“Go out of my office.” She ordered with a balanced tone of voice. I leant in the chair, showing my conviction to stay in her office. “Fine.”

She made the last steps to the desk and reached for the phone on the table. Her brown eyes lingered on me, trying to understand what’s happening in my head. A smirk slowly formed on my red lips when she realized she couldn’t call the security.

Her arms were folded to question me with her eyes. I only shrugged, feeling the good vibe of the game I was playing. I started to find funny to see her that way.

The atmosphere couldn’t be heavier. The electricity running in our exchanged gazes demonstrated the arising tension between the two of us.

“I just cut the line of your phone.” I replied with a light tone, as if the worry that she’d react violently didn’t pester me.

“Fine. I’m going to call them myself.” She announced and turned around to walk to the door. She gasped in annoyance when she saw Styles posted at the door. A smirk owned his facial expression, as he leant nonchalantly on the frame of the door, blocking her way out. He had grown with confidence, too.

Helen whirled around to look back at me, her eyebrow raised in certain confusion. Her arms untangled as she paced back to the desk.

“Oh, you have really bad taste for men.” She observed, pointing at Styles who stayed at the door.

I slowly hopped off the comfortable chair that I had missed a lot for the past month. She, little by little, realized that I was there for a good reason.

“If you come back here to ask me to write your name back in my wills, leave now. I had decided so.” She stated, extending her arm to throw her heavy bag onto the desk.

“Oh I’m here for something else.” I proposed, in a commanding tone. I sat on the corner of the wooden desk, one of my feet hanging while the other one was on the ground.

“I’m not talking to you.” She grumbled.

“Unless we talk, you’re not leaving this room.” I replied, pointing at Styles who seductively played his role. The fear I had for my mother was fading gradually as I grew with confidence. I found easier to breathe and to move. But the air kept uncomfortably hot.

“Go ahead then.” She said, sitting down on the chair in front of the desk.

One,” I began, leaning in, to look at her eyes. “why did you dismiss me?”

“You humiliated me by hiring men in here, wasn’t it clear enough?” she almost yelled, gasping in annoyance. I had apparently tackled a touchy subject.

“Um, it was clear. But it was to help the company.” I snapped, keeping the eye-contact to destabilize her more.

“The company had always managed every problem without men for twenty-five years.”

I chuckled, it was so faked but it came out. Her forehead was spread with wrinkles, making her look older.

“Oh without men? You called two men, three years ago to help you through financial problems.” I said, making slide a few papers towards her side of the desk. I could notice her muscles tense when she saw the document. First stab, I congratulated myself.

She looked up to me, her eyes burning in a profound irritation.

“So what?” she asked, folding her arms on her chest and leaning in her chair. Her reaction got me a bit surprised, I didn’t expect her to act so unperturbedly.

I internally told myself not to look at Styles to beg for help, because my brain was ripped into pieces.

“You needed to call men as well. But you dismissed me because I was making a better job for your company than you do.” The words popped out of nowhere. But they seemed to reach her, since her glare intensified. I took a quick look at Styles, he nodded, motioning for me to continue.

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