Child Of Infinity (Malereader...

By Lightdorus

771K 23.6K 17.4K

One day, When Your father, Satoru Gojo was killed by a sadistic man with pink hair, You dedicate your life to... More

Hunter Exam
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Hunter Exam
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3.6K 122 45
By Lightdorus

Y/n: "Divine Dogs? Ain't that a bit weird?" You asked.

Shizuku: "What's so weird about it?" Shizuku asked.

Y/n: "I mean... Divine?" You responded.

Shizuku: "Well... I think it sounds cool." Shizuku said.

Y/n: "Well, The name doesn't matter." You said, but then you hear a loud squeal from behind you.

Kalluto: "IS THAT A DOGGY?!" Kalluto asked with starry eyes.

Then, at blinding speeds, he proceeds to run at the dog and cuddle up with it.

Kalluto: "Such a good boy!" Kalluto said while stroking its fur.

Kalluto: "Hey, Can I keep him? Pleeeease???" Kalluto asked, looking at you while on the dog's back.

Y/n: "Well, She's gonna need him for when she eventually has to fight someone." You answered.

Y/n: "Besides, It's not my ability. It's hers." You said while pointing at Shizuku.

Kalluto: "Can I keep him? Please?" Kalluto asked while looking at Kalluto, unleashing the all-powerful puppy dog eyes.

Shizuku: "Well, having him out doesn't seem to tire me. And there isn't any harm in having him around... Soo..." Shizuku said, getting Kalluto's hopes up.

Shizuku: "Sure. Have fun." Shizuku answered, making Kalluto jump with joy.

Kalluto: "THANKYOUTHANKYOU" Kalluto said so quickly that you didn't even hear what he said.

Kalluto: "Imma name him Gojo Jr. Onward, Gojo Jr!" Kalluto said while pointing in the distance like a knight.

But, he didn't move. As he only obeyed Shizuku.

Kalluto: "Umm... Onward, Gojo Jr..!" Kalluto said again, but he still didn't move.

Kalluto: "...Why isn't he moving?" Kalluto asked.

Y/n: "Maybe he only obeys Shizuku?" You suggested.

Shizuku: "Hmmm. Hey, Listen to whatever Kalluto says, 'Kay?" Shizuku says to the dog while petting it, making it Nod and look at Kalluto.

Kalluto: "Onward, Gojo Jr!" Kalluto said again while pointing forward.

Then the dog finally listened and ran around in a large circle, making Kalluto have the time of his life.

Kalluto: "WOO! THIS IS SO AWESOME!!" Kalluto shouted with joy.

Shizuku: "Wow. He's really having fun huh?" Shizuku asked.

Y/n: "Imagine if he gained the ability to fly." You said as an idea popped uo in your head.

Y/n: "Wait! Why didn't I ask him if he wanted to fly?!" You asked with anger in your voice, thinking you were a bad older brother.

Y/n: "Hey, Kalluto!" You shouted, making the Dog and Kalluto stop and turn toward you.

Kalluto: "Yeah, What is it?" Kalluto shouted back.

Y/n: "You wanna fly?" You asked.

Kalluto: "Wait, you can fly?!" Kalluto asked surprised.

Y/n: "Yeah! Look!" You said as you flew toward Kalluto.

Kalluto: "You big dummy. Why didn't you tell me you can fly?" Kalluto asked while pouting.

Y/n: "Well, It never came up." You answered condescendingly.

Kalluto: "Whatever... Anyway, Lift me up." Kalluto demanded while holding his arms in the air.

Y/n: "Tch. Needy little brat." You mumbled whilst lifting him up.

Y/n: "Comfy?" You asked in a dull tone.

Kalluto: "Comfy. Now hurry and fly." Kalluto said in an impatient tone.

Y/n: "You-! Y'know what... Fine." You said in a defeated tone as you hovered in the air.

Y/n: "Here we go." You said as you flew off at high speeds.

Shizuku: "Off they go. Well, Might as well see if I can summon up anything else." Shizuku said to herself.

-Cut to Gon and Killua-

Machi: "Our stalker isn't taking the bait." Machi said.

Nobunaga: "Which means that it's probably not the chain user." Nobunaga said.

Machi: "Why's that?" Machi asked.

Nobunaga: "I can sense multiple people tailing us but the chain user... probably works alone." Nobunaga answered.

Machi: "Think so?" Machi asked.

Nobunaga: "Yeah, he works ad a bodyguard for the Nostrade family, right? Yet he managed to defeat Uvo completely on his own, and that's no easy task." Nobunaga answered.

Nobunaga: "But the Mafia hasn't taken any action, which supports my theory. If they were responsible, they'd be using Uvo to threaten us whether he was dead or alive. Not to mention the news would probably be all over the web by now." Nobunaga said.

Nobunaga: "Since it's not, the chain user probably defeated Uvo alone, without ever reporting it to the Mafia. Doesn't make sense. Why would someone with ties to the Mafia work alone?" Nobunaga asked.

Nobunaga: "Probably a personal grudge." Nobunaga finished.

Machi: "Probably", huh? You've been saying that a lot." Machi said condescendingly.

Nobunaga: "Oh, shut up. If he went out seeking revenge without mafia backup, I doubt that he'd be teaming up with someone else. Thus, the chain used works alone. The group following us is totally unrelated." Nobunaga said.

Machi: "Impressive how full of holes your logic is." Machi said, making Nobunaga annoyed.

Nobunaga: "Okay, fine then. Let's hear what you think." Nobunaga said.

Machi: "All right. If you really must know... I suspect that there's a link between these guys and the chain user." Machi started.

Nobunaga: "Hunch again?" Nobunaga asked.

Machi: "It is." Machi answered.

Nobunaga: "You've gotta be kidding. People who rely on their gut feelings really shouldn't criticize someone else's logic." Nobunaga said.

Gon: "So, what do you think?" Gon asked Killua.

Killua: "They're waiting for someone, or trying to draw us out. One or the other." Killua answered.

Gon: "Yeah, but do you think they know we're following them?" Gon asked.

Killua: "Right now, it's fifty-fifty. But they definitely dont know our location. That's why they're trying to lure us out. They want is to show ourselves." Killua answered.

Gon: "What do we do?" Gon asked.

Killua: "They might be waiting for someone else. Hold your position." Killua said as Nobunaga's phone rang.

Killua: "Gon, I'm hanging up. Pay close attention and if they react at all, we're gonna make a run for it. And don't stop! Th next time I ring it means we bail. Got it?" Killua asked while sweating.

Gon: "Yeah, I got it." Gon answered.

Phinks: "It's Phinks." Phinks said over the phone.

Nobunaga: "Oh, what's up, Phinks?" Nobunaga asked.

Phinks: "Just wanted to see how you're doing." Phinks responded.

Nobunaga: "We were being followed for a while, but they haven't made their move. And we cant locate them, so this'll take some time." Nobunaga said.

Phinks: "Oh, yeah? Then how about a hint?" Phinks said.

Nobunaga: "Wait, what are you talking about?" Nobunaga asked.

Then, Phinks proceeded to say something to him. After that, Nobunaga looked directly at where Gon and Killua were. Making them Dash away.

But Killua was blocked off by Phinks, and Gon by Pakunoda. Then, Killua proceeds to jump around the room, attempting to create a diversion.

But Phinks could follow him perfectly. And after a few seconds, he manages to grab Killuas leg, making him stop in his tracks.

Killus then tries to throw some rocks at Phinks, but he just dodges them.

Phinks: 'A diversion?' Phinks asked himself while Killua attempted to kick him, but he just catches his leg.

Killua: 'He blocked it easily, with his left hand!' Killua thought to himself as he dug his hands in the ground.

Killua then proceeds to twist himself out of Phink's grip and jump away, making Phinks slightly impressed.

Nobunaga: "Hey." Nobunaga said from behind Killua.

Nobunaga: "Hello, Phinks. What are you doing here? I swear I was told that you were heading out with the Boss." Nobunaga asked.

Phinks: "Well, like they say, "deceive your allies to deceive your enemies"." Phinks responded.

Nobunaga: "Looks like the Boss got me good again. Zetsu masters all over the place? Guess I should've known..." Nobunaga said as he walked toward Killua.

Killua: 'They tailed us while we tailed them? And our targets didn't know?! They tricked us!' Killua thought to himself.

Nobunaga: "So, kiddo... I've got a couple of questions for you." Nobunaga said.

Pakunoda: "Do you know the chain user and think before you answer." Pakunoda said.

Machi: "He's a Nen user who fights with chains. We're trying to find him. Is he the one who asked you to follow us? Was this his idea?" Machi asked.

Gon: "I don't know. We followed you two for our own reasons and not anybody else's." Gon answered.

Gon: 'I just need a split second, an opening, to get away!' Gon thought to himself.

Machi: "Your thoughts?" Machi asked Pakunoda.

Pakunoda: "I just can't tell... If he's lying, he's certainly good at it." Pakunoda responded.

Pakunoda: "Why don't I check." Pakunoda said.

Nobunaga: "Question one: Why were you following us? Be concise." Nobunaga said.

Killua: 'A bad lie will make things worse.' Killua thought to himself.

Killua: "Because the Mafia had put out a huge bounty on your heads. Websites are offering a lot of money just for information on your whereabouts." Killua answered.

Nobunaga: "Question two: Who taught you to track people?" Nobunaga asked.

Killua: "I guess mainly... I used a Nen ability called Zetsu. See, I... want to be a pro Hunter." Killua answered.

Nobunaga: "Who taught you to do that?" Nobunaga asked.

Killua: "It was a Shingen-ryu master." Killua answered.

Nobunaga: "And three: Do you know a Nen user who fights with chains?" Nobunaga asked.

Killua: "Fights with chains?" Killua asked.

Nobunaga: "He'd be a Conjurer or Manipulation." Nobunaga added.

Phinks: "We want to know if your master has chains hanging from his right arm. Or is it you? You should come clean right now if it is." Phinks said.

Killua: "I really don't know. My master is an Enhancer and... he just taught me the four basic exercises, nothing more." Killua answered.

Nobunaga: "Well, that's a pity. If you don't know, we got nothing. It's time for the last question. I'll give you two choices but think carefully before you answer." Nobunaga said.

Nobunaga: "Do you want to die now or later? It's up to you." Nobunaga asked threateningly.

Phinks: "You have three seconds." Phinks said, scaring Killua shitless.

Then, Pakunoda's phone buzzes. Seeing this as an opportunity to run, Gon tries such. But Machi stops him before he could even move.

Machi: "It's no use. Don't try anything." Machi said.

Pakunoda: "Yes. Understood. On our way." Pakunoda said as she hung up.

Pakunoda: "Little boy. That friend of yours surrendered quietly." Pakunoda said.


Pakunoda: "I'll ask again. Do you know the chain user?" Pakunoda asked.

Gon: "I already told you that before. I don't!" Gon said in an annoyed tone.

Pakunoda: "I see. What about you, boy? Do you have any guesses?" Pakunoda asked Killua.

Then, they arrive at a large abandoned building.

Pakunoda: "Welcome to our hideout." Pakunoda said.

Then, Gon and Killua see all the other members of the troupe. But one particular member catches their eye.

Killua: "Hey, What the hell?!" Killua said while visibly sweating at the sight of one member.

Gon: "What the hell are you doing here?!" Gon asked, his voice shaky.

Pakunoda: "Hm?" Pakunoda said while looking at what Gon and Killua are looking at.

Pakunoda: "Oh! They seem to know you... Sukuna."

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