Last Night | Nick Jonas x Ken...

By _name_jonas

27.7K 536 153

"I may have had a few, but that doesn't change the way I think about you." Nick Jonas is enjoying the single... More

P r o l o g u e | C a s t i n g
O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
T w e n t y - O n e
T w e n t y - T w o
T w e n t y - T h r e e
T w e n t y - F o u r
T w e n t y - F i v e
T w e n t y - S i x
T w e n t y - S e v e n
T w e n t y - E i g h t
T w e n t y - N i n e
T h i r t y
T h i r t y - O n e
T h i r t y - T w o
T h i r t y - T h r e e
T h i r t y - F o u r
T h i r t y - F i v e
T h i r t y - S i x
T h i r t y - S e v e n
T h i r t y - E i g h t
T h i r t y - N i n e
F o u r t y
F o u r t y - O n e
F o u r t y - T w o
F o u r t y - T h r e e
F o u r t y - F o u r
F o u r t y - S i x
F o u r t y - S e v e n
F o u r t y - E i g h t
F o u r t y - N i n e
F i f t y
F i f t y - O n e
F i f t y - T w o
F i f t y - T h r e e
F i f t y - F o u r
F i f t y - F i v e
F i f t y - S i x
F i f t y - S e v e n
F i f t y - E i g h t
F i f t y - N i n e
S i x t y
S i x t y - O n e
S i x t y - T w o
S i x t y - T h r e e
S i x t y - F o u r
S i x t y - F i v e
S i x t y - S i x
S i x t y - S e v en
S i x t y - E i g h t
S i x t y - N i n e
S e v e n t y
S e v e n t y - O n e
S e v e n t y - T w o
S e v e n t y - T h r e e
S e v e n t y - F o u r
S e v e n t y - F i v e
S e v e n t y - S i x
S e v e n t y - S e v e n
S e v e n t y - E i g h t
S e v e n t y - N i n e
E i g h t y
E p i l o g u e

F o u r t y - F i v e

224 5 0
By _name_jonas

I hope you like the song, i have just become familiar with this one, but every 1D song is awesome, so... i guess this is just one of those!

If we go again
Another go-round for all of my friends
Another non-stop will it ever end?

One Direction

* * *

Nick Jonas's POV

(11:00 AM Monday)

I slammed my car door and stepped out of my car, fixing the rim of my slacked shirt. A man with blonde hair and a scruff was standing in front of my door in a blue suit. He looked about 27-28. Seemed like a nice guy, but I wasn't in the mood of being nice right now.

I identified everyone here as mood-wreckers because I had just missed lunch with my girlfriend's family to be here. But I don't know, I wasn't sure if I wanted to meet Kendall's family, just yet. They all seemed... toxic. 

"Hello," the guy said, sticking out his hand for me to shake. I took it. "The name's Eddie and I'm here to try and bargain the property back for you," he said, smiling a toothy grin. I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"OK, so... You're on my side?" I said, making Eddie laugh. "Uh, practically everyone here is on your side, Nick, it's just that we can't fight the authorities on this. The state's takin' it, man," Eddie said, his face turning serious. 

I nodded. "OK, so... is there nothing I can do about it?" I said, hopefully. Eddie pressed his lips together and shook his head. "No, I don't think so, man, we've tried— I've tried everything, and... the state's not giving in. Says we have to do what they say or we'll get arrested."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Arrested? Really? I'm just a simple guy trying to get my house back and they're going to arrest me, just after they tried to take my house away for no damn reason?" I said, feeling quite attacked. Eddie hung his head, "I'm sorry man, but don't worry, I have something for you after the contract-signing shit."

I liked this guy.

We made our way into the house that was now being wrapped up in plastic and went into the living room where a middle-aged man was sitting on a plastic-wrapped couch. He was shuffling through a pile of contract papers.

Eddie cleared his throat, making the man look up at us. He had a damned messed-up face. "Hey, Tom," he said, making me realize that this guy was the guy I spoke with on the phone this morning. 

"Hello, Eddie. Hello, Nick," he greeted, getting up. He stuck his hand out and I clasped it harshly, squeezing his hand. Eddie sort of notice how hard I was squeezing it, so he nudged me. I let go, but the angry look on my face stayed there.

"Er— right," Tom said, tugging on his collar. "Why don't we... get this over with? I understand that Nick, you have a family brunch to get to, so I will not be bothering you for long," he continued to say, making me quite relieved.

"Here you go," Tom said, handing me a pen. I looked up at him. "Is this how it is?" I asked, making him frown. "You hand me a pen, asking me to sign a random fucking contract without even giving me one shit of information about it? Wow, what kind of landlord are you, Burkin?" I said with a scoffing laugh.

Eddie cleared his throat as Tom looked hurt and offended. "Um, right," Eddie said, gripping my shoulder as he leaned in to take a closer look at the contract sheet while my eyes stayed on Tom. "Here it says something about your house being taken over and you need to approve..." 

I decided to close my ears and sign everything he told me to, no longer caring.

"Alright, that's all," Eddie said, patting my back as I handed Tom all the papers. I gave him one last glare and got up, grunting in the process. "You're already 30 minutes in for that lunch with your girlfriend's family," Eddie told me, making me wanna punch him in the face.

But I asked him something else instead. "Aren't you gonna... try and guess who she is? I mean, doesn't it enlighten you to know? Don't get me wrong, but I'm not gonna tell you, I just am curious why you aren't curious."

Eddie chuckled. "Well, I'm not that kind of guy— to be honest, I don't even know you that much, I've just heard about the whole situation from my real-estate manager. He was the one who told me I could show you around some houses and stuff."

I nodded. "I like you, Eddie. So where are we gonna go for my huge house hunt?" I asked him as we walked to my car. Eddie pressed his lips together. "I'm not sure where to start, but I have a lot of suggestions."

I couldn't say I wasn't excited about this. Yes, I was going to be spending a lot of money, but I wanted a new house, I've been living in that old one for about 6 years now. Of course, there'll be loads of memories that might have to be shunted aside, but... I can't save everything.

"Wanna head to lunch first, though?" Eddie said, interrupting my thoughts. I looked at him, my eyebrows flat. "I mean, we will start tomorrow, but... If you want to—"

"We can do it tomorrow," I interrupted, nodding. "Right now, let's get some lunch, I really have to go to my girlfriend's soon. Her mom's gonna freak out to know that I had the time to visit but postponed it."

Eddie chuckled and we both got into my car, driving off to a café I knew well. Joe and I often went there for brunch meetings and some brotherly chilling time. 

"Hey, you know this place, too?" Eddie said as we got out of the car. I nodded. I felt so stupid standing next to him, in some jeans and a leather jacket. he was so fixed up, it surprised me. but then again, he was a real estate agent.

"I love this place, I remember I used to bump into my first crush here," he wondered out loud. I wish he hadn't said any of this out loud because it was getting uncomfortable. "I hope you don't if I talk about business at the table?" Eddie said as we sat down at a table.

I shrugged. "I don't know, sure. You should do the talking, though, because I know nothing about business. My career is nowhere near the business part."

Eddie chuckled. "Your girlfriend," he said. "What does she do?"

"She's a model," I answered, quite boldly. "A quite famous model," I added before I could stop myself. Eddie smirked, "Good for you. I encountered a model once. Her name was... I couldn't remember her name, but damn she was a goddess."

I chuckled. "I get that when I see her." 

"Well, you guys must be lucky to have each other because," Eddie clicked his tongue and pointed at me as he looked up from the menus. "No girl can be lucky enough to have you. Both the looks and voice."

I chuckled, trying to not get prideful. "Yeah, any girl who'd have you'd be lucky, too. You have a girlfriend or no?" I said to him, hoping I didn't sound invading.

"Well... not really, no," he said, making me frown. What did he mean by 'not really'? "I'm a single man, all the way!" he said in a loud voice. I dropped my eyes down to look at the menus and we ordered our lunch.

— — —

Hope you liked this one. I'm uploading a lot today because I feel like I owe you guys a ton of chapters. Here's for yesterday and the day before!

Don't forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

#edit: I wanna share something with you. It's a new book. And I may not be posting it just yet, but here is the trailer, which I think is my best work yet.

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