Child Of Infinity (Malereader...

By Lightdorus

771K 23.6K 17.4K

One day, When Your father, Satoru Gojo was killed by a sadistic man with pink hair, You dedicate your life to... More

Hunter Exam
Y/N's Bio
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam
Zoldyck Family
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Heavens Arena
Heavens Arena
Heavens Arena
Heavens Arena
Heavens Arena
Heavens Arena
Heavens Arena
Heavens Arena
Future Stories
Heavens Arena
Whale Island
Yorknew City
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Yorknew City
Greed Island
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Greed Island
Greed Island
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Chimera Ants
Chimera Ants
Chimera Ants, Finale Part 1
Chimera Ants, Finale Part 2

Greed Island

2.1K 69 12
By Lightdorus

Y/n: "My ability, "Infinity" is a barrier that can't be penetrated by anything. Nen, Physical attacks, Weapons, nothing." You explained.

Y/n: "In all honesty, I could just stand here and do absolutely nothing with no consequences. You can't win. So just make it easier for all of us, and surrender." You said.

Tsezguerra: 'Impenetrable barrier?' Tsezguerra thought to himself.

Razor: 'He's not lying... He stood completely still and calm, and let my ball hit him, and this "Infinity" stopped it completely. He'll be a problem. But there has to be some weakness, a chink in this so-called "Impenetrable" Armor.' Razor thought to himself, trying to find a weakness.

Y/n: "Well, Anyway. Time to throw this back." You said as you walked toward Killua.

Y/n: "Hey, can you hold this and stand over there?" You asked, handing him the ball.

Killua, knowing what you had in mind, complied. Then, you looked at the others.

Y/n: "There'll be quite a bit of recoil, so I'll need you guys to help me out." You said to them.

Then, they all nodded and walked toward you. They then got into a position where they could brace you, so you don't go flying.

After they all got in position, you began to charge Dark red. Heavy winds were going throughout the building, and the windows shattered.

Y/n: "Alright..." You started.

Y/n: "Razor, this'll screw up your hands if you try to block this, last chance to surrender!" You warned.

Razor didn't respond, he just focused his Nen in his hands and feet, preparing to bump it.

Razor: 'This'll be tough!'

Y/n: 'Here we go!'

Then, you fire it. The ball moves at near Mach speeds toward Razor. And when the ball hits his hand, he gets pushed out of the Arena.

BUT. Your group also got pushed back greatly. Resulting in the elimination of Bisky and Tsezguerra.

Razor: "Back!" Razor shouted.

0: "Razor has used back! He remains inside." 0 said as Razor stepped back into the Arena.

Razor: 'Damn. That hurt my wrists.' Razor thought to himself.

Player: "Good job kid!" Player shouted.

Player 2: "Nice! He got rid of his back!" Player 2 shouted.

Then, Hisoka uses bungee gum to take the ball back.

Hisoka: "Too bad for you. You have to catch the ball, you know." Hisoka said.

Player: "This is good! All he has to do is use blast the ball back to him and we win!" Player shouted.

Player 2: "All right! You go, kid! You can do this!" Player 2 shouted.

Y/n: "Alright, with Tsezguerra and Bisky out, this'll be harder." You said while breathing a bit heavily.

Killua: "You doing alright, Y/n?" Killua asked while hiding his hurt hands.

Y/n: "Yeah, Just a bit tired is all. We need one more, just one more and we win." You responded.

Killua: 'One more. I can do this, I can take one more. I can do this!' Killua thought to himself, hiding the amount of pain he's in.

Y/n: "Alright, back into position." You said as they got back into position.

Then, once all of you were in position, Razor then got rid of every one of his allies except for 0, getting his Nen back.

Player: "He deactivated his Nen ability!" Player said.

Bisky: 'I see. He intends on going all out to defend.' Bisky thought to herself.

Razor: 'That kid sure is powerful. I haven't had this much fun in a long time!' Razor thought to himself as you charged Dark Red again.

Y/n: "This... Is... IT!" You shouted.

Then, you fired Dark Red again. Making Razor violently scrape against the field to the point of the floorboards breaking as he's sliding.

You guys were also blown back, but not as much as Razor. You barely, BARELY escaped getting eliminated.

But Razor, however, wasn't so lucky. He slid out of the arena, resulting in his elimination once again. But he didn't go unscathed.

His wrists, along with his ankles were severely injured. His shoes were also busted.

0: "Razor catching the ball while his body is outside the court is illegal! You're out! Team Gon is the winner!" 0 shouted.

Player: "Alright! Good job kid! You did amazing!" Everyone on the sidelines shouted.

Y/n: "Phew... Thats that." You said while visibly sweating, exhausted from how much cursed energy you had to use.

Razor: 'A total defeat. Dammit.' Razor thought to himself.

Gon: "Great Job Y/n!" Gon said while patting your back.

Killua: "You really came in clutch." Killua said.

Hisoka: "It's all because we worked together. It was a team victory." Hisoka said.

Gon: "Wow. That sounds completely unlike you Hisoka." Gon said.

Y/n: "You know, you guys make good braces. Whenever I need to launch a ball at high speeds, I'll call you guys." You said sarcastically.

Hisoka: "Oh, My little Y/n~ You just continue to amaze us~." Hisoka said while uncomfortably close to you.

Then, you jumped away.

Y/n: "Don't make me blast you to hell Hisoka!" You shouted angrily, making everyone laugh.

Razor: "I lose. As promised, we'll leave town." Razor said.

Gon: "Oh, yeah." Gon said.

Killua: "That was this game's purpose." Killua said.

Razor: "But first, I will answer your question about Ging." Razor said.


Killua: "Ouch!" Killua shouted in pain.

Y/n: "You dumbass! Why didn't you tell me your hands were this damaged?!" You shouted angrily while squeezing his hands.


Bisky: "Honestly, you were so reckless! Your hands are a total mess. Hey, are you listening?" Bisky asked while bandaging his hands.

Because Bisky wanted him to learn his lesson, she asked you to not heal him. And because you were thinking the same thing, you complied.


Killua: "Well, this is the place." Killua said.

Bisky: "A window?" Bisky asked.

Tsezguerra: "We can see the shore from here." Tsezguerra said.

Goreinu: "So how do we reach Poseidon's Cavern from here?" Goreinu asked.

Then, the NPC proceeded to remove a hidden brick and then a button. Making a Light shine in the ocean.

NPC: "Directly underneath that point, where the light shines, there's an underground cavern. But there isn't any treasure there. I'm sorry I deceived you." The NPC said.

Goreinu: "Really?" Goreinu asked.

NPC: "It's sacred ground, so only a few fishermen know the location. All other stories you heard were rumors made up by the others. Including the stories of treasure. But Razor and his pirates wouldn't believe us." The NPC explained.

NPC: "Those who live off the sea can never defile it. That's what they said before they were all killed, taking the secret with them." The NPC said.

Killua: "Hey. Don't forget, this is a story within a game, okay?" Killua said.

Y/n: "But it's just so sad..." You said while fake crying, making Killua growl at you.


NPC: "I can finally see the sea again from here. The rising sun, the boats returning with their hauls, the water sparkling in many colors. To me, this is the greatest treasure of them all." The NPC said.

Then, she turned into the strip of beach card.

Gon: "Yes! We got Strip of Beach!" Gon said.

Y/n: "We're getting into the endgame, I can feel it." You said.

Killua: "Let's use clone to make two copies." Killua said.

Goreinu: "We're fine with taking the copies." Goreinu said.

Tsezguerra: "Yes, you've earned the right to the original." Tsezguerra said as Hisoka began to walk away.

Gon: "Hisoka, you really don't want anything?" Gon asked.

Hisoka: "Nope, I had enough fun." Hisoka answered.

Y/n: "Thank god. Stay far away from me." You said while looking away.

Then, Killua smacked you on the head.

Killua: "Why don't you join us?" Killua asked.

Killua: 'I'm curious about the Troupe's actions.' Killua thought to himself.

Hisoka: "I'm not interested in collecting cards. Should anything else come up, use Contact. I'll use Accompany or Magnetic Force to come at once." Hisoka answered.

Then, Killua is surprised by something, making You and Gon turn toward him.

Killua: "That big liar!" Killua said, making you and Gon confused.

Killua: "We haven't used Magnetic Force at all since Hisoka joined us, right?" Killua asked, making Gon nod.

Killua: "That means he already knew about spell cards before he ran into us!" Killua said, making Gon surprised.

Bisky: "Killua, there are liars who only lie when there's a reason to, and there are liars who also lie without reason. You and I are the former. Hisoka is the latter." Bisky said.


Bisky: "You won't get anywhere by fretting over it." Bisky said smugly.

Then, someone cast contact on Tsezguerra.

Genthru: "Hey, It's been a while. Do you know who this is?" Genthru asked.

Tsezguerra: "Genthru! What do you want?" Tsezguerra asked.

Genthru: "First, I'd like to congratulate you." Genthru said.

Tsezguerra: "What are you talking about?" Tsezguerra asked.

Genthru: "Dont bother playing dumb. I promise to spare your lives. In return, hand over the strip of beach." Genthru said.

Tsezguerra: "Don't be ridiculous." Tsezguerra said.

Genthru: "Well, I am somewhat interested to see if you can beat us. If you're willing to make a deal, come alone to Masadora's entrance in one hour. If you don't, we'll take the card by force. You cant run or hide. We have a lot of accompanies." Genthru threatened while laughing.

Tsezguerra: 'How? I knew he'd find out, but not this soon!' Tsezguerra thought to himself, distressed.

Genthru: "Asta, Amana, Manheim, Nick Cue, Souheil, Kazsule. They were all members of your party of fifteen. Isn't that right? Check your Binder. They're no longer with us." Genthru explained.

Gon: "Book!" Gon said.

Gon: 'This means they're either dead or no longer in the game.' Gon thought to himself.

Gon: "Genthru!" Gon shouted, getting his attention.

Genthru: "Who the hell are you?" Genthru asked.

Gon: "IM GON FREECSS! I'LL TAKE YOU ON!" Gon shouted, shocking Killua and Bisky.

Genthru: "Gon, huh? So you're one of those four brats. It appears you have Wild Luck Alexandrite. Once Im done with Tsezguerra, I'll come for you, or do you want to give up the card now?" Genthru asked.

Gon: "YOU COME HERE RIGHT NOW, I'LL FIGHT YOU! I ALSO HAVE-!" But before Gon could finish, Bisky grabs him and Killua gets in front of him.

Killua: "Tsezguerra, can you move somewhere else?" Killua asked.

Bara: "Wouldn't it be faster to target the kids? They probably have a copy of Strip of Beach." Bara asked.

Genthru: "But it would be a card created by Clone." Genthru said.

Bara: "That's true." Bara said.

Genthru: "Once those kids see Tsezguerra surrender, they'll give up. If we go after the brats first, Tsezguerra will have more time to recover, and that will just give us more trouble. He's a Single Star Hunter, and we don't know what his power is." Genthru said.

Goreinu: "Genthru doesn't know what you can do. He believes that we are carrying the original Strip of Beach. They want the original card, they want "our original." We'll try to buy as much time as possible. Use the time to regain your strength. If you want to beat this game, you'll have no choice but to fight them. And you are the only ones with a chance of beating him. But, Gon, what you just did was both selfish and foolish. If they'd accepted your challenge and come, what would have happened to Killua, given his injuries?" Tsezguerra asked.

Y/n: "I'll just beat up Genthru." You said.

Tsezguerra: "Y/n, You may be strong, but you aren't unbeatable." Tsezguerra started.

Y/n: "I know that. But I can say with confidence that I'd be able to beat Genthru." You retorted.

Tsezguerra: "That may be true, but what if Genthru were to somehow hypnotize you and forced you to fight your friends? As far as I know, Your ability only defends against things that need to touch you. So you have no real defense against things like Hypnosis, or Sound." Tsezguerra explained.

Y/n: "That's also true. But, most Nen users don't use stuff like hypnosis or sound. And if I do encounter someone who uses them, I have abilities like Red, which I can use to defend myself." You retorted.

Y/n: "Im not dumb enough to believe that Infinity makes me unbeatable. I'd know that more than anyone." You said while looking down, remembering Satoru's death.

Y/n: "I took extra precautions to defend against all of my weaknesses. Dont think Im some overconfident kid who thinks everyone aside from me is just a big joke, because that isn't me. Not at all." You explained.

After your speech, everyone just stood in silence. Bisky even nodded in respect, glad you weren't what Tsezguerra thinks you were.

Tsezguerra: "Hmm. I stand corrected." Tsezguerra said.

Then, Tsezguerra proceeded to pat your head, making you confused.

Tsezguerra: "Im glad you took the fact that you're not unbeatable into account. Good job kid." Tsezguerra said.

Y/n: "Uh... Yeah, yeah whatever." You said while looking awhile, visibly nervous.


After a long conversation, Team Tsezguerra finally leave using Accompany.

Bisky: "Three weeks? That isn't much time. Killua, you focus on healing and start thinking of a strategy to defeat Genthru." Bisky said, making Gon nod.

Bisky: "Gon, you'll train with me. The first necessity is that you be able to avoid his Little Flower." Bisky said.

Gon: "Osu!" Gon said.

Bisky: "Y/n, You won't be helping. As easy as it would be to have you defeat him, doing that wouldn't be logical." Bisky said.

Y/n: "May I ask why?" You asked.

Bisky: "Because Relying on you to defeat everyone isn't a good idea. Because If you one day somehow become the enemy, they won't be able to just call you to defeat... Well, You." Bisky explained.

Y/n: "As unrealistic as me being the enemy is, I agree." You responded.

Bisky: "So, for Gon to get stronger, he'll need to fight Genthru. And not me or you." Bisky said.


We currently see Gon and Bisky fighting in hand to hand.

Gon: "Gyo!" Gon said.

Bisky: "Too slow! Don't stop to think after I grab your arm. React as soon as you feel my touch!" Bisky shouted.

Gon: "Osu!" Gon said as they went back to it.


Bisky: "Okay, let's take a ten-minute break. Next, we'll start Emitter training." Bisky said.

Gon: "Osu." Gon said as he fell to the ground.

Bisky: 'He's building his stamina. But in the mere two weeks we have left, I can only help him bolster his defense. We need another weapon before we can fight.' Bisky thought to herself.

Then, after 10 minutes, Bisky starts the emitter training.

Bisky: "Emitter training, level two. Floating hand! You must maintain this stance while staying perfectly still, and only by releasing aura." Bisky explained.

Then, she proceeded to use Nen, launching herself into the air.

Bisky: "You pass when you can launch yourself that much." Bisky said.

Gon: "Okay!" Gon said as he got to it.

Then, Gon did the same thing. Only to be launched a little bit.

Killua: "That exercise is a lot harder, considering its only one level higher." Killua said.

Y/n: "I call BS. No way thats only level 2." You said to Bisky.

Bisky: "Well, You're correct. This is actually a level five training exercise." Bisky said, making you and Killua shocked.

Killua: "Five? Are you sure you should skip levels like that?" Killua asked.

Bisky: "Well, it's a gamble. If it doesn't work, the three weeks we were given will be a waste. If we followed the proper steps, he could reach level three easily. But that wouldn't do him any good in actual combat. He needs an Emitter-type attack that can push an opponent back several meters with a direct hit. It must be strong enough for him to use it as a weapon." Bisky explained.

Killua: "So that's level five? But even if he clears the training, the ability to send enemies flying isn't a decisively lethal weapon." Killua said.

Bisky: "Exactly. It's only meant to give him more options." Bisky explained.

Bisky: "So, what's your strategy?" Bisky asked.

Killua: "First, can you tell me what your power is? Knowing it will make it easier to plan out." Killua said.

Then, bisky proceeded to activate her Nen ability.

Bisky: "Allow me to introduce my ability, Cookie, the Magical Massuse. Her various massage techniques are caresses of magical bliss! They melt away fat deposits and make you feel heavenly! Aura is transmuted into special lotion, smoothing and rejuvenating your skin! Her shiatsu massage makes you beautiful from the inside out! It relieves constipation, stiff shoulders, chills, any anomaly you have will vanish!" Bisky explained.

Y/n: "What the hell?" You asked, completely unexpecting that ti be her ability.

Killua: "Thats it?" Killua asked.

Bisky: "Of course not! She can also do chiropractic massages, meditative massages, rolling massages, and there's still much more!" Bisky responded.

Killua: "Are you an idiot?! That's totally worthless!" Killua shouted at her.

Bisky: "What are you talking about? It's the most useful power in the world, you know!" Bisky shouted back.

Killua: "This is why you're just a stupid old hag!" Killua shouted.

Bisky: "I dare you to say that again!" Bisky shouted.


Killua: "He hasn't made any progress for ten days. Maybe you should have let him start from level two." Killua said.

Bisky: "We still have ten more days." Bisky retorted.

Killua: "Only if Tsezguerra can deliver. In hindsight, it wasn't a very good deal. If we give Team Tsezguerra Wild Luck Alexandrite, they'll only be missing two cards. We still need over thirty." Killua said.

Bisky: "We can just take them from Genthru by force." Bisky retorted.

Killua: "Gon would never accept that. And we still have to figure out how to defeat Genthru without Y/n first." Killua said.

Bisky: "That's true." Bisky said.

Then, they encounter a large boulder.

Bisky: "So is this big enough?" Bisky asked.

Killua: "Yeah." Killua answered.


Gon: 'Damn it, we only have five days left!' Gon thought to himself.

Killua: "Don't you have any advice that could help him break through?" Killua asked.

Bisky: "The sensation of aura flowing through the body, though similar, is different for everyone. If I give him advice from my own experience and it doesn't work, it could end up hurting him more than helping." Bisky explained.

Killua: "Gon. Times up. Training's over." Killua said.

Gon: "We still have five days!" Gon retorted.

Killua: "Change in plans. We've formed a strategy to defeat them." Killua said.

Gon: "But- Uh, well, I think I'm really close! Maybe." Gon said.

Y/n: "I hate to say it Gon, but it isn't gonna happen." You said.

Killua: "No, it isn't happening. And I cant use an unreliable technique in my strategy. Give up." Killua added.

Killua: "So the plan is..."

Bisky: "To use this." Bisky said, cutting Killua off.

Killua: "You'll have to learn this the hard way. Until you get it perfect." Killua explained.


Killua: "Today is the tenth day." Killua said.

Bisky: "If they don't return, their ring data will be erased." Bisky said.

Killua: "Well, I guess we have to wait for Goreinu to contact us." Killua said.

Y/n: 'Team Genthru probably killed them all. I mean, why else would they be out so long?' You thought to yourself.

Gon: "Yes! I got it! Look, I've got this down! Can I concentrate on Emitter training now?" Gon asked while showing Bisky a stopwatch.

Bisky: "No!" Bisky answered.

Killua: "You might have it down, but you're still off by a tenth of a second." Killua said.

Bisky: "Your goal is to be within a hundredth of a second. Now, start!" Bisky said.

Then, someone cast contact on Killua.

Goreinu: "It's Goreinu. Sorry to keep you waiting." Goreinu said.

Killua: "What's going on?" Killua asked.

Goreinu: "Do you realize it will soon be 240 hours since Team Tsezguerra's exited the game?" Goreinu asked.

Killua: "Yeah." Killua answered.

Goreinu: "I can tell you now they won't be returning." Goreinu said.

Killua: "Why not?" Killua asked confused.

Goreinu: "Genthru's team is camping at the starting point. We decided beforehand that they wouldn't return to the game until I sent him the all-clear." Goreinu explained.

Bisky: "I understand. But their card data will disappear." Bisky said.

Goreinu: "I'm holding on to all the valuable cards." Goreinu said.

Killua: "Doesn't that betray their other allies? They'll notice if none of the four have any important cards!" Killua said.

Genthru: "They left the game 3:05, ten days ago, right?" Genthru asked.

Sub: "Yeah, in five more minutes, their card data will be wiped. Essentially, they're out." Sub said.

Genthru: "To be safe, we'll wait until 3:10." Genthru said.

Bara: "But do you really think they've given up?" Bara asked.

Genthru: "Absolutely, given that they took Battera and ran." Genthru said.

Sub: "It was a desperate attempt to keep us from the reward." Sub said.

Bara: "But they spent years collecting those 96 cards. Also, I'm wondering why Battera would call off his guards." Bara said.

Sub: "No idea. I guess something happened." Sub said.

Genthru: "No point in speculating now. Oh, it's 3:10. Time's up." Genthru said.

S/B: "Yay! Bye-bye, Tsezguerra!" Sub and Bara said at the same time.

Goreinu: "Yeah. We switched about 30 of their cards with fakes. I'm the one actually holding all 96 cards. For such a cautious man, this is the biggest gamble of Tsezguerra's life. So I want to make sure it pays off. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to help you face Genthru's crew." Goreinu said.

Killua: "Understood. When do you want us to give you the card?" Killua asked.

Goreinu: "I'll wait until you've defeated Genthru. Do your best!" Goreinu responded.

Genthru: "Now it's time to go after those brats. It wasn't in the plan, but we can get The Strip of Beach from them." Genthru said, pulling out an accompany card.

Sub: "First, we need more copies of Accompany." Sub said.

Bara: "Okay." Bara said.

Goreinu: "They're on the move! Where are you right now?" Goreinu asked.

Killua: "Near Soufrabi." Killua answered.

Goreinu: "They're heading toward Masadora. Once they're prepared, they should be coming for you. Are you ready?" Goreinu asked.

Killua: "Absolutely. Thanks to you guys!" Killua answered.

Bisky: 'We need more time. But we have no choice. It's up to Gon now.' Bisky thought to herself.

Y/n: "Bisky. Are you still sure you don't want me to do anything?" You asked, wanting to heal Killua and defeat Genthru.

Bisky: "Im sure. You should have more faith in us Y/n." Bisky answered.

Bisky: "Gon! Did our conversation distract you?" Bisky asked.

Then, Gon showed her the stopwatch.

-Cut to Genthru-

Genthru: "The brats have four copies of "Accompany". We have six. Shall we go, then?" Genthru asked.

Sub: "Hell yeah. Whenever you're ready." Sub said.

Genthru: "I'll take the kid with the spiky black hair. Assuming we need to resort to force. Sub, take the cat-eyed kid. Bara, you take the girl and the white-haired kid." Genthru ordered.

Genthru: "Accompany on! Gon!" Genthru said.

Then, Team Genthru appeared in front of Team Gon.

Killua: "What do you want?" Killua asked, slightly hostile.

Genthru: "Dont be so hostile. We're here to propose a deal." Genthru said.

Killua: "A deal? We're no interested!" Killua said.

Bisky: 'Right, don't let them notice that we've been waiting for them, dully prepared.' Bisky thought to herself.

Y/n: 'Oh, deception. There's something really satisfying about faking weakness, then turning the tables and destroying your opponent.' You thought to yourself, faking a surprised face.

Genthru: "It's not a bad deal. It's such a good idea, even Tsezguerra agreed to it." Genthru said.

Killua: "What is it?" Killua asked.

Genthru: "Interested now?" Genthru said as he tried to walk toward them, but was stopped by Gon.

Gon: "Stop! You can talk from over there!" Gon said.

Bisky: 'Yes, that's good! We have to make it seem like we're weak and at a disadvantage. We must give them the impression that we arrived here after being cornered!' Bisky thought to herself.

Y/n: 'Dont laugh! Dont laugh! Dont laugh!' You thought to yourself, holding back from rolling on the floor.

Genthru: "It's quite simple.  We'll beat the game on everyone's behalf, and once we return to the real world, we split Battera's reward." Genthru said.

Killua: "I find that hard to believe." Killua retorted.

Genthru: "We've had a change of heart. And Tsezguerra has already left the game." Genthru said.

Killua: "But that doesn't prove that he agreed to your offer." Killua said.

Genthru: "You have a valid point. Then, what now? Do you want to die?" Genthru asked while adjusting his glasses.

Genthru: "Stop whining, and hand over your cards! Otherwise, we'll kill all of you!" Genthru shouted angrily, getting tired of this back and forth.

Killua: "You've revealed your true colors." Killua said as he, Gon, Bisky, and you back away.

Gon: "Book! Accompany on! To Soufrabi!" Gon said, sensing Team Gon to Soufrabi.

Genthru: "Three more times." Genthru said.

Then, Genthru used Accompany to follow Team Gon. Gon then used Accompany again

Genthru: "Two more times." Genthru said.

Then, he used Accompany once again. Making Gon use Accompany again.

Genthru: "One more time." Genthru said.

G/K/B/Y: "Return on! To Masadora!" Team Gon said at the same time, going to Masadora.

Bara: "Masadora? Are they trying to obtain more spell cards?" Bara asked.

Genthru: "They might try to escape to the real world through the harbor. Accompany on. Gon!" Genthru said.

Then, they arrive at Masadora.

Bara: "They're not here. Are they hiding?" Bara asked while looking around.

Genthru: "Check the store. We don't want them buying any spell cards." Genthru said, unaware of the four of you watching him.

Sub: "They haven't been here. Did they head for the harbor?" Sub asked.

Genthru: "Tsk, guess we have no choice. Accompany on! Gon!" Genthru said.

Then, they find them running. Seeing Team Genthru, Team Gon immediately runs in the other direction.

Genthru: "Don't lose sight of them! We're out of Accompany cards!" Genthru said.

Then, Genthru cuts off Gon, Sub cuts off Killua, and Bara cuts off You and Bisky.

Genthru: "Now, why don't you give up,  and hand over your cards?" Genthru asked threateningly.

Gon: "No way! We'll never let you have them!" Gon shouted.

Bisky: 'Everything's going as planned. They want to fight one-on-one. Wait, Y/n's here... So will one of them fight 2 on 1?' Bisky thought to herself.

Gon: "I'd rather fight than hand them over!" Gon said.

Killua: "Wait, Gon! Damn it!" Killua said, faking panic.

Killua: 'Good. Now, we just need to separate them little by little.' Killua thought to himself.

Killua: "Biscuit, Y/n, make a run for it!" Killua shouted.

Bisky: "B-But-" Bisky said, faking a shocked tone.

Y/n: "But what about you?!" You asked, also faking a shocked tone.

Killua: "Just run!" Killua said as he avoided Sub.

Bisky then grabbed your hand and ran away.

Bara: "Hey, you aren't getting away!" Bara shouted as he ran after you and bisky.

Gon: 'Im counting on you three.' Gon thought to himself as Genthru ran at him.

Genthru: "You're mine!" Genthru shouted.

-Cut to Y/n and Bisky-

We currently see Bara still chasing you and Bisky.

Bara: 'They're faster than I thought! But, that blind kid with her is gonna slow her down. I'll use him to my advantage!' Bara thought to himself.

Bisky then summoned her book.

Bara: 'She should be out of transport spells. What's she doing?' Bara thought to himself.

Then, Bisky transformed a card in to accompany.

Bara: 'She used Transform to use it as a different card?' Bara asked.

Bisky: "Accompany on! To Soufrabi!" Bisky said.

Bara: 'Accompany? Why?' Bara asked.

Then, You and Bisky flew toward Soufrabi. After a while, Bara arrived.

Bara: "I don't get it. Why would you go to all this trouble to be alone with me and him?" Bara asked.

Bisky: "One reason. I didn't want you to ask your friends for help." Bisky said.

Bara: "Huh? I have no idea what you're talking about." Bara said confused.

Bisky: "You're an idiot. Im just saying that we're stronger." Bisky said as she appeared behind Bara and kicked him in the back of the head.

Then, she proceeded to punch him into the ground, creating a shockwave.

Bara: "You brat!" Bara shouted angrily.

Then, Bisky kicked him in the face. Then she proceeded to deliver a powerful rush of blows, ending it off with a punch to the gut.

Y/n: "Get 'em!" You shouted, impressed with Bisky's strength.

Bara: "Your attacks are too weak. You can't beat me!" Bara shouted while laughing.

Then, Bisky ran at him. Only for Bara to smack her away. But before she flew too far, you caught her.

Y/n: "You alright?" You asked while healing her.

Bisky: "Im fine." Bisky answered while getting up and dusting herself off.

Bara: "I won't be defeated so easily so don't blame me when you get hurt." Bara said.

Bara: 'Wait, did the blind kid heal her?' Bara asked, noticing that she wasn't hurt.

Bisky: "Hey Y/n, look away." Bisky demanded.

Y/n: "Hmm? Why should-" But before you could ask, Bisky cut you off.

Bisky: "Just look away!" Bisky shouted, making you look away confused.

Bisky: "Anyway. That's what I was going to say." Bisky said while turning bigger and more muscular.

Bisky: "I always let people get a hit in. Because I can't restrain myself when I turn." Bisky said.

Then, the buffer version of Bisky punched Bara in the face, sending him flying.

Bisky: "So I usually end up killing my opponents." Bisky said.

Y/n: 'What the hell? Why does she sound different?' You thought to yourself confused.

Bisky then walked over to Bara, who had a severally damaged face from Bisky's punch.

Bisky: "Oh, you're still alive? I'm impressed." Bisky said.

Bara: "Why would you... hide your power if... you're that strong?" Bara asked with pain in his voice.

Bisky: "Two reasons. First, never show your hand. Second, I hate what I look like. It's way too buff! Dont you agree?" Bisky asked.

Then, she noticed that Bara was unconscious.

Bisky: "Guess he passed out." Bisky said while holding his body.

-Cut to Gon and Genthru-

Genthru: "Why don't you accept it? You can't beat me." Genthru said.

Gon: "No way. I- I'm not dont yet!" Gon said with resolve.

Genthru: 'I was wrong.' Genthru thought to himself.

Genthru: "I take back what I said. You are tough." Genthru said as he finally began to use his ability.

Genthru: "I will show you my ability." Genthru said.

Genthru: 'This battle is not about the physical. I must crush his spirit. His will to fight, his will to stand, his will to resist. Otherwise, he'll never admit defeat. To win, I can't make him stubborn. I'll make him see. Let me show you that all your hard work and confidence mean nothing!' Genthru thought to himself.

Gon: 'Here it comes.' Gon thought to himself.

Then, Genthru proceeded to charge at him. Little flower at the ready.

(A/n: Next chapter will be the end of Greed Island.)

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