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By httptonkin

187K 4.3K 3.1K

[BOOK ONE] [ EDITING SOME CHAPTERS ] After 90 years of running, it had to come to an end. She found herself i... More

00 . cast and playlist
chapter 1 ; 2x08
chapter 2; 2x08
chapter 3; 2x09
chapter 5; 2x11
chapter 6; 2x15
chapter 7; 2x17
chapter 8; 2x18
chapter 9; 2x19
chapter 10; 2x20
chapter 11; 2x21
chapter 12; 2x22
act ii; season 3
chapter 13; 3x01
chapter 14; 3x02
chapter 15; 3x03
chapter 16; 3x04
chapter 17; 3x05
chapter 18; 3x08
chapter 19; 0x00
chapter 20; 3x13
chapter 21; 3x14
chapter 22; 3x15
chapter 23; 3x16
chapter 24; 3x18
chapter 25; 3x20
chapter 26; 3x21
chapter 27; 3x22
act iii; season 4
chapter 28; 4x01
chapter 29; 4x03
chapter 30; 4x05
chapter 31; 4x06
chapter 32; 4x07
chapter 33; 4x08
chapter 34; 4x09
chapter 35; 4x10
chapter 36; 4x11
chapter 37; 4x12
chapter 38; 4x13
chapter 39; 0x00
chapter 40; 4x16
chapter 41; 4x17
chapter 42; 4x18
update: pls read (vvv important)
chapter 43; 4x19
chapter 44; 4x20

chapter 4; 2x10

7.7K 194 92
By httptonkin

about a girl
"but i cant see you every night"

an; lol i changed the cover for the story, the one i did before was ugly and really rushed so i did a better more detailed one (:

The Salvatore's walked up to Elena Gilbert's house. Stefan knocked on the door.

"Hi. Uh, can we talk?" Stefan asked, once Elena opened it.

"Why?" Elena said.

Stefan looked back at Luna and Damon.

"We went to see Katherine." Damon said for Stefan. Luna stood there with a smile on her face.

"Come on in." Elena said.

An hour ago -ish

"You sure you want to do this?" Stefan asked.

"Yeah." Damon said.

Stefan and Damon went over to the tomb door. They looked over at Luna, asking for her help.

"After you ." Luna said with a smile on her face.

Damon rolled his eyes at her remark.  They moved the stone and Stefan and Damon walked to edge of the tomb, making sure not to go to far so they get stuck. Luna didn't show herself yet. She wanted to surprise Katherine.

"Please come on in, there's plenty of room for all of us." Katherine said.

"Is rather poke my eyes out." Damon said, sarcastically.

"Mmm, They're such pretty eyes." Katherine flirted.

"I personally think mine are prettier." Luna said walking in between Stefan and Damon.

Katherine was shocked when she saw Luna.
"What? No compliment for me?" Luna mocked.

"Luna." Katherine greeted. Luna sent her a bitter smile.

"We're here for the moonstone." Stefan said.

"Feel like tossing it over?" Damon asked.

"Tell you what. Get your little witch to hocus-pocus me out of here, you can have whatever you want," Katherine said. "Or, Luna could do it for us." Katherine suggested.

"Psh, over my dead body." Luna laughed.

"Mmm, you might be dead if you don't get me out." Katherine threatened.

Luna laughed. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves Katherine, you know very well if you kill me you'll be making things worse for yourself."
Damon and Stefan exchanged glances, not knowing what the two were talking about. Katherine knew that Luna was right. She scoffed in defeat.

Stefan decided to continue bargaining for the moonstone, ignoring what just happened. He was going to question Luna on it later though. He was itching to know what history his little sister had with the originals. Damon as well.

"I thought you liked it in here? Nice and safe, where Klaus can't get to you." Stefan stated.

"I've had time to reconsider." Katherine responded.

"Meaning your hungry." Damon stated.

"I'm starving, Damon. And dirty. But above all, I'm bored." Katherine said.

"Yeah you look awful." Luna said.

Katherine glared at Luna. She ignored her and continued talking, which Luna hated.
"At least running from Klaus wasn't boring." Katherine finished.  Luna nodded her head in agreement, which the brothers caught. They exchanged glances,again. Katherine tried to convince the Salvatore's to let her out for them to get the moonstone. The siblings looked at one another, knowing she was lying.

Back at the Gilbert House
"You guys don't believe her, do you?" Elena

"Obviously not, all the bitch does is lie." Luna stated.

"We just want the moonstone." Damon added.
Stefan explained to Elena how he was informed that there was a way to destroy the curse. Luna on the other hand knew that this was bullshit. But she didn't say anything, she wanted to see what they'd say.

"No spell, no doppelgänger sacrifice. Ergo, you live." Damon explained.

"How do you destroy it?" Elena asked.

"Yes, please do tell." Luna asked, eager to know what they'd say.

"By releasing it from the moonstone." Stefan said, looking at both Elena and Luna.
Luna let out a laugh. All eyes went to her.

"What?" Stefan said.

"I'm sorry, "releasing it from the moonstone"?" Luna mocked him. "How can you guys not tell that that's a load of shit?"

"And how would you know?" Damon asked.

"First of all, I'm a witch. Second of all, I know
about the curse. There is no way to avoid it, you either use it in the sacrifice or you try and hide it from Klaus, which will end up with you guys dead." Luna explained.

"How do you know all of this?" Elena

"You'll find out in time." Luna responded.

"You can't tell us now?" Stefan said.

"I could, but secrets are more fun. For me, not you guys." Luna responded, with a smirk on her face.
They all turned away from her as Elena said  "How do you guys know this is even going to work?" Completely ignoring what Luna just said. 

"Which it isn't," Luna mumbled.

"Because we have a crafty witch on our side," Damon said after hitting Luna on the
top of her head, telling her to shut up.

"Ow." Luna said.

"You discussed it with Bonnie." Elena said.

"She agreed to do anything she could to help us, Luna too." Stefan said.

She looked at Stefan with a confused expression. Damon glared at her, giving her a "shut up" look.

"It's Katherine who has the moonstone, she's not going to give it to you." Elena stated.

"We'll get it from her." Stefan said confidently.

"What he means to say, is that we will pry it from her cold, dead hand if we have to." Damon said.

"I volunteer!" Luna said. They all ignored her and continued talking.

"Bonnie or Luna just need to find a way to release the seal long enough for us to get in, get the moonstone, and get out." Stefan explained.

"Wow. It sounds like you guys have it all planned out." Elena said.

"Yep. We're awesome." Damon boasted.

"No, you're not." Luna said. Damon rolled his eyes at her.

Elena ignored her remark and said "Except for one thing."

"I don't want you to do it." Elena finished.

Luna scoffed. She got up and said "I'm leaving. You guys deal with the suicidal bitch."


Luna eventually returned to her house, as her brothers needed her help with getting the moon stone from Katherine. Unfortunately, Luna couldn't siphon the tomb spell, she didn't know why, but she couldn't.

The Salvatores, the youngest Gilbert and the Bennett witch were all standing in the library, thinking of a plan.

"I might be able to lower the tomb spell, long enough for you to get in and grab the moonstone from Katherine." The young witch said.

"How? It took both you and your Grams last time, and look what happened to her." Jeremy stated, clearly worried for Bonnie.

"I'm well aware of what happened, but I've learned a few new things." Bonnie said.

Luna tilted her head. "What new things?" She questioned.

Bonnie simply shrugged and waved off the questions. "How will you get it?" She asked avoided all questions, and glances being thrown at her.

"She hasn't been feeding. She's weaker. We're not." Stefan said.

"I don't think eating Bambi counts as feeding. Stef." Luna said.

Stefan narrowed her eyes at her and she smiled at him innocently.

"You wouldn't be underestimating her, would you?" Bonnie asked.

"It's a plan. Is it perfect? Pfft, what plan is?" Damon answered.

"Let me do it," Jeremy started. All eyes went to him. "I've got my ring on. I could get in, get out. No spells." He offered.

"Gee, thanks, you 16-year-old child." Damon answered sarcastically "Why didn't we think about that?" he asked rhetorically. "Why are you even here?"

"No actually, it's not a bad idea. Me or Bonnie could do a spell to knock her out, Jeremy could get the moonstone. No issues." Luna suggested.

"No, there's to much at risk if we do that. He could get hurt and then none of us can get it without getting stuck." Stefan said.

"Well if he died, he'll come back right? That's the whole point of the ring?" Luna argued.

"Luna, no." Stefan said, firmly.

"Fine, do it the complicated way. Whatever." Luna mumbled before Bonnie spoke up with another idea.

"Maybe I can help better the plan. Do you have anything that belongs to Katherine?" Bonnie asked.

Stefan handed her a picture, which Bonnie turned to ash, which could now be used to knock Katherine out so the vampires could be given enough time to get the moonstone. After Bonnie finished, they all made there way to where Katherine was rotting away, underneath the church ruins.


The tomb

Luna, Stefan and Damon were all waiting for Bonnie. Once she arrived they made their way down, but Damon was interrupted by a phone call.

"What the hell?" Luna said.

"Is that the moonstone?" Bonnie asked as Stefan reached over for it.

"I hate to interrupt," Katherine started, with fresh blood smeared around her lips, "But today's just been full of surprises." Katherine finished before pulling Jeremy into the trios eyesight.

Stefan ran to the edge of the tomb entrance , but he knew there was no use. He couldn't get in without getting stuck. But he also couldn't let Elena's younger brother die.

"I'm sorry. I took some powder." Jeremy said, struggling to speak due to blood loss.

Bonnie looked like she was on the verge of tears, Luna stood in the back watching the whole scene unravel. She stood there with wide eyes. She was shocked with Jeremy's actions, but not with Katherine's.

Bonnie got to work, trying to get the tomb open. She was struggling to get the seal down, but she didn't stop. She needed to get Jeremy out. The moonstone wasn't the issue anymore, his life was on line and she knew if she couldn't get it open, he'd die.

"Ooh. Somethings happening." Katherine said.

"God, Katherine. Crawl back into the tomb. No one wants to hear your whiny voice." Luna said, running her hands through her hair.

Katherine simply rolled her eyes at her comment. She didn't want to annoy her, she knew one wrong word would piss of the wrong person. This put Luna at an advantage, despite being over 400 years old younger. Luna may not be with Klaus now, but he was still in love with her. And deep down she was still in love with him. But she was too stubborn to admit it.


"Oh big brother." Luna sang once Damon answered the phone. 

"What?" he answered.

"Well to sum up what happened, you disappeared and we went to open the tomb. Little Gilbert decided to be the hero and save his girl, Katherine fed on him. So Stefan being the dumbass he is, flew into the tomb to save his girls little brother, and Bonnie couldn't get the seal down. So hurry up, get your ass over here, so we can deal with our martyr brother." Luna summarised.

"Okay.." Damon answered, clearly still digesting all the information.

"Yeah, so hurry up so we can get bunny eater out of the tomb." Luna said to him.

"Luna, I'm right here." Stefan said, at the edge of the tomb, not being able to get out.

"Shhh," Luna said putting up a finger to her lips, "I'm on the phone." She whispered to Stefan.

Stefan rolled his eyes before she asked Damon, "Where are you, anyways?"

"Almost there, little sister. Don't worry." Damon said

"Okay, shut up and hurry up." She said before hanging up.

After all of this, Luna still couldn't figure out how to get her older brother out of the tomb.

an; JESUS this was a long chapter. 1913 words holy fucking shit. arghhh it's so difficult to not rewrite the whole tvd script and fit her in like 😟 anyways i'm gonna try make the chapters shorter lol

comments and votes are v much appreciated <333

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