Child Of Infinity (Malereader...

By Lightdorus

771K 23.6K 17.4K

One day, When Your father, Satoru Gojo was killed by a sadistic man with pink hair, You dedicate your life to... More

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3.5K 119 46
By Lightdorus

Sukuna: "Man, I just keep running into you two kids. Ain't that something?" Sukuna said with sarcasm in his voice.

Killua: "Yeah. Now, why are you here?" Killua asked again, but slightly more aggressive.

Sukuna: "It's almost like fate keeps drawing us together. Kind of annoying really." Sukuna said, ignoring the question.

Killua: "Tch. Pink-haired bastard." Killua said under his breath.

-Cut to Y/n-

Y/n: "So Kalluto, Had fun?" You asked while landing next to Shizuku.

Kalluto: "Yeah... Im tired..." Kalluto said while falling asleep in your arms.

Shizuku: "He's too good for this world." Shizuku said while looking at the sleeping Kalluto.

Y/n: "Yeah." You responded while putting him down.

Shizuku: "Hey, Come here." Shizuku said to her dog, making it run toward her.

Shizuku: "Cuddle with Kalluto." Shizuku commanded.

The dog then nodded and proceeded to Snuggle with Kalluto. However, When Kalluto felt the Dog cuddling with him, he smiled and wrapped his arms around it in his sleep.

Shizuku: "Mission accomplished! Yes!" Shizuku celebrated under her breath, wanting exactly this to happen.

Y/n: "Well, now that he's asleep, How about we-" As you were speaking, You were cut off.

Satoru: "Yo! Guess who I brought!" Satoru said while pointing to the person next to him.

Megumi: "Hey." Megumi said dully.

Y/n: "Hey Dad. Hey, Spiky-haired person I dont know." You responded.

Megumi: "So this is your son huh? Looks exactly like you." Megumi said.

Y/n: "Yeah. I think it's because of genetics or something like that." You said sarcastically.

Megumi: "An insufferable smartass too." Megumi said under his breath.

Satoru: "Hey, Quit being rude." Satoru said.

Satoru: "Anyway, You wanna know the reason I called you here?" Satoru asked.

Megumi: "Yeah. You refused to tell me over the phone." Megumi responded.

Satoru: "I may or may not have found your daughter." Satoru said, completely catching Megumi off guard.

Megumi: "You better not be joking about this!" Megumi shouted.

Satoru: "Just see for yourself." Satoru said while pointing toward Shizuku.

Shizuku then proceeds to Summon her other dog.

Shizuku: "The other one is over there." Shizuku said while pointing at the Sleeping dog.

Satoru: "So, Megumi. What do you think? She had the exact same dogs as you do, and that just can't be a coincidence." Satoru said.

Megumi was completely stunned when he saw this, Not only because she seemingly has the same abilities as him, but because she looked strikingly similar to him, just with hair that isn't as spiky.

Megumi: "Uh, Do... Do you know me?" Megumi asked Shizuku in a hopeful tone.

Shizuku: "To be honest with you, I don't really. But I do have a feeling that Im related to you in some way. Sorry." Shizuku answered.

Megumi: "It's fine." Megumi said as he ruffled her hair.

Megumi: "As long as you're alive snd well, that's all that matters." Megumi said.

Then, Shizuku starts crying, but she doesn't know why. Knowing that this was an important moment for the two of them, You and Satoru didn't dare interrupt.

After several minutes of Shizuku crying and Megumi comforting her, she finally calms down.

Shizuku: "I-I dont know where that came from..." Shizuku said awkwardly.

Y/n: "So I've been meaning, to ask..." You said while looking at Satoru.

Y/n: "What's that?" You asked while pointing at the large duffel bag in Satoru's hand.

Satoru: "Well, while I was out, I figured I'd take some time to buy some time to buy some things." Satoru said while dumping the contents of the bag on the floor.

Y/n: "Why get food? You dont need to eat as long as your in here." You said while holding a chocolate robot.

Y/n: "Buuut... I ain't complaining." You said while swiftly swiping a couple of robots.

Satoru: "Believe it or not, I haven't eaten in a while due to being stuck in here. Kinda wanted to taste food again." Satoru answered.

Megumi: "I think I'll go and pay a visit to Yuji and Nobara. Haven't seen them in a while." Megumi said.

Satoru: "Oh! Can I come along? I've been wanting to do that as well." Satoru said.

Y/n: "Nobara? Wait, Haven't I heard that name before?" You said out loud.

Megumi: "Wait, you know her?" Megumi asked.

Y/n: "Not really. I only heard the name from some guy with pink hair." You responded, shocking Megumi.

Megumi: "YOU KNOW YUJI TOO?!" Megumi asked, now shouting.


Megumi: "DONT CALL ME A MORON YOU BRAT!" Megumi shouted.

Y/n: "BRAT? OH, I'LL SHOW YOU BRAT!" You said while preparing to take off your blindfold.

Satoru then proceeds to smack you and Megumi on the head.

Satoru: "We're getting off track!" Satoru shouted.

Satoru: "Anyway, You wanna come and meet Yuji and Nobara with us?" Satoru asked you.

Y/n: "Sure. Hey Shizuku, you wanna come as well?" You asked.

Shizuku: "Nah. Someones gotta stay and watch Kalluto." Shizuku responded.

Y/n: "Okay, Love you!" You said while leaving.

Shizuku: "Love you too!" Shizuku responded.

Megumi: "Wait a minute..."

-Cut to Gon and Killua-

Shalnark: "Our only target right now is the chain user, so we can pretty much ignore everybody else." Shalnark said.

Feitan: "There you go. You are lucky." Feitan said, making Gon stick his tongue out mockingly.

Nobunaga: "Not just yet. I'm not letting the kid go." Nobunaga said.

Nobunaga: "You wanna join the spiders? Team up with me." Nobunaga said.

Gon: "No. I would rather die than team up with you guys? So, it's never gonna happen!" Gon said, making Nobunaga laugh.

Nobunaga: "He really hates us, doesn't he? What are you? You're an enhancer, right?" Nobunaga asked.

Gon: "Yeah, and what if I am?" Gon answered.

Nobunaga: "I thought you'd say that." Nobunaga said while laughing.

Nobunaga: "Hey! We're keeping them here until the Boss gets back. I'm nominating him." Nobunaga said.

Phinks: "Are you serious?" Phinks asked.

Feitan: "The boss will never agree to that." Feitan said.

Sukuna: "Knowing them, and you, they'll probably find some way to escape." Sukuna added.

Machi: "Fine, whatever. But you've gotta babysit 'em. It's on you if they escape." Machi said.

Sukuna: "If they escape even under your watch then I'll hold it over your head for the rest of your life." Sukuna said while laughing.

Nobunaga: "Dont worry, they won't." Nobunaga said.


Gon: "Ow..." Gon said while holding his busted hand.

Killua: 'That was stupid of me... If I'd made a move, Hisoka would've killed me without a second thought.' Killua thought to himself.

Killua: 'That murderous aura... I was paralyzed. If they'd threatened to kill Gon, would I have been able to stop them? Would I have even able to move?' Killua asked himself, suddenly remembering Illumi's words.

Killua: "NO YOU'RE WRONG!" Killua shouted out loud.

Nobunaga: "Heh. Pretty scary." Nobunaga said while standing up and unsheathing his sword.

Nobunaga: "If looks could kill, huh? I should warn you... Step into range and I'll cut you down." Nobunaga threatened as Killua started stepping forward.

As Killua was stepping forward, he started visibly sweating. Then, he turned back, punching the wall behind him in anger.

Killua: 'I dont stand a chance against him. I've gotta think of a way to escape...' Killua thought to himself.

Gon: 'No windows... and only one exit. How are we supposed to get him to move away from the door?' Gon asked himself.

Gon: "Hey, I wonder if Leorio is okay. I really hope he was able to get a hold of Mister Zepile..." Gon said.

Gon: "Killua? You okay?" Gon asked.

Killua: "Yeah." Killua answered.

Gon: "Let's see... Mister Zepile taught us cauterization, autopsy snd something else. Remember what it was?" Gon asked, trying to convey a message.

Killua: "I forgot." Killua asked, not understanding.

Gon: "Was it osmosis, maybe? I dont think it was, but I just don't know..." Gon said.

Killua: "Gon... I'll be the decoy. Wait for it and then try to escape." Killua said.

Gon: "What are you talking about?" Gon asked.

Nobunaga: "Look, seriously... forget all about it. You're good enough to recognize the difference in our abilities. You won't catch me off guard." Nobunaga said.

Killua: 'I know that already! This room has one exit and nowhere to hide. He can see everything we're doing. He can even keep an eye on us without ever creating an opening.' Killua thought to himself.

Killua: 'He's probably an Iaido master and with his shodachi, his range is twice mine. One step too close, and I'm dead meat. But that's what gives it meaning!' Killua thought to himself.

Killua: "Shut up, all right?! The only way I'll find out is if I try!" Killua shouted.

Gon: "Killua, what are you thinking about doing?" Gon asked.

Killua: "I'll stop his shodachi, even if it kills me. When I do, you run away!" Killua said.

Then, Gon smacked him on the head. Confusing Nobunaga.

Killua: "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR, HUH?!" Killua shouted.

Gon: "QUIT BEING SO SELFISH!" Gon shouted back.

Gon: "Don't talk about dying like it's no big deal!" Gon said, being slightly hypocritical.

Killua: "Why not? You did! You said the same thing earlier!" Killua said.

Gon: "I'm allowed to! But you're not, do you hear me?!" Gon shouted.

Nobunaga: "Reason never works on an Enhancer. I thought you knew that, kid!" Nobunaga said while laughing.

Killua: "We can't escape unless we're prepared to die, you stupid little jerk! You don't know what I was thinking! So, tell me, who's the selfish one now?!" Killua asked.

Gon: "No! I dont know! 'Cause I'm stupid!" Gon said.

Nobunaga: "You two kids are hilarious, you know that? Listen I'm not gonna hurt you. Just behave yourselves. I know you guys mean business, all right? Dont throw your lives away." Nobunaga said.

Nobunaga: "Sit tight and wait until the Boss gets back. And if you don't strike his fancy, you get to leave, free and clear. But try to escape and I'll kill you. Make me draw my sword from its scabbard and you won't survive to talk about it." Nobunaga said.

Gon: "Oh! I remember now! The other one is ostomy! Cauterization, autopsy... And the last one's ostomy!" Gon said, finally making Killua get it.

Gon: "Do you remember now?" Gon asked.

Killua: "Yeah! I just wish I'd thought of it sooner!" Killua responded excitedly.

Gon: "Right? I can't believe we both forgot something so simple!" Gon said.

Gon: "Now that we've figured that out..."

Killua: "Let's go!"

Nobunaga: "Are you serious? You know you're going to die. Im not nearly skilled or merciful enough to temper my strength to face you." Nobunaga said as Gon and Killua ran at him.

Nobunaga: "You fools!" Nobunaga shouted.

But as he was about to slice them, Gon and Killua went off in opposite directions.

Gon: 'If the exit is blocked...'

Killua: ''ve just gotta make your own!'

Nobunaga: 'The wall... Which one do I chase? We're on the fifth floor. The cat-eyed kid's already by the stairs. So, the black-haired kid!' Nobunaga said as he exited the room.

Nobunaga: 'There. Now he doesn't have anywhere to run.' Nobunaga said ad he locked the door, forgetting that he just busted through a wall.

Nobunaga: 'What am I thinking? They can keep breaking through walls to escape!' Nobunaga thought to himself.

Nobunaga: 'The cat-eyed kid is below. I'll stay on the black-haired one.' Nobunaga thought to himself as he entered a room with no busted walls.

Nobunaga: 'Where is he? The walls are intact. So's the door.' Nobunaga asked himself.

Gon: "Killua! Are you there?" Gon shouted.

Killua: "Yeah! I'm here!" Killua shouted.

Nobunaga: 'Thats it! Then that must mean the last hole... was a decoy! He busted the wall, then doubled back and hid in the next room, so I'd pass him!' Nobunaga thought to himself.

Gon: "We can beat him. The two of us!" Gon shouted as Nobunaga busted through a wall.

Nobunaga: 'His presence disappeared. Zetsu? Does this idiot really want to fight me?' Nobunaga asked himself.

Nobunaga: 'An advanced application of Ten and Ren... En! Aura envelops the body in a layer of a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters thick. But with En, you can extend it as far as necessary. You can sense anyone who enters your En. Inside it, you can even count the leaves as they fall.' Nobunaga thought to himself.

Nobunaga: 'You can conceal your presence before your approach, never making a sound. But enter my En and my sword flies. Come. I'm ready.' Nobunaga thought to himself, but Gon and Killua have already left the building.

Killua: "That idiot." Killua said.

Gon: "Man. I really wanted to beat that guy up." Gon said.

Killua: "Yeah, fat chance of that. He'd kill you twice before you tried." Killua said.

Gon: "You sure about that?" Gon asked.

Killua: "We only know the basics of Nen. We wouldn't stand a chance." Killua said, but Gon just laughs.

Killua: "What's so funny?" Killua asked.

Gon: "You're back to being your old self again! It's my job to be reckless... and it's your job to stay cool and keep me in line!" Gon said.

Gon: "Glad I can count on ya, pal!" Gon said.

Killua: "You're being selfish!" Killua said as they ran into the distance, leaving a clueless Nobunaga behind.

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