Wicked Game || CURRENTLY EDIT...

By Mendesmycam

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Stranger Things x MCU IMPORTANT: This book is undergoing major changes so I wouldn't read it just yet. Y/n i... More

Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Chapter 2: Never Ending Romance
Chapter 3: If You Leave
Chapter 4: 32 Years?
Chapter 5: 80s Chick
Chapter 6: Screwed Over By Time
Chapter 7: Friends
Chapter 8: 2010s' House Party
Chapter 9: Stranger Things
Chapter 10: Protective Spidey
Chapter 11: Dreaming Of You
Chapter 12: She'll Be Ready One Day
Chapter 13: Captain America & Wanda Maximoff
Chapter 14: CA & WM Pt. 2
Chapter 15: What I Need to Say to You
Chapter 16: Hard to Say I'm Sorry
Chapter 17: Homecoming?
Chapter 18: The Lady In Red
Chapter 19: The Vulture
Chapter 20: The New Avenger
Chapter 21: A Strange Reunion
Chapter 22: I Feel Stronger
Chapter 23: Peter, You Precious Boy
Chapter 24: Memory Lane
Chapter 25: Jonathan Byers
Chapter 26: Newfound Feelings
Chapter 27: The Power of Love
Chapter 28: From An Infinity Stone?
Chapter 29: Wakanda Forever
Chapter 30: Another One Bites the Dust
Chapter 31: So This Is Hawkins
Chapter 32: Endgame
Chapter 33: The Funeral
Chapter 34: Thank You, Steve
Chapter 35: All Thanks to Morgan Stark
Chapter 36: SWORD
Chapter 37: 50s Suburbia
Chapter 38: 50s Suburbia Part 2
Chapter 39: For the Children
Chapter 40: For the Children Part 2
Chapter 41: Now in Color
Chapter 42: Now in Color Part 2
Chapter 43: We Interrupt This Program
Chapter 44: We Interrupt This Program Part 2
Chapter 45: The 80s Are Back
Chapter 46: The 80s Are Back Part 2
Chapter 47: The 80s Are Back Part 3
Chapter 48: Sister, Sister, Brother
Chapter 49: Sister, Sister, Brother Part 2
Chapter 50: Breaking the Fourth Wall
Chapter 51: Breaking the Fourth Wall Part 2
Chapter 52: And That Makes You...
Chapter 53: And That Makes You... Part 2
Chapter 54: That's a Wrap
Chapter 55: That's a Wrap Part 2
Chapter 56: That's a Wrap Part 3
Chapter 57: Back in the Real World
Chapter 58: You Remember That?
Chapter 59: Like We're Stupid Teenagers
Chapter 60: Could I Get a Copy?
Chapter 61: Strange Surprises
Chapter 62: There Are Stranger Things
Chapter 63: You Are a Freak
Chapter 64: The Star-Spangled Man
Chapter 65: Head Games
Chapter 66: The Real Slim Shady
Chapter 68: That's My Captain America
Chapter 69: I Could Fall in Love
Chapter 70: Peter's Plan
Chapter 71: New Attitude
Chapter 72: Airplane Bathroom
Chapter 73: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Chapter 74: Man of Mystery
Chapter 75: AmethystSpider
Chapter 76: You're a Good Person
Chapter 77: Hey, Peter... I Miss You
Chapter 78: Take Off Your Clothes
Chapter 79: Peter the Cheater
Chapter 80: This Is Causing Me Stress
Chapter 81: Night at the Opera
Chapter 82: Were They Wrong?
Chapter 83: Nothing to Say
Chapter 84: How Does He Do This?
Chapter 85: I'm Not Amethyst
Chapter 86: Mysterio Is a Fraud
Chapter 87: You Don't Know What's Real
Chapter 88: If You Were Good Enough
Chapter 89: I Just Really Miss Him
Chapter 90: The Dream Team
Chapter 91: Mind Game
Chapter 92: You're Done, Beck
Chapter 93: Psychofreak
Chapter 94: Chiquitita
Chapter 95: Digging Up the Past
Chapter 96: Back to the Future
Chapter 97: Did You Feel Anything?
Chapter 98: Live Your Life
Ending 1: Be My Last ~ Peter
Ending 2: Back to You ~ Jonathan
IMPORTANT!!! - Please Read

Chapter 67: Freaky Friday

606 21 12
By Mendesmycam

A few days later

I sit in photography, reading a book since there's no assignment today. The bell suddenly rings, so I place my bookmark inside my book and shut it before stuffing it into my backpack. I stand up and grab my camera, putting the strap around my neck as I head toward the door. As soon as I take a few steps out of the classroom, I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey! Y/n!" he calls. I beam when I see Peter standing beside the door.

"Hey! You were waiting for me?" I ask, even though it's obvious that he was. He hesitates to answer and a timid look forms on his face.

"Y-yeah... you know, I thought we could walk to the cafeteria together," he responds, trying to sound casual.

I tilt my head and give him a teasing smile. "Aww, someone couldn't wait to see me." A hint of pink covers his cheeks as he chuckles nervously.

"Shut up," he chuckles, making me laugh.

"Come on," I voice, nodding my head in the direction of the cafeteria. I grab his hand and we begin walking through the hall silently, just enjoying each other's company. We glance at each other and smile before facing forward again. This is pretty new for both of us so I guess we're a bit shy. I haven't been with anyone since Jonathan and that was almost 40 years ago... and Peter's generally awkward but I don't know anything about his dating history.

"Oh!" Peter pipes up, making me glance at him. "So tonight, I was thinking we could get some snacks and watch a movie or something at my house. You know, like we used to do," he suggests. I nod, remembering our tv/movie marathons.

"Ooo, staying in. Yeah, that sounds fun," I reply. Peter smiles at this. "Exactly like we used to. So does that mean I'm sleeping over too?" I question in a singsong voice. I would sleep over every time we stayed up late watching movies.

"Uh..." Peter chuckles awkwardly and I refrain from smirking. "I mean, I wouldn't mind but I don't know how May would feel about it now that we're dating."

"Mm." I nod. "Yeah, I don't think Pepper would be too crazy about the idea either," I claim. The cafeteria doors are in view but I halt, making Peter stop and face me. "So... I'll bring the candy," I state, smiling.

"I'll order the pizza," Peter replies.


"Perfect," Peter repeats. We just stand there and gleam at one another for a few seconds before I snap out of it. I lightly tug on his hand and nod toward the doors, making Peter come back to reality too. We proceed to walk again and stride into the cafeteria, going straight to our usual table where MJ and Ned are sitting.

"Hey, guys," we greet as we sit across from them.


"Sup, dorks."

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask as I take two sandwiches out of my backpack. I hand one to Peter before looking at our friends. They flicker their eyes between us. MJ is smirking while Ned gives us a satisfied grin.

"You," MJ bluntly answers. Peter and I share a baffled look before turning back to her.

"Us?" We ask simultaneously. They both nod. "What about us?" I question.

"I was just saying how looong it took you two to get together. I mean, six years is just- wow. You were giving Ross and Rachel a run for their money," MJ deadpans.

"We blipped," I point out defensively.

"Yeah, we were literally dead for five of those years," Peter adds.

"Still," MJ loudly whispers. Peter and I scoff and I shake my head.

"To be fair, it would've happened a lot sooner if there hadn't been a Blip. Okay? We went on a date and were planning a second one, right?" I explain, addressing Peter at the end.

"Right- right, yeah. We were," he affirms, nodding. I nod back before we shift our gaze to our friends. Ned looks amused while MJ gives us a bored stare.

"Whatever," she scoffs. "I'm just glad it's finally official. The whole 'will they, won't they' thing was getting annoying," MJ claims as she opens her water bottle. Peter and I exchange a quick awkward glance before looking down.

"Yeah," Ned chuckles. "But the important thing is that it finally happened. I always knew you guys would get together," he continues, smiling like a kid. I give him a small grin before biting into my sandwich.

"Me too," MJ chimes in. She takes a bite of her food and Ned slowly turns his head to look at her with a slightly offended expression.

"I've known for a long time. I mean, I knew about Peter's feelings before he did so... I've probably known longer, not that it's a competition or anything," Ned rambles. I lightly shake my head at this. Of course he's worried about that.

MJ turns to him with a confused look. "Uh, I knew before he did too. It was pretty obvious," she counteracts. Ned nods, trying to hide his bitterness with a smile. Peter and I give each other a look, amused by this conversation.

"Yeah but you're not his best friend so you couldn't have known before me," Ned argues. Peter rolls his eyes and chuckles quietly.

MJ shrugs. "Doesn't matter. Their chemistry was so clear to see since day one, who wouldn't root for them?"

"I've been rooting for them since they met," Ned rapidly retorts, aggravating MJ.

"Oh, my God, why do you care so much about who knew or wanted them together longer??" she irritatedly asks, sparking an argument. I roll my eyes as they bicker, looking at Peter, who's laughing. He gazes at me and shrugs. They continue to fight, so we decide to step in, knowing this could go on forever.

"Guys! Guys!" we try to talk over them but they're too caught up in their silly dispute to hear us. I sigh, bored of their childish antics already. I reach across the table and snap my fingers in their faces as I yell, "Hey!" This catches their attention and they abruptly stop and face me. "That's enough. This is a stupid argument," I state.

"That's what I'm saying," MJ agrees. Ned is about to respond but I quickly stop him before he could.

"Let's talk about something else," I suggest. Everyone agrees and falls silent. Thank goodness the bickering stopped.

"School's over in like two months. Are you guys gonna go on that science trip to Europe?" Peter changes the subject. We spend the rest of the lunch period talking about the trip and other topics until the bell rings. We get up and exit the cafeteria together. Ned and MJ depart in different ways to go to their classes, leaving Peter and I alone.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class," he insists, taking my right hand. I can't help but smile at his sweetness.

"Okay," I reply as we walk side-by-side. We meander through the crowded hall when I suddenly feel a presence on my left. I look over and see a smiling Brad.

"Hey, y/n!"

"Hi!" I return.

"Mind if I walk with you to class?" he asks. I feel Peter's grip on my hand tighten. Oh, great, this is going to be awkward.

"Oh, um... I'm walking with Peter," I respond, gesturing to the boy next to me. Brad looks at Peter as if he didn't realize he was there before.

"Oh... what's up, Peter?" he acknowledges him with his signature grin.

"Hey, Brad," Peter uncomfortably responds.

"I'll just walk with you guys then," Brad casually says, shrugging. That didn't go the way I wanted it to.

I awkwardly nod and reply, "okay..." Peter tugs on my hand, pulling me closer to him. I gaze at him, noticing his expression. He's trying to hide it but the annoyance is clear on his face.

"So junior year is almost over. Are you excited to be a senior next year?" Brad tries to start a conversation.

"Uh, yeah. I should've graduated decades ago so I'm totally ready," I answer.

Brad laughs at my response. "You're funny," he compliments. I hear Peter huff quietly beside me. We arrive at my classroom and stop outside. "I'll see you in there," Brad says, heading inside.

I turn to Peter, who's staring after Brad with a displeased look. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Brad's in your class?" he asks, sounding a little upset.


Peter gulps and nods. "Oh," he voices, trying to mask his jealousy.

I look at him innocently. "What? Are you scared that he's going to sweep me off my feet during a 45-minute class?" I teasingly ask.

He makes a weird face. "What? No," he scoffs. He's a really bad liar.

"Peter... you have nothing to worry about. Brad's cool and all but that's not gonna happen," I state. He averts his gaze, looking at the floor. "Besides," I voice, making him look up at me. "I just got you. Why would I trade you in for someone else already?" He chortles and nods, looking a little more sure of himself now. I step closer to him and say, "now go. I don't want you to be late because of me."

"Right, yeah," he responds. I set my left hand on his cheek and lean in, pecking his lips.

"I'll see you later," I tell him, still holding onto his face.

"Yeah," he replies, smiling shyly at me. He backs away and is about to walk off when he unexpectedly spins back around and grabs my face, pulling me in for a kiss. This kiss is nothing like the timid kisses he usually gives me, this time it's full of desire. His actions surprise me but I'm not a complainer. A few seconds later, Peter pulls away. I stare at him, stunned and he just smiles smugly, seemingly proud of himself. Without saying a word, he walks away. I touch my lips and smile, feeling my entire face burning up. Damn, I should make him jealous more often.


I knock on the Parker's door and Peter opens up a few seconds later. He smiles brightly when he sees me, making me do the same. "Hey!" he happily greets.

"Hey," I return. I raise the bag I'm holding and announce, "I brought candy."

Peter chuckles and moves aside, letting me in. "Great. Why didn't you poof in today?," he questions as I near the couch and set the bag down. I turn around to face him and he steps closer to me.

"Oh, I just felt like driving and arriving at the front door like the average person," I answer, making him laugh. I smile at this, the sound of his laughter bringing me joy.

"Well, the pizza will be here soon," he mentions.

"Great," I softly reply, admiring his face as he stands right in front of me. Neither of us moves or speaks as we just gaze at each other with dazed smiles. If he's not going to make a move, I will. I move closer to him and lean in, making him follow my lead. Just as our lips are about to touch, May walks in.

"Okay, I'm-" she booms, cutting herself off when she sees us. We quickly jump apart, startled by her voice. I spin around and awkwardly grin at May. "Oh, hi, y/n. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," she claims with a chuckle.

"Hi, May. You look nice," I compliment her, trying to get past the awkwardness.

She looks down at her outfit and responds, "thank you. I'm on my way to the office, there's some stuff I need to take care of." She walks past us and fetches her purse from the kitchen table before heading to the door. "You guys enjoy your movie, I'll be back later tonight," she says, opening the door. Peter and I say our goodbyes and she walks out. Before fully shutting the door, May peeks her head in and adds, "oh, y/n?"

"Hm?" I look over at her.

"If you sleep over, you can take Peter's room. He'll sleep here on the couch," May utters, pointing to the couch. I tense up a bit and Peter and I share an embarrassed look.

"Uh- okay, thanks," I respond. Wow, she's treating us differently already. She never cared about that before.

May's smile grows and she replies, "okay. See you guys later."

We both say, "bye" as she finally leaves and closes the door. Silence takes over, the awkwardness still clearly present in the room. I glance at Peter, who's rubbing the back of his neck.

"Uh- why don't I-" he stutters, pointing to the tv. "I'll- I'll just turn on the tv," he announces, walking toward the television.

"Yeah," I chortle, sauntering over to the couch and sitting down. Ugh, why did May have to say that?

"Uh, any suggestions?" Peter asks.

I shrug, nothing coming to mind. "You pick."

Peter nods and looks up in thought. "Okay, how about... Oh! Freaky Friday! I loved that movie when I was little. The one with Lindsay Lohan," he pipes up, opening Disney Plus. The name rings a bell.

"Lindsay Lohan? That's the girl from Mean Girls and The Parent Trap, right?" I question. Peter loves showing me movies from his childhood, especially the Disney Channel originals. According to him, I'm missing out if I haven't seen these films.

He excitedly nods. "That's the one," he confirms before hopping onto the couch beside me. His childlike enthusiasm makes my heart leap. "Okay, it's old Disney so it's gonna be kind of cringy but iconic at the same time. You know the drill," he informs, smiling gleefully. I giggle at this.

"So, it's Disney Channel night?" I ask.

"Hell, yeah," Peter confirms. He hits play and the movie begins. We're a few minutes in when I suddenly feel his arm drape around my shoulders. I smirk and scoot closer, snuggling up to him. We stay like this as we continue to watch the movie and Peter decides to speak up out of the blue. "You and MJ would talk about me?"

I'm taken aback by the random question. Is he really thinking about Ned and MJ's little quarrel from today? "Uh- yeah," I simply answer. I stay quiet for a short moment before asking, "you and Ned would talk about me?"


I nod, not knowing what to respond to that. I let the thought of him talking about me to Ned sink in. I smirk and gaze at him. "Really? What did you say?" I teasingly ask.

"Shut up," Peter chuckles. We laugh and turn our attention back to the tv.

About 1 hour & 30 minutes later

(This song and movie are still iconic idc)

The movie is almost over and we're laying on the couch, my back against his chest as his arm is draped over me. I tap my foot along to the rhythm of the song Lindsay Lohan is singing. I can't help but really take in the lyrics.

You're the kind of guy whose hands in mine

Sends shivers up and down my spine

I want to do to you

What you do to me

You're the kind of guy that blows my mind

And now it's my turn

You've been right in front of me

Everything I need, why didn't I see?

I lean back and turn my head to gaze at Peter. He looks down at me and smiles. I smile back, completely dazed as I study his features. "What?" he asks.

"Nothing," I whisper as I continue to study him. He merely smiles again and places his hand on top of mine, switching his attention to the tv again. I also look back at the tv and inhale a breath. It feels like I was meant to hear this song. When I hear the lyrics, someone immediately comes to mind... that someone is right here on this couch with me.

'Cause I've been waiting all my life

For someone just like you

But you're it, you're the ultimate


You're it

You're the ultimate


The performance comes to an end, thus ending the movie. The end credits are displayed on the screen and Peter grabs the remote to lower the volume. "Well, what'd you think?" he pipes up.

I turn my body so we're face-to-face. "I liked it. It was really cute and funny," I sincerely answer. Peter gives me a triumphant grin.

"I knew you'd like it! I think you're an early 2000s kid at heart," Peter comments, making me laugh.

"Yeah... it's hard to believe I'm a 60s kid, huh?" I reply. Peter nods, smiling goofily.

"You look way too good for your age," he says in a joking manner. I cackle at this, causing him to laugh too. Our laughter subsides and we just gaze at each other. My smile slowly fades as I quickly find myself getting lost in his eyes.

"You okay?" Peter asks, concerned. I slightly nod.

"Yeah..." I murmur. Without thinking, I bring my hand up to caress his cheek. He stares at me with curiosity and nervousness in his eyes. He shudders when I stroke his skin with my thumb. My eyes flicker between his eyes and lips, which Peter takes notice of. He leans in and connects our lips in a slow kiss. He wraps his arm around my waist and gets on top of me. I wrap an arm around his back while my other hand travels up and grips his hair. The kiss starts to become more heated when a loud buzzing noise suddenly interrupts us. I lightly gasp and break the kiss, startled by the sound.

We both glance around, searching for the source of the sound. "Oh, it's your phone," Peter says, looking at the coffee table. He climbs off of me to reach for my phone. I sigh, disappointed at the loss of physical contact. Of course we got interrupted.



I don't know about y'all but I'm excited to explore y/n and Peter's relationship. I want it to be different from y/n and Jonathan's but still as cute :')

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