Chapter 8- Destroyed

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Hey guys, I'm sorry for missing Monday and being late today. Wattpad was being weird and not letting me update.

TW: Death, Grief, PTSD, Violence, Attempted Kidnapping/Murder, 

"How can you be afraid of horses?" Roman asked as he laughed at Virgil. 

Virgil's face was a bright shade of red, he deeply regretted sharing that information with Roman, 'It's not my fault. Remus and Dee trained all the castle horses to try and bite me anytime I got close'  he wrote the words down on the notepad he had been given. Roman laughed again.

"That doesn't surprise me. But these won't bite you here I'll show you" Roman said, he reached forward and grabbed Virgil's wrist. Virgil froze at his touch and was unable to pull away from him as Roman placed his hand onto a horse's neck. "See? They're friendly." Roman turned back to Virgil, "Hey are you okay?"

"Roman!" Patton yelled as he handed the reins of his horse to a stable boy before quickly approaching, "Let Ann go right now, you're scaring him. And say sorry."

Roman looked back and forth between Patton and Virgil before dropping his hand, "Sorry Ann, I forgot about the whole touching thing."

Virgil pulled his hands close to his body again and stared at the ground, "Come on Ann, you can ride Lucy. She's the sweetest horse you'll ever meet and she's really fast, just like you. And she gets along great with Molly" Patton said before starting towards a horse farther down the stables. He gently led the horse over to Virgil. "Roman's right, none of the horses here will try and hurt you unless you do them wrong. Do you still know how to ride?"

Virgil nodded as he found his courage to approach the horse. Lucy was a tall American quarter horse with a long black mane that came in front of her eyes. She moved forward, making Virgil jump a little until he realized she was just searching him for treats. Patton laughed lightly before leading them towards his own horse. He took the reigns back from the stable boy and smiled. "This is Molly" he announced to Virgil, "I've had her since I was twelve. She's almost as sweet as Lucy is."

 Virgil nodded as Patton spoke. Molly had a grey coat and was taller than both Lucy and Poe, Logan's horse, she came towards Lucy as if checking on her before staring at Virgil. "... but be careful, Lucy and Molly are a team. They help each other all the time, Molly distracts people while Lucy takes their apples and sugar cubes. It's kinda cute."

Virgil laughed a little at what Patton said. "Roman's horse is named Jezebel, she thinks she's the leader. So does Logan's horse. But the truth is that Molly's the only one they'll all listen to. Jezebel and Poe are always fighting or competing, it's hilarious." Virgil nodded again, smiling lightly at Patton as he continued to talk about the horses.

A few minutes later Patton stopped talking and looked towards the king and queen who were starting to say their goodbyes to Roman, "Stay safe Roman and be smart. Listen to the others and work with them" His mother said as she placed her hands on Romans shoulders, "We want your brother back just as much as you do but losing one son in exchange for the other isn't any better..." the king and queen continued saying their farewells, reminding Roman countless times that they loved him before handing him a letter to give to Remus when they found him. Roman smiled before giving his parents one more hug.

The king and queen then turned to Virgil and Patton, "Prince Virgil, we're sorry about what happened to the Dark Realm. When you return, no matter the outcome, the Light Realm will offer you support. Remember to send your refugees across the border, we will protect them"

Virgil nodded, 'Thank you, I will. I'm grateful for everything you've done'

The queen smiled sadly at him and reached out towards him, she placed a hand on Virgil's face and it took every ounce of strength in him to not jump away or smack her hand. "What we said to our son applies to you too. Your people will need a ruler, please don't do anything too dangerous"

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