Chapter 27: The Power of Love

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Lunchtime is almost over and we'll have to go to our next class soon. I've been trying to work up the courage to ask Peter out but I'm really nervous. I haven't done this since 1983. The bell suddenly rings and everyone scurries out of the cafeteria. Shit, okay, I still have time. Peter walks in the direction of his class and I stop him. "Peter, wait!" I call out as I catch up to him. He turns around and gazes at me expectantly. Ugh, his eyes are so pretty.

"Yeah?" he asks.

"Um... I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime," I speak. His eyes widen in shock. I just stare at him, awaiting his response. A tint of pink covers his cheeks as he stares at me in disbelief.

"R-really?" he breathes out. His lips curl up into a small smile.

"Yes," I utter. The look on his face makes it seem like his long-awaited wish finally came true.

"Yeah... Yeah, I-I'd love to," he responds, smiling wider. The joy on his face makes me grin.

"Great. What about Saturday?"

"Saturday's good," he quickly replies.

"Perfect. I'll see you then," I utter before sauntering away.

Peter's POV:

My eyes linger on y/n as she walks away. Oh, my God, I can't believe that just happened. I have to be dreaming right now. I never thought that she'd ever be into me. I guess Ned was right when he said I could have a chance. I need to tell him all about it. I snap out of my trance and make my way to class, smiling like an idiot the whole way there.


Third Person POV:

It's finally Saturday and the two teens get ready for their date tonight. They're going to the roller rink for 80s Night. Y/n found out about this event through MJ when they were brainstorming date ideas and it excited y/n for obvious reasons. She informed Peter about the event and they decided on wearing matching costumes. Y/n finishes doing her hair and throws on her outfit before texting Peter that she's on her way to pick him up.

May helped Peter put his costume together and assisted him in doing his hair. The day y/n asked him out, he zoomed home and talked May's ear off about it. The woman got so happy upon hearing the news. She's always known that y/n and her nephew have undeniable chemistry. She told him that the girl would be ready one day, and it seems like that day has finally come. Peter checks his reflection in the mirror, making sure that he looks presentable. "Alright, you can do this," May encourages from behind him, squeezing his shoulders. Peter takes a deep breath.

"I can do this. I can do this," he reassures himself. A knock sounds at the door, sending him into a frenzy. "Oh, God, she's here," he blurts. May urges him to get the door. He dashes to the door and opens it, his jaw dropping at the sight of y/n.

"How about a ride, mister?" she asks, smirking.

"Wow, you look so cool!" he compliments her.

She giggles and replies, "Thanks! You don't look too bad yourself, Marty." The two are dressed as Marty McFly and Jennifer Parker from 'Back to the Future.' May rushes into the room with her phone.

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