Towards My Destiny (Lesbian)(...

By deathvalley1

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The Howling Sages and The Red Moon packs have decided to merge together to defend themselves from a rogue pac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Meet and Greet
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Thank You Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
The Alternate Ending
Wattys 2022
The Sequel
My Destiny
Sequel Out!!

Chapter 35

683 26 2
By deathvalley1

Cooper's POV

Harry came inside looking scared for his life. Stephanie had calmed me down, we were both sitting silently. Harry came towards the bed, he was shaking like a leaf.

"I think your mate just passed out" he mumbled. "I tried to calm her down but failed. She cried herself to unconsciousness."

"It's okay, can you carry her in here for me, please? Just lay her on the other bed, please" I requested.

Harry nodded his head and left. When he re-entered, he was carrying an unconscious Heather in his arms. He gently laid her on the other bed. He covered her with the sheets and moved back. He turned to face me, he walked closer to where Stephanie was sitting beside me on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Like I have been drained of all energy" I replied.

2 hours later

"Cooper, thank god you are okay" mom said as soon as she walked in.

She ran towards me, engulfed me in a hug, and kissed my cheek and forehead. After giving me numerous kisses, she backed up.

"Oh my God, why is Heather here? What's wrong?" she asked looking at an unconscious Heather.

"She just passed out, she has been doing most of the work since I was out" I replied.

"Cooper, I am highly disappointed in you. How could you transform? How could you shift in front of so many people? Everyone in the pack knows, everybody is talking. They think you are a monster. Why the fuck would you do something like that? Who would want a monster for an alpha?" Father deadpanned.

"Father, I had to. Fighting in human form was getting exhausting, it was slowing me down and to use my powers to their full potential, I had to transform. My human form was slowing me down so much and mom was in danger" I replied.

"Are you talking back, child?" Father sneered.

"No, father, I was merely giving you the reason. I don't think they will think of me as a monster once we explain everything to them" I said.

"You are out of your mind" he yelled and slapped his hand on the table hard. The sound startled and woke Heather up. She looked shocked, confused and a little scared. She was alert but also slightly scared.

"It's okay, it was just my father. He is really excited to see me up" I said to calm her down.

She blushed when she saw my parents with us, maybe also because she remembered that she had passed out. She tried to get out of her bed but I stopped her. "I think you should stay right there until Dr. Baker checks you and allows you to leave."

"Yes, honey, don't get out of bed. You both get some rest" Mom said. "Cooper, there is someone out there who is really excited to see you."

"Who?" I asked.

"See for yourself" mom said before she and father walked out yelling out for me to take care.

My parents left and a few seconds later an asian beauty entered. A face I could never forget, Lara Jenson. Lara walked inside with a mischievous smile on her face. She gave me a small wave before she took a chair and sat on it.

"Hey, didn't we meet when I arrived? What's wrong with you?" Lara asked Heather.

"Nothing is wrong with me, I was just here for something else" Heather replied.

"Lara? What are you doing here?" I asked, addressing the elephant in the room.

"You are a fucking selfish bitch" Lara sneered at me.

"Lara, what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Why the fuck would you go to war and not tell me? Why the hell was I not called to join the alliance?"

"You were on your fucking honeymoon" I answered.

"So? Do you really think I wouldn't postpone my honeymoon?"

"You are such an idiot! The war started when you were there, you were already there. Also, I wouldn't want Catherine killing me, if you were to go back home with a small scratch, she would have brought down hell on me. She hates me!"

"Why wouldn't she? You claimed to love her mate" Lara said casually. Heather looked our way when she heard what Lara had said.

I knew Heather was listening to the conversation, we weren't exactly having a secret conversation. Heather looked at me from the corner of her eye. I shifted in the bed, I felt like she was scrutinizing me.

"About that, Lara, we need to talk" I said.

"You have found your mate, haven't you?" she asked.

I sighed and nodded my head. She knew what I was going to say, she understood it. She was the one who told me that one day I would realize that I didn't love her as much as I love my mate.

"I knew it! You finally realized that you didn't love me?"

"No, I know that I loved you. I never lied when I said that I loved you. Of course, after finding my own mate, I realized that the love I had for you was different. I was never in love with you, I was in love with the idea of you and I. I loved you but, it was more platonic than romantic. I failed to realize that at that age, I couldn't make out the difference between love and true affection. You were the only girlfriend who actually showed me kindness and affection without wanting anything in return. Silly me, I thought it was love because I never dated the right girls. I am sorry for causing so much trouble at your wedding, I was wrong. It was so fucking wrong of me, I am sorry."

"I knew you would realize it. It was the same for me. Like I told you at the wedding, I, too thought that I was in love with you but when I found my mate, I realized what true love is" Lara said.

"What happened at the wedding?" Heather questioned. She was now facing us, she was listening keenly.

I blushed at the question while Lara burst out laughing. I was truly ashamed of what I had done but what else would I do? 16 year old me thought that I was in love, I couldn't help it.

"Well, since she was my last girlfriend before I found my mate and also because she is really nice, I invited her to my wedding. She came to the wedding, she tried to convince me to run away with her when that didn't work out she gathered me and Catherine in a room and proposed a throuple which was immediately turned down. Catherine even kicked her for even proposing that idea. When that idea didn't work, she decided to kidnap my bride" Lara narrated.

"What the fuck? You kidnapped her bride?" Heather began laughing.

"I was 16 and dumb. I thought, I was in love" I retorted.

"That isn't even the most interesting part" Lara said.

"You already have my attention" Heather said, leaning forward.

Lara started narrating the story "Well, so she kidnapped Catherine and drove off. What she didn't know was that I was tracking them using my phone. Catherine had her phone with her, we found them with the help of find my phone app. After she realized that we were right on her tail, she drove off in the direction of a hill. Now, we had a hostage situation at hand. If I wanted Catherine alive then I shouldn't marry her, that was the condition. Cooper wouldn't give up, her parents had come, her grandparents had also come to try and talk some sense into her but we all failed. That was until, Catherine finally promised her that we both wouldn't get married unless and until Cooper gave us her blessing."

"The wedding was canceled. We all came back home. I locked myself in my room for a week because Lara didn't leave Catherine. I was also grounded and punished for my antics. The solitude made me realize how and where I went wrong. I called them up about 4 months later, asked if they could meet me. I apologized to them both, gave them my blessing and they finally got married last year. The honeymoon, that was their wedding gift from me and my mom. It took a little longer because part time jobs don't pay a lot. So when I finally had enough money, I gifted them the honeymoon. Catherine is still not very fond of me but she secretly likes me, she doesn't show it but she does" I finished the story for Lara.

Heather burst out laughing when she heard the whole thing. Her laugh was so contagious that Lara and I were also laughing like crazy. All the laughing ceased when Lara asked a question.

"Who is your mate and why haven't your parents met her?"

I panicked a little but tried my best to not let it show on my face. "She isn't ready to meet them yet" I lied.

"Why? Is she human?" Lara asked.

"Umm.. yes" I lied again.

"You are lying."

"Am not"

"You are"

"Am not"

"Shut up! I know when you are lying. I know a lot of things about you Cooper. I know you are lying, I can sense it"

I fell silent, there is no way of getting out of this. She can see right through my facade. I can't lie because she will see through it but I don't want to tell her the truth either.

"She rejected you, didn't she?" Lara asked. Her voice filled with sadness and regret.

"No, I rejected him" I lied again.

"Lies! All lies!"

"Why? Why did she reject you? Is it because you are a girl?"

When I didn't say anything Lara said "I will talk to her if need be. I will explain her things. Let me talk to her, let me tell her what a big mistake she is making. She can't reject you because you are a girl. Take me to her right now" Lara demanded.

"Lara, there is nothing we can do. It is between her and I. We have talked, I respect her wishes and I want you to do the same" I said sternly.

"Do you understand?" I questioned when Lara didn't say anything. Lara nodded her head.

"Don't tell my parents, they don't know" I added.

"Now, tell me about the honeymoon. How is Catherine and why didn't she come? Does she know that I almost died?"

I looked at Heather from the corner of my eye. She was no longer listening to our conversation. She was lost in her own thoughts. I knew she felt guilty because I could feel my own body filling up with it. She was sad and she was feeling guilty and I couldn't do anything to help her. Nothing at all.


"Cooper, honey, come here" mom said as soon as I got home.

"Yes?" I asked when I entered the kitchen. Heather was here too, she was sitting at the island talking to her mother who was right beside mine.

I gave Heather a friendly smile which she didn't return. Ever since the day I told her about not being friends, she has been treating me like a stranger.

"Come closer, we need to discuss things" Luna May said.

I walked closer and stood beside Heather who was leaning on the counter.

"Congratulations!" Luna May and mom said.

"Thanks Ma" I said at the same time Heather said "Thanks Mom".

"We are so excited, you girls just graduated, soon we will all be standing at your weddings" Luna May expressed.

"We are having a feast today, Cooper, your suitors will be arriving soon. Most of them will be here tonight and a couple of them will be here by tomorrow morning" mom said.

I sighed, heading to the refrigerator. It took me a few weeks to recover from my injuries, soon after, we had our exams and today, we graduated. The suitors will be arriving, soon I will be married to someone who is not my mate and my mate will be married to her boyfriend. And then, off to join the army. My life is so fucked up. I grabbed a water bottle before heading back.

"Heather, when do you think Drake will propose" mom asked, she loves to chit chat. I rolled my eyes upon hearing the Leech's name.

My eye roll didn't go unnoticed by Heather, she sent a look my way before sweetly answering mom, "I haven't got the slightest clue. I am sure he is planning it, he will propose soon."

"Cooper, do you know what sort of competitions your father is prepping for the suitors?" Luna May asked.

"I haven't got the slightest clue either" I replied.

Mom and Luna May began to chat, they had drifted into their own little world of gossip. Heather I were just standing at the table, awkward silence swamped us.

"Did you know that I was given the middle name Blake after my mother's great great great grandfather, who was a Lycan before me. His name was Blake Aldridge Peterson Fleming, from what I have heard, he was very courageous and patient, but at the same time he was very  caring and fierce. My mom wants me to be like him, she has always considered him as her role model and somehow he has become my role model too. Even Caleb looked up to him" I said to ease the awkwardness.

"And why are you telling me this?" Heather asked coldly. "You were very clear that we aren't friends then why are you chatting up with me like you are one?"

"I was just trying to break the ice. Not being friends doesn't mean we have to be strangers, we can be colleagues or business partners or acquaintances or just co-alphas" I responded.

"I prefer to keep it strictly professional, no socializing" Heather stated before storming off.

Heather is angry at me for ruining our friendship but being able to talk to her, hang out with her and not being able to touch her or tell her that I love her, it was getting unbearable. I couldn't stand to see her walk away once again. How do I explain it to her that I am suicidal, always have been. I don't think that I could take it again, I can't watch her walk away.


"Which university have you been accepted to?" Gina, one of my suitors asked.

"I was accepted by both Stanford and Wharton but I will be joining the army instead. I wish to finish my education after I serve in the army or while serving in the army" I replied.

"Army? So, a long distance relationship is on your mind?" she asked.

"More or less" I said. Heather passed by, she was mingling with our guests.

Most of the suitors had already arrived, we were busy welcoming people and getting them set up in their room since after the graduation. Till now, I haven't liked any one of them, none of them seemed to have caught my interest.

After chatting with Gina for a while I escaped to the kitchen. I sat down on the floor behind the counter, a water in hand. I sighed in relief when nobody disturbed me for a couple of minutes. I was literally trying to hide in plain sight. I pulled out my phone, put it on mute and scrolled on instagram.

"Aren't you supposed to be out there trying to get to know your new mate?" A voice startled me. The phone slipped out of my hands and fell down.

I groaned, picking it up, I checked for scratches. When the phone seemed fine, I looked up to the source of voice. A sassy red head was standing before me with her hands on her hips. Her lips slightly pursed and one of her eyebrows raised. I swear, she can make anything look hot, Heather is just Heather, she is like Aphrodite of the humans.

"I am trying to avoid talking to strangers who are here to win me over like I am some soft toy at a carnival game" I replied.

"Oh" Heather's short reply came. I must have left her speechless somehow.

We stayed in the awkward silence for a little while before she broke it with her question.

"You really don't want to get married to any of them, do you?"


"Then why don't you tell your father?" she asked.

"Do you think I didn't say no? Do you think that I didn't try to stop this?" I asked standing up. "Heather, I tried my best to prevent this. My father wants me to be the alpha before I leave and as per the rules of the council, I need a mate to be crowned alpha. Why would I agree to let a stranger be my mate? When I couldn't say no anymore, when I couldn't stand to see the continuous disappointment on my father's face and when my own mate turned away from me every time I made an attempt to get her, there was nothing else left to do? Just because I feel miserable doesn't mean that I make everyone around me miserable. I had to say yes because I have a conscience."

"I am sorry" Heather said looking at her feet.

"You don't have to be, it isn't your fault. If only the council removes the stupid rule then all of this wouldn't be necessary" I replied.

"That is true" she responded.

"Aren't we supposed to be strangers? I am not complaining just curious."

"We still are, I was talking to you as your co-alpha right now. Don't get any ideas now" Heather said and walked out.

I sighed before going back outside. A tall male, just about two inches shorter than me approached me. This is the fifth time he has approached me since his arrival. This tall male I happen to be talking about is Charles Oswin, he happens to be almost 30 and he is very confident that he will win. He has left no chance to flirt with me.

"What is it Oswin?" I groaned.

"Is that how you greet your mate?" he asked.

"You are not my mate" I replied.

"Yet" he retorted. "Would you like to have dinner with me? I would like it very much if you and I got talking, to know each other better."

"Look, as much as I hate this version of Bachelor which is my life, I have some good news for you, every one of you will be given a chance to take me out on a short date. So, stop trying to flatter me, it's not working."

"Alright, see you soon, sweetheart" he winked before leaving me alone.

I shivered in disgust, I somehow felt dirty just by the way he looks at me. I am butch as hell and if a man likes me, is that man really straight? People make me wonder, how is humanity so stupid all the time? I dreaded going to dinner since most of the suitors will be there.

I fished my phone out of my pocket, sending a message to Stephanie asking her where she was. I called her and Harry to eat with me since I can't be bothered by another one of these jokers.

Stephanie and Harry came downstairs and found me, together, we all headed to the dining area. We got into the line for our food, we filled our plates and grabbed some cutlery. We looked around for an empty spot to sit at but all the table were occupied, I spotted a few empty chairs at a table far back, I pointed it to Steph, we all walked in the direction of that table. As we got closer I realized that the table was occupied by Heather and her friends, Sarah and Natasha, even Cheryl was at the table for some reason.

"Abort! Abort!" I said as I abruptly turned around.

"Cooper, here" I heard Cheryl call out. I tried to ignore but she called out again. I had to turn back this time, I couldn't ignore her forever.

"We have some seats here" Cheryl said.

Stephanie, Harry and I walked towards them and occupied the three empty chairs. Chatter picked up at the table as we ate.

"You are so lucky, Cooper. You get to choose your mate from these fine lads and they are literally fighting for you, you must feel like a princess. You must be so excited" Natasha gushed.

"If wanting to die is excitement then sure, I am excited" I muttered under my breath but I think Heather heard it because she was sitting right next to me. "I am excited" I lied to Natasha.

"Are you my bride to be?" A sinfully seductive voice said from behind me.

I turned around to look up to find a woman in her mid twenties, she was short, about 5'2", she had a long bob styled messily, the smokey eyes brought out her eyes. Her hair was dirty blonde, she wore a red lipstick. My eyes roamed further from her face, she was wearing a tight full sleeved red dress that reached her mid thigh and had a long V neck. The woman wore a slightly arrogant yet confident smile on her face.

"You get the bride if you win" I stated before turning away from her.

"When your beauty is a weapon, you use it wisely" came the woman's voice.

"Beauty is a loaded gun and sometimes the barrel is pointed at your own head" I countered.

"Sassy, smart, muscular and ridiculously beautiful. Where have you been all my life?" she said, she placed her hands on my shoulders, squeezing.

"In high school, I suppose" I chuckled. "If I didn't know better, I would call you a cradle robber."

"Oh, come on! I am not that old. I just turned 29"

"Still doesn't change the fact that you are 10 or 11 years older than me" I retorted.

"I heard you were charming, chivalrous and very well behaved. Where are your manners? Your future wife is speaking to you and you don't even look at her? Now, be a darling and offer me a seat. And look at me when you talk to me" the woman demanded in a strong voice.

I turned around this time, I stood up from my chair. "Apologies! I am in a funk, I didn't mean to disrespect you. Take a seat, would you like me to get something for you to eat?"

"That's much better. When your father told me that you were difficult to control, it just made you a little more interesting. You are going to be fun! I am going to have so much fun taming a Lycantrophe. Start calling me mistress, you will need to get used to it" the woman smirked. She leaned forward to plant a kiss on my cheek.

"I ain't calling you no such thing. I am a person, not an animal or a thing that you can control. If you think that you deserve even an ounce of respect then first, learn to give respect to others" I said, anger seeping into my voice.

"Anger issues, daddy issues, probably heartbroken too, your eyes show it. What else could I ask for? You are the perfect plaything" she chuckled darkly.

"Now sit down, eat your dinner, honey" she pushed me towards my chair and literally forced me to sit down.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Take away her sleep until she pleases my soul, the one to make Cooper beg, I am Nicole" the woman said. "Ignite a fire, alight her soul with desire, scorch her with the burning fire of lust, bring her closer to Nicole West."

I blinked my eyes, I looked around only to find all eyes on me. Nicole had a smirk on her face, she was straddling me for some reason. How do I not remember her straddling me? Stephanie, Harry, Sarah, Natasha and Cheryl were still gaping at me with mouths open, eyes wide and shock evident on their faces. Heather, on the other hand, she had fury and rage behind her eyes.

I recalled the words Nicole used before I blacked out. Why can't I remember what happened? I am sure something happened but what? Heather and Nicole were glaring at each, none taking their eye off the other. I was confused as fuck. Suddenly, realization dawned on me.

"What did you do?" I questioned Heather.

"I slapped some sense into you before you fucked her right at this table in front of everyone" she snapped back.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Button up first" Steph barked out.

I looked down at myself and realized that my shirt was completely undone. Not only was I half naked in front of so many people, I also had a hickey on my collarbone and I don't remember how I got it. I quickly buttoned up and sat straight.

"Nicole, please get off of me" I said.

"What if I don't?" she played.

"I understand how beauty is your weapon, you don't feel so threatened. I break free from all the charms and spells, all the words, I repel."

"What the hell? How?" Nicole said surprised, she immediately got off of me.

"Next time, you want to use an Eros spell, remember who you are messing with. I am the descendent of the Jones and I control that muscle of yours, the one without any bones."

Nicole began to panic, she moved her lips but no sound came out. She used hand gestures to try to tell me something but I ignored her. She was now on her knees, kneeling beside me, tapping my shoulders for some attention. I snapped my fingers and her blabbering was heard.

"I am sorry, give me back-" she stopped.

"Impressive" I said.

Nicole seemed to be taken aback. She didn't expect that. I pointed towards an empty chair before putting the fork in my mouth. Nicole understood what I was saying, she dragged the chair to our table and took a seat.

"A witch" I mumbled. "You are the first witch I have encountered who uses such old magic. Ancient Greek magic, isn't it?"

"Yes. How do you know? Even witches don't know about this. How did you know that I was casting a spell on you?"

"You lied when you said that beauty is your weapon, words are your weapon. I realized that when we started speaking and who other than a witch uses her words as a weapon?" I asked.

"But how did you know that it was an ancient magic spell?"

"I read a lot, you tried to cheat, I think we can disqualify you immediately" I said.

"No, you can't. The competition hasn't started yet so this is not cheating" she argued. I shrugged.

"What did I do though?" I asked everyone at the table.

"Well, you just started making out with her, pulled her onto your lap, almost undressed her. You were kissing her and touching her. You almost had sex right here, if it wasn't for Heather slapping you, we would have seen your naked butt" Harry said as if it was the worst thing he has ever witnessed.

I turned to look at Heather, she was still glaring at Nicole and I from the corner of her eye. I smirked at her, I knew she got jealous.

"What in the actual fuck just happened?" Steph roared.

"Nicole West is a witch, she uses ancient greek magic. What she just did was cast an Eros spell on me, a spell that is used spark lust and desire even though a Philia spell would have been appropriate seeing as you are here to wed me. Behold, we have a great witch amongst ourselves. The slap did bring me out of the spell, I realized what had happened and I cast a spell upon her, I gained control over her tongue, her actual weapon but then I let her go free" I explained.

"What the fuck?" Sarah and Steph said at the same time.

"Heather, thanks for the slap, you were quick to recognize the spell" I said and winked at her. I didn't want her to be embarrassed for her jealousy and I didn't want anyone else to find out that it was jealousy. If people were to find out that she is my mate then I would prefer a way that is better that crystal clear jealousy.

"As for you, Nicole, take this as a warning, never ever try to put a spell on me. I know an awful lot about love spells and love potions to fall for your childish antics. Also, don't try to dominate me and forget about controlling me, I can only be controlled by love, true love."

Nicole nodded, the table was silent. Heather was glancing at me from the corner of her eye every now and then. Heather's friends were too shocked to even open their mouths, Harry was bewildered and Stephanie had an evil smirk on her face.

"Bitch, how come you never told me you learnt to cast a love spell?" Steph asked.

"How come you never told me you learnt to walk and talk?" I replied sarcastically. "I am a part witch, what else do you expect? Every witch knows the basic love spells and breakup spells."

"Should we become slightly mischievous and cast love spells on some strangers?" Steph asked, her evil grin pretty obvious.

I scowled "No magic for mischief."

"You are so boring" she huffed.

"It is called using your power in the right way or in other words not abusing your power" I shot back.

"Nicole, which pack do you belong to and why are you here?" I asked.

"I am from the Wild Wolves pack, daughter of beta Ronald West and Helena West. I am a full witch and Ronald is my step-father. I am here to wed you, to become your mate and the Luna of your pack. Unlike werewolves, we witches don't have mates and I want to be with someone who is powerful, I want a strong mate and I have always wanted to become a Luna, think of it as my fantasy. When I heard that you were a Lycantrophe, I wanted to become your mate. Your father and I have known each other long enough, he knows I am powerful so he said yes at once when I seeked his permission to join."

"Of course he did and of course you know him" I mumbled. "Don't you want to marry someone you love?"

"What if I fall in love with someone who is weaker than me?" she replied.

I let out a chuckle, I stuffed another fork full of pasta into my mouth, "If there are pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses, conditions and implications then is that really love?"

Nicole opened her mouth to say something but then closed it again. She looked like a fish, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly. She was confused, surprised and at a loss for words.

"Have I left you unarmed, bride to be?" I asked with a hint of humor. I added the 'bride to be' part just to annoy Heather.

"Why are you marrying someone you don't know or love? Aren't you supposed to wait for your mate?" Nicole fought back.

I was surprised she even said anything. "Whatever I am doing, I am doing it out of love. I have no guilt in my heart, no wrong intentions on my mind. My purpose and intentions are both pure, I act out of love."

I had all eyes on me, Nicole was once again left speechless. Heather just stared at me, I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't read her, she maintained a stoic face. Steph hollered and cheered, Harry joined her and Heather's friends followed.

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