Last Night | Nick Jonas x Ken...

By _name_jonas

27.7K 536 153

"I may have had a few, but that doesn't change the way I think about you." Nick Jonas is enjoying the single... More

P r o l o g u e | C a s t i n g
O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
T w e n t y - O n e
T w e n t y - T w o
T w e n t y - T h r e e
T w e n t y - F o u r
T w e n t y - F i v e
T w e n t y - S e v e n
T w e n t y - E i g h t
T w e n t y - N i n e
T h i r t y
T h i r t y - O n e
T h i r t y - T w o
T h i r t y - T h r e e
T h i r t y - F o u r
T h i r t y - F i v e
T h i r t y - S i x
T h i r t y - S e v e n
T h i r t y - E i g h t
T h i r t y - N i n e
F o u r t y
F o u r t y - O n e
F o u r t y - T w o
F o u r t y - T h r e e
F o u r t y - F o u r
F o u r t y - F i v e
F o u r t y - S i x
F o u r t y - S e v e n
F o u r t y - E i g h t
F o u r t y - N i n e
F i f t y
F i f t y - O n e
F i f t y - T w o
F i f t y - T h r e e
F i f t y - F o u r
F i f t y - F i v e
F i f t y - S i x
F i f t y - S e v e n
F i f t y - E i g h t
F i f t y - N i n e
S i x t y
S i x t y - O n e
S i x t y - T w o
S i x t y - T h r e e
S i x t y - F o u r
S i x t y - F i v e
S i x t y - S i x
S i x t y - S e v en
S i x t y - E i g h t
S i x t y - N i n e
S e v e n t y
S e v e n t y - O n e
S e v e n t y - T w o
S e v e n t y - T h r e e
S e v e n t y - F o u r
S e v e n t y - F i v e
S e v e n t y - S i x
S e v e n t y - S e v e n
S e v e n t y - E i g h t
S e v e n t y - N i n e
E i g h t y
E p i l o g u e

T w e n t y - S i x

336 6 2
By _name_jonas

Here is your track, I hope you like it.

* * *

Am I a fool?
Waiting for you
What if you never come back?

Insomnia - ZAYN

Time skip to one month later, which is around the same date Nick and Demi was, two chapters ago. Kendall is now allegedly dating Harry Styles. Congrats to the both of them, but I'm so sad they don't know about the fact that I will ruin their happily ever after!

Nick Jonas's POV

(4:50 PM Tuesday - Three weeks + 2 days)

"Are we ready?" I said, fixing up my blazer. The Met was here in New York, and Demi and I decided to walk as best friends. The theme was... well, I didn't really understand what it really was, but I knew it had something to do with Catholicism. That's why I was wearing a whole Church set.

"You're looking royal," Demi said, brushing my shoulder blades. Damn right.

I smirked, "It's what I'm going for," I said. I suddenly noticed her dress. She was wearing a dress with glistening black jewels and some silky black material underneath. I could see everything underneath.

"That stuff is see-through, Demi," I said, passive-aggressively, pretty sure that was what she was going for. "Isn't that a little too much?"

Demi frowned, "It's never too much," she said, amusingly. "Besides, I've worn other stuff that makes me look as though I'm not exactly wearing anything and you don't ever seem to mind," she continued, crossing her arms and making me rub my temple.

"Yeah, but still, I don't want this to be— You know what, it's fine," I said, turning my back on her. "You look... you look great," I said, realizing that I didn't say it back the first time. 

Demi placed her hands on my shoulders and massaged them softly. I stared at myself in the mirror, unsure of the feeling I was feeling. Did I like Demi? No, she's been my friend since we were teenagers. Sure, there have been interactions between the both of us, but they didn't mean anything. 

"Come on, you two," John said, coming into the room. He smirked at me and left. I smiled weakly and turned to Demi, eying her dress just one more time, "Come on. We've got a carpet to walk and a whole bunch of cameras to pose for."

Demi beamed, showing all of her flashing teeth, "OK, come on."

* * *

Kendall Jenner's mind

(4:50 PM - Same time)

"Are you nervous?" Harry said from behind me. He slipped both hands around my waist and hugged me from behind. "I mean, this is going to be the huge announcement that we're both together. There are only rumors, and now, we're going to be setting it straight."

I smiled weakly, "Of course, I'm not that nervous, I've always wanted to let people know that I... I love you and you only," I said, rather cringe at myself. "Besides, we both look amazing, what is there to be nervous for?"

Harry laughed. "Good one. I'm the one who's nervous here, my first met gala," he said, making me surprised. "You've never been to a met gala before?"

"Yeah, it's why you've never really seen me on the carpet," he said, nibbling on my ear. "Anyway, I think I look fire. What d'you think?"

"I think you look so hot and handsome," I gushed. 

"I know, and you look like the queen of the universe," he said, making me blush. 

"I don't even look as good as you, though... My dress is all silvery and stuff..."

"Nah, you look better than me a million times. I love your dress, what d'you mean? It makes you look so... luxurious and hot. Almost like some kind of CEO of a huge company," Harry complimented, making me smile. Maybe I should be the CEO of a huge company.

"That's so nice of you to say that," I said. "Anyways, I might be walking with my family for about the end of the carpet, so don't feel left out please, just join us."

Harry chuckled, "No, I think I'll just leave you guys to it."

"You don't want to be known as a Kardashian-Jenner?" I asked, turning to him. 

Harry shrugged, "No, it's not that, I just don't think I would fit with you guys, you know, you're all so royal, and I'm just here in Gucci."

"No! I'm in Gucci, too," I said, holding his face. "We're all different. Kylie's going with Travis in Ralph Lauren and Khloe's going with Channel along with Kim."

Harry leaned back, "How do you know all your sisters' brand dresses?"

I smiled, "Because we're sisters. We know everything about each other!" I said, fixing his hair a little bit. There was no need, though. It was already perfect in its place looking so good, making his whole face look like a delinquent angel that has just fallen from heaven to carry this burden on Earth, but turns out to be a blessing from God to Humankind, blessing us with his angelic voice--


I jerked out of my thoughts, "Er— what?"

"You ready? The limo is waiting for us outside," Harry said scanning my face. I nodded, hoping I wasn't sweating. "Um, yes, of course, I'm ready."

Harry smiled and we got out of the room. When he got into the car, Harry chuckled, "You know, I actually thought you were sort of lost. Are you OK? You're sweating a little bit."

I shook my head and forced out a smile, unknowing why I was uncomfortable with telling him about his good looks. "No, I'm fine, I was just... thinking about something, that's all. Nothing you should be worried about, of course."

Harry grinned, "OK, then."

"Are we ready?" the driver asked us. I nodded and Harry answered, "We're ready. Met Gala, here we come!"

_ _ _

Whoop whoop, OK the next chapter is here! I hope you like this one, I am very happy to be able to update on time. I have been very busy with online school and stuff.

So, they're in the Met Gala together. Who would you say is the better couple? Nemi or Hendall? (I am aware that this is a Nendall)

Please vote, the last chapter has got like, 3 votes from totally unexpected people; I love seeing new readers. And when I'm happy and feeling strong emotions... I often write even more :D

(Quote-unquote t-Swizz)

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