Last Night | Nick Jonas x Ken...

By _name_jonas

27.7K 536 153

"I may have had a few, but that doesn't change the way I think about you." Nick Jonas is enjoying the single... More

P r o l o g u e | C a s t i n g
O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
T w e n t y - O n e
T w e n t y - T w o
T w e n t y - T h r e e
T w e n t y - F o u r
T w e n t y - F i v e
T w e n t y - S i x
T w e n t y - S e v e n
T w e n t y - E i g h t
T w e n t y - N i n e
T h i r t y
T h i r t y - O n e
T h i r t y - T w o
T h i r t y - T h r e e
T h i r t y - F o u r
T h i r t y - F i v e
T h i r t y - S i x
T h i r t y - S e v e n
T h i r t y - E i g h t
T h i r t y - N i n e
F o u r t y
F o u r t y - O n e
F o u r t y - T w o
F o u r t y - T h r e e
F o u r t y - F i v e
F o u r t y - S i x
F o u r t y - S e v e n
F o u r t y - E i g h t
F o u r t y - N i n e
F i f t y
F i f t y - O n e
F i f t y - T w o
F i f t y - T h r e e
F i f t y - F o u r
F i f t y - F i v e
F i f t y - S i x
F i f t y - S e v e n
F i f t y - E i g h t
F i f t y - N i n e
S i x t y
S i x t y - O n e
S i x t y - T w o
S i x t y - T h r e e
S i x t y - F o u r
S i x t y - F i v e
S i x t y - S i x
S i x t y - S e v en
S i x t y - E i g h t
S i x t y - N i n e
S e v e n t y
S e v e n t y - O n e
S e v e n t y - T w o
S e v e n t y - T h r e e
S e v e n t y - F o u r
S e v e n t y - F i v e
S e v e n t y - S i x
S e v e n t y - S e v e n
S e v e n t y - E i g h t
S e v e n t y - N i n e
E i g h t y
E p i l o g u e

F o u r t y - F o u r

220 6 0
By _name_jonas

The song isn't exactly what's going on, but I like it and have recently became obsessed with it. I give you some of Dua Lipa's biggest hits: PHYSICAL!

* * * 

All night, I'll riot with you
I know you got my back, and I know I got you
So come on, come on, come on, let's get physical

Physical - Dua Lipa

Kendall Jenner's mind

(11:20 AM Monday)

The minute I rang the doorbell, I heard Khloe's voice from the other side of the door, like, really loud. She was sprinting to the door to open it for me. I guess she had expected Nick because her grin was down-turned and she asked me what was going on.

I shrugged. "He couldn't come. Busy," I said, seeing the look of disgust on Khloe's face. She moved aside and I made my way in. "That sucks. I hate guys like that. Busy all the fucking time, not even bothering to say anything—"

"Khloe, go easy on him," I said, eying her. I sat down on the couch next to Kim and looked at the camera crew; they were going to be here for the whole day, and people knew that this day would come where my 'mystery man' could be revealed, but Nick didn't come, so I guess I should be, I dunno, relieved?

"Seriously, Kendall, you have to consider this whole thing with—" Khloe stopped mid-sentence as I sent her a warning through my sharp eyes. She had just been about to say his name. "—thing, with him," she said instead. "You're gonna be heartbroken, I'm telling you that."

Kim didn't look up from her manicure, but I could clearly know she was about to speak. "I've seen worse. What did he do, ditch this when he said he would be here?" she said to me, making me roll my eyes and snap. "He didn't just ditch it, he's got actual business to do, unlike all of us. Besides, I spoke to him, he actually had something that wasn't worth missing because it was urgent."

Kim laughed to herself. "Really, is making me punch him in the face when I really see him not as urgent as that?"

"Kim!" I snapped, mouth open. "You won't touch him."

"I might."

"You're not serious, cause he's gonna beat you up," I said, unable to suppress a laugh. Scott came into the room, clicking his tongue at me. "Hey, Scott," I said, nodding. He nodded back and shoved his hands in his pockets. "What's going on? Who's beating who up?" he said calmly, probably knowing that us sisters beat each other up all the time.

"Kim," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Kim? Who's she beating up this time?" Scott said in that slow croaking voice of his as Khloe and Kim started to laugh under their breaths, rolling around uncontrollably.

"Not her beating someone up— I mean, yeah, she said she was—" I stopped myself and got off the couch, groaning. "Can we just talk outside?" I said to him. Scott narrowed his eyes but nodded.

We made our way to Kourtney's back yard and he crossed his arms, looking me in the eye. "What's going on? I heard something about your new boyfriend coming over here today. Who is he?" he said, making me quite surprise because I thought that I would be the one who was telling him about Nick. Turns out, I was wrong.

"He's... nobody," I said, fully knowing that I was leading myself into a fit. "I mean, he's a somebody, but he's... no one you know," I said, shrugging. 

"Yeah, but I bet he's famous, right?" Scott said, putting his hands to his hips. "Just tell me his name," he said again, impatiently as his hands were crossed against his chest again.

"His name is Nick," I said, leaving out the last name. "And he is famous, yes, a singer, on tour right now, so I can't let him be with me all the time, putting a limit on his work," I explained, hoping Scott would understand. "I don't want him to feel pressure and feel as if I'm being possessive of him and like... needy."

Scott didn't say anything, so I continued. "I think you will like him, of course, but he's—"

"He's Nick Jonas, right?" Scott cut, making me very surprised. 


"It's Nick Jonas, right?" Scott said again, leaning on his toes. "I mean, who else is a singer, going on tour right now, that goes by the name of Nick? Answer me, Kendall, he's Jonas, right?"

"Yes, yes, it's him," I said, groaning a little that Scott knew now. I was planning on letting him find out with everyone else in this world, but I guess him being Kourtney's children's dad, makes him really important... or something.

I was hoping to see some kind of disgusted look on Scott's face, but he just clicked his tongue and looked out into the mountains. "I mean... I don't like him, but yeah, I think he's very cool—"

"Scott, you've never even met him," I said, sort of stating it out.

"Yes, Kendall, I know I haven't, so don't make me wanna hate him for not being here because you know how important it is for Kris to get to know what might even be the father of your child," Scott said, making me scoff a little. "Either way, Kendall, you still have to tell him that he can't be like this, cause your mom is a little pissed."

I raised my eyebrows, "Why's she pissed, she hasn't got anything to be pissed about, he's not even family."


I rolled my eyes. "Even though, he's got loads of other things to do than just hang out with us in this stupid family dinner!" I yelled, lashing out. "He would rather be out there, doing stuff he enjoys, than being here around people that hate him!" 

Scott sighed. "Kendall, I don't hate your stupid boyfriend."

I threw my hands in the air, trying to prove a point. "He's not stupid, you guys are the one who's being stupid, so shut up before I leave!" I said, my nostrils flaring. Scott kept calm. "OK, I'm sorry, we're all sorry, but you can't blame us for being upset at him, because we were all looking forward to seeing this guy," he said, making me calm down.

"If you wanted to see him so much, why can't you understand the fact that he is about to lose his fucking house?" I said in a low dangerous voice.

"Because I didn't know that!" Scott said as I turned to the back door. "You should've told us that— Kendall, everyone's mad at him for not coming, why don't you go in there and tell them the main reason why he wasn't there, huh?"

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, I will. Just don't ever say anything about Nick because you all don't even know him. He's the nicest guy ever, and to be honest with you," I said, turning to Scott. "I don't think I want him to mix with our kind too much. We're a bad influence on his nice, pure, warm-hearted, soul."

I know it was harsh, but it was the truth, and if they couldn't accept the truth... They don't deserve to meet him at all.

* * *

If I knew I would bump into mom the second I got inside, I would have chosen to stay outside. Mom had this hawk-like look on her face where her eyebrows stuck up like... a hawk. She was just standing there, giving me that face.

"Hey, mom," I said, giving her a boring look. I didn't feel like talking with my family or being here. Where the hell was Kourtney, anyway? She was my favorite sister out of all of them. I mean, we can all say she's very mature.

"Hey, Kendall, where's..." Mom indicated to Nick, so I just sighed. "He couldn't make it. Had something to do with his house, I dunno. It's fine, it's not as if this is about him, is it?" I continued, knowing that I was making my mom pissed at everything that was coming out of my mouth.

"Um, excuse me?" Mom said, staring at me. "He's the whole point of this house party, Kendall, and if he's not here, how do we celebrate whatever?" Mom exclaimed, making me widen my eyes.

"Hang on, you did all this for Nick?"

"Yes! At least now I know his name was Nick, you didn't even bother to tell me who he was or what he looked like!" Mom continued to say. "I would've been this crushed if you'd shown me a picture of him before this, cause now I know I'll never meet him!"

I rolled my eyes. my mom was being dramatic. "Mom, you'll see him soon enough, it's not like he moved out of the city, OK? Chill, I can even show you a picture of him, gosh..." I moved around the table and took mom's phone out.

"Kendall, what're you doing with my phone!?"

"Searching up my boyfriend on the web," I said as if it were such a casual thing to do. 

Khloe flashed a smile. Mom stared at me, pursing her lips. "Oh, so he's famous enough to be in the web then?" she said, making me sigh again. "Yes, he is famous enough to be on the web."

(these are all the pics in my camera roll. P.S There are more)

I handed mom the phone, and the minute she laid eyes on him, her eyes popped. "No way," she said incredulously, making me suppress a laugh. "He's too cute for you to be dating him— are you sure this is him— no way, what's his name again?"

"Nick. Jonas," I remembered to add.

Mom put down the phone on the table and looked at it carefully as if it were some kind of piece of art, which in my mind I think is. He's not as cute as he is in person, though. Basically, his head glowed. I'm kidding, but he is very precious.

"No way, look at that face," Mom mumbled, making Khloe, Kim, and I laugh. Scott already knew what Nick looked like, but he leaned in for a look as well.

"Hang on, I thought he looked different," Scott said, taking the phone from my mom. Her eyes followed the screen, still. "Here, I thought he looked like this—" Scott showed me a photo.

"Well, yeah, that's Nick— Oh, no, you're talking about him— no, that's Joe," I said, making Scott scan Joe's face in curiosity. Mom grabbed the phone from him as he wondered out loud. "So are they... Brothers or something?"

"Yes, I think so..." Mom answered for me in a dreamy voice as a laugh came out of her mouth. "The hottest brothers in town," she added, making me frown. "OK, mom you're not supposed to say that cause I'm dating one of them," I said, making mom laugh.

"I know, honey, I'm just saying, I like your choice," she said, continuing to scroll through. "So are you guys gonna last or...?" I looked at mom. "Maybe, I dunno, we seem happy right now."

"Glad to hear that," Mom said, mind quite far away from what she was saying. "Anyway..." She put the phone in her handbag. "Where is he now? Can't he make it for lunch?"

I shook my head, sadly. "No, he said he'd call me if he was able to make it, but I don't know if that's likely, since he's currently losing a house, meaning he'd have to buy another—"

"No, I'm sure we can arrange some things," Scott said, looking at me with his crystal eyes. "He can even bunk at my place for a few weeks before he can find a new residence— I'll be OK, or maybe he can just... stay at his brother's?"

"Joe's really busy and I don't know if that's possible," I said, worrying for Nick. "I'll just talk to him about bunking at your place."

_ _ _ 

Well, will you look at that? We've got ourselves a 2000 word chapter. Well, wasn't wanting that, but there you go! I had to watch a bunch of 'Flip it Like Disick' in order to sound like Scott, but I think I did well...

Anyway! I hope you're having a good day ahead of you, we have a holiday coming up and I hope I'm gonna be able to write for ya'll! I got 14 in taylorswift and 330 in zayn, but I didn't get nickjonas. I'm talking about tags, btw.

Don't forget to vote before you go! VOTE VOTE VOTE! I'll do anything, just to get you guys to vote.

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