Wicked Game || CURRENTLY EDIT...

Por Mendesmycam

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Stranger Things x MCU IMPORTANT: This book is undergoing major changes so I wouldn't read it just yet. Y/n i... MΓ‘s

Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Chapter 2: Never Ending Romance
Chapter 3: If You Leave
Chapter 4: 32 Years?
Chapter 5: 80s Chick
Chapter 6: Screwed Over By Time
Chapter 7: Friends
Chapter 8: 2010s' House Party
Chapter 9: Stranger Things
Chapter 10: Protective Spidey
Chapter 11: Dreaming Of You
Chapter 12: She'll Be Ready One Day
Chapter 13: Captain America & Wanda Maximoff
Chapter 14: CA & WM Pt. 2
Chapter 15: What I Need to Say to You
Chapter 16: Hard to Say I'm Sorry
Chapter 17: Homecoming?
Chapter 18: The Lady In Red
Chapter 19: The Vulture
Chapter 21: A Strange Reunion
Chapter 22: I Feel Stronger
Chapter 23: Peter, You Precious Boy
Chapter 24: Memory Lane
Chapter 25: Jonathan Byers
Chapter 26: Newfound Feelings
Chapter 27: The Power of Love
Chapter 28: From An Infinity Stone?
Chapter 29: Wakanda Forever
Chapter 30: Another One Bites the Dust
Chapter 31: So This Is Hawkins
Chapter 32: Endgame
Chapter 33: The Funeral
Chapter 34: Thank You, Steve
Chapter 35: All Thanks to Morgan Stark
Chapter 36: SWORD
Chapter 37: 50s Suburbia
Chapter 38: 50s Suburbia Part 2
Chapter 39: For the Children
Chapter 40: For the Children Part 2
Chapter 41: Now in Color
Chapter 42: Now in Color Part 2
Chapter 43: We Interrupt This Program
Chapter 44: We Interrupt This Program Part 2
Chapter 45: The 80s Are Back
Chapter 46: The 80s Are Back Part 2
Chapter 47: The 80s Are Back Part 3
Chapter 48: Sister, Sister, Brother
Chapter 49: Sister, Sister, Brother Part 2
Chapter 50: Breaking the Fourth Wall
Chapter 51: Breaking the Fourth Wall Part 2
Chapter 52: And That Makes You...
Chapter 53: And That Makes You... Part 2
Chapter 54: That's a Wrap
Chapter 55: That's a Wrap Part 2
Chapter 56: That's a Wrap Part 3
Chapter 57: Back in the Real World
Chapter 58: You Remember That?
Chapter 59: Like We're Stupid Teenagers
Chapter 60: Could I Get a Copy?
Chapter 61: Strange Surprises
Chapter 62: There Are Stranger Things
Chapter 63: You Are a Freak
Chapter 64: The Star-Spangled Man
Chapter 65: Head Games
Chapter 66: The Real Slim Shady
Chapter 67: Freaky Friday
Chapter 68: That's My Captain America
Chapter 69: I Could Fall in Love
Chapter 70: Peter's Plan
Chapter 71: New Attitude
Chapter 72: Airplane Bathroom
Chapter 73: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Chapter 74: Man of Mystery
Chapter 75: AmethystSpider
Chapter 76: You're a Good Person
Chapter 77: Hey, Peter... I Miss You
Chapter 78: Take Off Your Clothes
Chapter 79: Peter the Cheater
Chapter 80: This Is Causing Me Stress
Chapter 81: Night at the Opera
Chapter 82: Were They Wrong?
Chapter 83: Nothing to Say
Chapter 84: How Does He Do This?
Chapter 85: I'm Not Amethyst
Chapter 86: Mysterio Is a Fraud
Chapter 87: You Don't Know What's Real
Chapter 88: If You Were Good Enough
Chapter 89: I Just Really Miss Him
Chapter 90: The Dream Team
Chapter 91: Mind Game
Chapter 92: You're Done, Beck
Chapter 93: Psychofreak
Chapter 94: Chiquitita
Chapter 95: Digging Up the Past
Chapter 96: Back to the Future
Chapter 97: Did You Feel Anything?
Chapter 98: Live Your Life
Ending 1: Be My Last ~ Peter
Ending 2: Back to You ~ Jonathan
IMPORTANT!!! - Please Read

Chapter 20: The New Avenger

615 19 9
Por Mendesmycam

Y/n's POV:

I sit in physics, feeling uncomfortable because Ezra is in this class. I've avoided him all day, even during the other two classes we share. I know I need to apologize but I don't know how. The teacher explains the lab we have to conduct then sends us off to find a lab partner. "Two people per table," she instructs.

I stroll over to an empty table and wait for my usual partner to show up. I feel a presence on the opposite side of the table and look up, expecting to see her. My face flushes when I see someone else in her place.

"Hey... I switched with Elena, I hope that's okay," Ezra hopefully speaks.

I grin awkwardly and nod. I begin to set up the equipment and he just studies me, staying silent for a while until he decides to speak up.

"We need to talk," he declares.

"I know," I sigh.

"Why did you ditch me last night? I thought we were having a good time," he says as he pours liquid into a graduated cylinder.

"We were! I was! I told you, something came up..."

"Look, you don't have to lie. If you weren't feeling it-"

"No, I'm not lying. It wasn't that. Something happened, something personal... I can't talk about it, okay? It had nothing to do with you," I interject.

Ezra sighs, looking somewhat relieved but not 100% convinced. "Okay, I get it... but to be honest, I didn't feel like you were all there."

I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"It was like you were with me but you weren't. Like your mind was somewhere else," he explains. I look down, feeling somewhat embarrassed. I can't believe I'm so transparent that even he noticed my inner war. "Does it have to do with that guy?" he inquires.

"What guy?" Maybe he saw me run after Peter. He pulls out his phone and opens Safari. He shows me the screen, which has an article with a photo of Jonathan and me. Oh, that guy. My heart clenches as I view the photo and it must be evident on my face because Ezra makes a comment. "It is because of him," he sighs. I remain quiet.

"I read an article that talked about you and him, your life before the incident. So, I guess I understand why you're not really into me."

I finally look up at him, feeling awful for hurting him. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to lead you on, I just-"

"It's okay," he assures me. "If you don't mind, I'd love for us to be friends," he requests. I smile at him, grateful for how understanding he is. He really does deserve the world, I just can't be the one to give it to him. "I'd love that," I respond. We both smile and finish our experiment. As we're writing down our observations, the teacher suddenly calls my name.

"Y/n, someone's here to pick you up. You're going home," she tells me. I pack up my stuff and say bye to Ezra before exiting the room and heading to the office. I already know why I'm going home early and I'm pretty excited. When I arrive, I see Happy waiting for me and we walk out of the school and to the car. Peter is there waiting for us.

"Y/n? What's going on, why are we both leaving?" he curiously asks. I only shrug.


"Take a look. It's pretty impressive, huh?" Happy notes as we near the compound. Peter leans forward in his seat as he ogles at the facility, amazed. "They just finished remodeling the whole thing."

Peter leans back and watches the building from the window. I giggle at the astounded look on his face. He whips his head around to face me and comments, "I can't believe you live here!"

"Yeah, I know. It's pretty cool," I reply with a big smile. Happy parks in front of the main entrance and we climb out of the vehicle. When we enter the facility, Peter looks around, examining everything. The sound of an engine captures his attention and he goes over to the window to watch a jet taking off in the air. His eyes sparkle as he stares out the window with a satisfied grin. He turns to me and smiles brightly before looking at Happy, who remarks, "you don't see that every day."

"I do," I voice with a shrug. Happy rolls his eyes while Peter chuckles. The moment is cut short when the man of the hour arrives.

"Oh, there they are," Tony pronounces as he suavely walks up to us. "How was the ride up?"

"Good," Happy replies.

"Give me a minute with the kid."


"Yeah. I gotta talk to the kid."

"I'll be close behind," Happy discloses, not wanting to leave his side. "And I will be to your right," I add as I go to stand next to Tony. He nods and turns his attention to Happy, "How about a loose follow, alright? Boundaries are good."

He leaves Happy behind and we approach Peter, who's just standing there awkwardly. He gives him a friendly punch on the arm then pats his shoulder. "Sorry I took your suit. I mean, you had it coming," he commences as he grips onto Peter's shoulder.

"Actually, it turns out it was the perfect tough-love moment that you needed, right? To urge you on, right? Wouldn't you think? Don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess," Peter responds.

"Let's just say it was," Tony mentions at the same time before sighing contently.

"Mr. Stark, I really-"

"You screwed the pooch hard. Bigtime. But then you did the right thing. Took the dog to the free clinic, you raised the hybrid puppies... alright, not my best analogy," Tony interrupts himself. "I was wrong about you. I think with a little more mentoring, you could be a real asset to the team."

He pats his shoulder again and walks around to Peter's right side. I remain silent, just smiling at the two. "To the- to the- to the team?" Peter stutters.

"Yeah. Anyway, there's about 50 reporters behind that door. Real ones, not bloggers," Tony quickly chimes in. He lifts his arm up and taps his fingers on his watch, which opens up the wall in front of us. "When you're ready... why don't you try that on?"

A new Spidey suit is revealed and Tony steps toward it as he proceeds his speech. "And I'll introduce the world to the newest official members of the Avengers: Spider-Man." He taps at his watch again and the platform the suit is on turns, showcasing a violet-colored suit and mask.

"...And Amethyst."

Peter's eyes widen and his head snaps from side to side to look at Tony and I. "What? You-"

"Tony offered last night and I said yes," I convey with a huge smile. I told Tony and the others what occurred last night when they saw me arrive messily in a different outfit. He admitted that he'd been thinking of recruiting me to the team since our first conversation but wasn't sure if I was ready. Last night's events convinced him that I'd fit right in.

"Wow, y/n that's so exciting for you! You'll be a great Avenger," Peter expresses, his dazed eyes staring into mine.

"Thanks," I enthusiastically reply.

Tony changes the platform back to the Spider suit and Peter looks back at it, slowly stepping toward it. He chuckles nervously as he studies it. "So after the press conference, Happy will show you your room, your new quarters. Where's he between? Uh, he's next to y/n?" Tony chatters.

"Yeah, right next door," Happy confirms.

"Ah, they're already besties so it's perfect," Tony comments. "You'll fit right in," he addresses Peter.

I just stare at Peter, noticing his facial expression. Something tells me that he's thinking of rejecting the offer. He turns around to Tony and voices, "thank you, Mr. Stark... but I'm- I'm good."

Tony frowns, puzzled. Oh no. I don't think he's used to people rejecting him. "You're good? Goo- how are you good?" he questions.

"Well, I- I mean, I'd rather just stay on the ground for a little while. Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Somebody's got to look out for the little guy, right?" Peter justifies himself. Tony's expression doesn't change, it's kind of amusing.

"You're turning me down?" he inquires as he snatches his glasses off. "You better think about this. Look at that," he remarks, pointing at the suit. "Look at me," he continues as he intensely stares at Peter. "Last chance, yes or no?"

"No," Peter immediately answers.

"Okay. It's kind of a Springsteen-y, working-class hero vibe that I dig. Ah, Happy will take you home, yeah?" Tony chats.

"Yeah," Happy speaks as he approaches them. "Mind waiting in the car? I need a minute."

Peter looks at Tony, "thank you, Mr. Stark."

"Yes, Mr. Parker. Very well," he responds, shaking his hand.

"See you around."

He walks away and I follow him. "Pete, wait!"

He slows down so I can catch up and we keep walking until he suddenly halts. "That was a test, right? They're not waiting for me?" he addresses Tony.

"Yes, you passed," Tony lies. "Alright, skedaddle there... young buck."

"Thank you, Mr. Stark. Thank you!"

"Yeah, thank you," Tony answers.

We turn around and proceed to walk away. "I didn't think you'd say no. I mean, wasn't this like your dream?" I question.

Peter shrugs. "Yeah, but I think I should remain the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man for a while... and besides, they have you now. The world needs Amethyst way more than it needs Spider-Man right now."

His words make me smile. We push the doors open and stand outside at the top of the stairs. "Well, I hope you change your mind one day. We make a pretty good team... and I was really looking forward to being neighbors," I mention.

"The best team... and don't worry, it'll happen," he chuckles. He stares at me with a soft grin.

"Well, I gotta go change... it's time to be introduced to the world," I note.

"They're gonna love you. I mean, I do," he says without thinking. I cock my eyebrow and tilt my head. His eyes widen when he realizes what he said.

"I- I mean, I don't love you- I mean, I do but not-" he nervously stutters, his face turning crimson red. I laugh at his reaction.

"It's okay, Pete. I know what you mean... I love you too," I pipe up. I lean in and press a light kiss to his cheek. When I pull away, he stands there frozen in place with a red face. I smile at this. He's so awkward, it's adorable. He smiles from ear to ear and steps back, almost falling down the stairs. He steadies himself and says "bye" before jogging down the steps.

I watch him leave then quickly run back inside. "Y/n! You need to change, everyone's waiting," Pepper shouts out as she sees me coming. She immediately stops talking when I wave my hand up, making the clothes fly off the mannequin and after me as I sprint into the nearest room. I rapidly tear off my clothes and put on the new outfit. I place the violet mask over the eyes area of my face and fix my hair before rushing out of the room.

I walk up to the three adults and say, "I'm here."

"You ready, kiddo?" Tony asks me, setting a comforting hand on my shoulder. I take in a nervous breath and nod my head. "You'll be fine, the world is gonna love you."

"We have to go in now," Pepper chimes in. I nod and Tony starts to walk toward the door. I instinctively grab his hand, hoping it'll calm my nerves. He looks down and smiles kindly at me. "I'm gonna go in and introduce you and then you'll walk in when the door opens. Pepper will be right behind you, okay?"

"Okay," I whisper. He lets go of my hand and goes into the room. A minute later, the door opens up, meaning that it's time for me to go in. Flashes immediately start to go off as photographers snap pictures of me and I hear whispers in the crowd. Tony gestures me over and I walk up and stand behind the podium. I nervously scan the crowd but pretend to be confident.

"Good afternoon, I am Amethyst..." I glance at Tony, who gives me a reassuring smile. I smile back, a boost of confidence suddenly hitting me. I look back at the reporters and proceed with my speech. "I know that this is the first time you're seeing me and you probably have a lot of questions. Where did she come from? Will she protect us? Can I trust her? I just want you to know that I will do everything in my power to protect this planet and everyone in it."

I open my mouth to continue when a reporter interrupts me. "Why is your identity concealed?"

"It is my choice to keep my identity a secret to protect my loved ones and to have the opportunity to still lead a somewhat normal life."

The man nods and another reporter speaks up. "You supposedly have the same powers as Wanda Maximoff. Are they exactly the same?"

Tony immediately steps up to the podium. "Yes, they have the same powers, except that her energy is purple instead of red, hence the name."

My powers aren't necessarily equal to Wanda's and Tony knows that. I wonder why he failed to mention that. He looks into the sea of reporters and declares, "And now I'd like to give an official welcome to the newest member of the Avengers: Amethyst." He turns to me and sticks his hand out. I take it and we shake firmly.

"Welcome," he tells me as the audience claps. I smile and thank him. He lets go of my hand and speaks into the microphone, "Thank you for coming, there'll be no further questions."

He leads me to the door as the reporters begin to shout questions at us. We ignore them and exit the room. As soon as we're out, I release a breath I was holding and jump into Tony's arms. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe this is happening!" I freak out. He chuckles and hugs back.

"Believe it, kid. It's happening."

I pull away and hug Pepper and Happy out of excitement. They're both taken aback by my sudden action but return the hug anyway. Man, I never thought that this would be my life. Maybe this is the reason I was plucked from my time and dropped here. Saving the world is my calling. "Thank you, you've given me so much to look forward to in this new life," I tell Tony. It's the truth. He put a roof over my head, lead me to Peter and my other friends, and put Wanda and Steve in my path, who help me navigate my abilities.

"No, thank you," he smiles warmly. I smile back but then remember my burning question.

"Why did you say that I'm like Wanda? My powers are definitely not on her level."

"Oh," he starts. "That's because I found a way to fix your little problem and enhance your powers at the same time... if you want that, of course." A smug smile forms on his face as my jaw drops.

"W-what? Are you serious?" The excitement begins to build up inside me.

"Dead serious... I found the source that gave you your powers."



I'm so sorry if you don't like the superhero name, It was really hard to try to come up with one. If you're alright with it then cool, but if not then, as usual, you can change it if you want! The suit is pretty simple because I plan on upgrading it later on, as superheroes usually do over time. Thank you for reading  <3

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