Chapter 32- Mothers Pt 1/2

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TW: Assassination attempt, Fighting, Violence, Blood Mention, Injuries

Oh yeah, guess what time it is? That's right it's flashback time *Jazz hands*

Just another reminder these events take place before Virgil became selectively mute. This is two years before Remus met Janus and Virgil

Four Years Ago: 

It was a beautiful day, that was undeniable. The sky was bright blue with fluffy white clouds floating in it. The sun was golden as it hung in the sky, the warmth it provided was perfect. Not too hot and not too cold. The wind would blow every once in a while and with it came the smell of spring flowers. The birds and animals seemed to be singing in delight, everything seemed perfect. It was nice compared to how it had been in the capital these past few weeks.

Their mother had taken them away from the castle for the rest of the month. It had been raining and stormy non-stop back home for three weeks and the air around it had become just as dark and gloomy as the weather. Their father and uncle had been so stressed lately dealing with transactions and communication between the Light Realm. Just trying to avoid another war, nothing out of the ordinary when it came to the two kingdoms that were constantly at odds with each other. 

The rain had only added to that stress because it had been raining for so long they were now dealing with flooding, it was ruining their crops and the land. They had plans to dig trenches but it was only causing mudslides, they had gotten lucky that nobody had lost their life to those yet. The aura around the palace had become so stressful that it was practically contagious. The queen had finally had enough when she found Janus becoming angry over the math equations his tutor was having him do. So they had taken the journey to the place she had grown up, a much better atmosphere compared to the one they had been dealing with lately.

This morning the queen and her sons had snuck away from the royal guards in an effort to spend some actual time alone. Their mother, ever the bad influence, had never liked the royal guards following her around everywhere they went. Like her sons, it was not uncommon for her to sneak away from them. She complained often about not having any time to herself or with her family because there was always a guard nearby. She couldn't even take a bath without the guard pounding on the door every five minutes to make sure she hadn't drowned. So yes, this morning she and her sons had snuck off without them.

They were in a meadow now, playing within a clearing of trees with a shallow river of water running right down the middle. Virgil, only twelve years old at this point in time, was hopping between rocks. Every once in a while, he would slip and fall into the shallow water. There was no real danger though, it was only a few inches deep, he'd just climb back onto the rocks and start again. Janus stood at the bank of the river, trying to learn how to do a minor water manipulation spell. He wanted to create an orb of water with a fish inside it, a miny aquarium if you will. The hard part was getting the fish, the rest came easily. At fifteen he had a strong and determined will to learn as much as he could, he was caring and protective over his younger brother. 

His trait name had been given to him a couple years prior and it definitely seemed to fit now. Though, before he had been given his trait-name Janus would try to repress this quality of him. And when the name had been given to him, he had hated it. He had tried so hard to be given a positive trait name, he hadn't wanted to be a liar or manipulator. He had wanted a name like his mothers, Joy, instead, he got Deceit. How was anybody to trust him with a trait name like that? How was he to be a ruler when everyone thought him a liar? How were other kingdoms supposed to trust him enough to work with him? 

Of course, he should have expected it. It was widely known that you can't hide your defining trait from those that give them. The fere, what they call those that assign trait names, were trained in an archaic art that allowed them to see one's true defining trait. There was no hiding it. 

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