me not remembering anything from the crash was super confused. I got out of bed and walked over to the window to look outside, and was in shock of what I saw. I knew I wasn't in my hometown anymore but had no idea how I got here. Then Tony comes in with that cocky attitude of his and tells me that my plane crashed and that I've been asleep for 32 years. It all felt like a fever dream."

"I think I've gotten used to being here but there are times where it still feels unreal," he answers. The sound of a door opening catches our attention and we both turn to see who it is. Wanda walks in with a water bottle in her hand. Once she spots us, she comes our way and stands in front of us.

"Hey," she greets. "Did you guys get to know each other?"

Steve and I nod simultaneously and Wanda smiles. "He didn't bore you to death, did he?" she teases.

I laugh and shake my head while Steve rolls his eyes. "No, I actually really enjoyed our conversation," I truthfully reply. Steve smiles at me and I smile back. He looks up at Wanda and lifts his eyebrows, giving her a mocking closed-lip simper. All Wanda does is shake her head and I giggle at their silliness.

A specific question suddenly enters my mind and I ask, "so uh, Wanda, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get your powers?"

She rests her hands on her hips and looks down, almost shamefully. Maybe I shouldn't have asked. It's just that my curiosity got the best of me, since I really want to know if she got hers the way I got mine.

"Before I joined the Avengers, I was different. In fact, I hated them... especially Tony," she answers.

"Wow, really? Why?" I ask, shocked.

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